Frost Death Knight DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 21:57 by Bicepspump 54 comments
General Information

On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Frost Death Knight in both single-target and multiple-target situations. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. in order to minmax your DPS. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).


Frost Death Knight Rotation

Welcome to our Rotation page for Frost Death Knights. Here we will go over everything you will need to know to optimally play your spec for Raiding and Mythic+ scenarios.


Single Target Rotation for Frost Death Knight

I have broken up the rotation into your core rotation as well as your cooldown usage. You can find the core rotation as well as openers below, and then the usage of Cooldowns further down the page.

  • Shattering Blade Icon Shattering Blade Talented
  1. Use Obliterate Icon Obliterate if you have a Killing Machine Icon Killing Machine proc.
  2. Use Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike to stack up your Icy Talons Icon Icy Talons and Unleashed Frenzy Icon Unleashed Frenzy or if the buffs are about to fall off.
  3. Use Remorseless Winter Icon Remorseless Winter on cooldown.
  4. Use Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike if you have 5 stacks of Rune of Razorice Icon Rune of Razorice.
  5. Use Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast, if you have a Rime Icon Rime proc.
  6. Use Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike, if you have 70+ Runic Power.
  7. Use Obliterate Icon Obliterate.
  8. Use Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike.

Now, we will translate this into something a bit more readable!

  • Use Obliterate Icon Obliterate to consume procs of Killing Machine Icon Killing Machine. Killing Machine procs are triggered off your critical auto attacks, so we must spend them relatively quickly to avoid wasting any procs (remember that you can stack Killing Machine Icon Killing Machine two times!). It also helps maintain your buffs via the Arctic Assault Icon Arctic Assault talent.
  • Use Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike to stack and maintain our Icy Talons Icon Icy Talons and Unleashed Frenzy Icon Unleashed Frenzy buffs. These will almost always be part of your talent setup and should be maintained. At the start of the encounter, this means prioritizing Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike over procs of Rime Icon Rime until you reach 5 stacks. Generally, Killing Machine Icon Killing Machine will maintain our stacks as Arctic Assault Icon Arctic Assault acts as if you casted Glacial Advance Icon Glacial Advance for the buffs. We also use it as a high priority when we want to consume Rune of Razorice Icon Rune of Razorice stacks with the Shattering Blade Icon Shattering Blade talent.
  • Spend your procs of Rime Icon Rime on Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast. We have this relatively high in our priority since we want to avoid "overcapping" procs. This is when you generate a proc when you already have one, wasting one use. Casting a naked Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast (without Rime) is only ever worthwhile to maintain your Frost Fever Icon Frost Fever. We also sometimes do this at the start of an encounter when we enter our first Obliteration Icon Obliteration window with insufficient Runic Power to use Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike.
  • Use Remorseless Winter Icon Remorseless Winter on cooldown. The power of this ability varies with the talents you use, but it is still always a DPS upgrade to use on cooldown. We pretty much always pick up most of the talents for it anyway.
  • Use Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike to avoid capping Runic Power. This priority comes after managing your Killing Machine Icon Killing Machine procs and Runes. You would rather overcap on Runic Power than sit on 4+ Runes.
  • Use Obliterate Icon Obliterate to spend Runes and generate Runic Power. Use Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike to spend the Runic Power you generate. This is the majority of your rotation where you build and spend your resources.

Multiple Target Rotation for Frost Death Knight

If you are using Glacial Advance Icon Glacial Advance, then use instead of Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike whenever you would have used Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike. With Frostwyrm's Fury Icon Frostwyrm's Fury, it is recommended that you synergize with Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost and as many targets as possible.

The multiple target rotation is as follows.

  • Glacial Advance Icon Glacial Advance Talented
  1. Use Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay.
  2. Use Obliterate Icon Obliterate, if you have a Killing Machine Icon Killing Machine proc.
  3. Use Remorseless Winter Icon Remorseless Winter.
  4. Use Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike if your @ Unleashed Frenzy Icon Unleashed Frenzy/ Icy Talons Icon Icy Talons is not at max stacks, or the buffs are about to fall off, or if you have 5 stacks of Rune of Razorice Icon Rune of Razorice and Shattered Frost Icon Shattered Frost talented. Tab through enemies to burst your Rune of Razorice Icon Rune of Razorice stacks on them.
  5. Use Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast, only if you have a Rime Icon Rime proc.
  6. Use Obliterate Icon Obliterate.
  7. Use Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike.

Your AoE rotation is almost identical to your single-target rotation, primarily being different when Glacial Advance Icon Glacial Advance is your Runic Power spender. Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay is also used in a new way, being your primary source of cleave to due Obliterate Icon Obliterate hitting up to three targets when you are standing in it. You generally do not care as much about Runic Power, and it is fine to cap it when prioritizing Rune Spenders.

Optimising your AoE damage is generally all about leveraging your Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay in your Obliteration Icon Obliteration windows properly! See the Obliteration Icon Obliteration priority in AoE further down this page for a more detailed discussion!





  • Chill Streak Icon Chill Streak Talented.
  • Deathbringer Talented.
  1. Use Abomination Limb Icon Abomination Limb.
  2. Use Remorseless Winter Icon Remorseless Winter.
  3. Use Chill Streak Icon Chill Streak.
  4. Use Empower Rune Weapon Icon Empower Rune Weapon + Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost + Raise Dead Icon Raise Dead + Reaper's Mark Icon Reaper's Mark + Racial + Trinket.
  5. Use Empower Rune Weapon Icon Empower Rune Weapon + Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost + Raise Dead Icon Raise Dead + Frostwyrm's Fury Icon Frostwyrm's Fury + Racial + Trinket.
  6. Follow the "rotation during Obliteration priority" (below).

You have a high priority to stack up Unleashed Frenzy Icon Unleashed Frenzy and Icy Talons Icon Icy Talons in your first Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost window, essentially ignoring Rime Icon Rime until you have stacked up 5 stacks of the buff. This should not take long, however, as your Killing Machine Icon Killing Machines will stack them up as well.

For AoE, the opener stays pretty much the same. The one difference is that you use Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay after you have generated two stacks of Killing Machine Icon Killing Machine in your Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost window (when running The Long Winter Icon The Long Winter)! With The Long Winter, you Death and Decay before your Pillar! Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay provides 14 seconds of Cleave and Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost lasts for 12-18 seconds (with The Long Winter Icon The Long Winter talented).

We will generally run two charges of Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay in AoE. The way to use your second charge is right after a strong Death and Decay window! This often means you have left-over procs of Killing Machine Icon Killing Machine to spend, as well as buffs such as Trinket, Potion, and Empower Rune Weapon Icon Empower Rune Weapon! This second window also benefits from Enduring Strength Icon Enduring Strength, making it strong as well! As a final note, using your second Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay right after the first one means you cannot end up in a situation where you do not have a charge ready for a Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost window!


Rotation Priority during Pillar of Frost (Obliteration)

  • Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa Talented and Active
  • DW Obliteration Icon Obliteration Build Talented
  • Reaper of Souls Icon Reaper of Souls Talented
  1. Use Obliterate Icon Obliterate if you have a stack of Killing Machine Icon Killing Machine.
  2. Use Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast, if you have a Rime Icon Rime proc.

The idea here is to weave your abilities to both generate and consume the maximum amount of Killing Machine Icon Killing Machine procs! You can get procs of Killing Machine naturally, so make sure to be ready for when that happens to avoid overcapping on procs. It is important to ensure you have sufficient resources before entering the Obliteration Icon Obliteration window. This generally means saving some Runic Power and Runes ~5 seconds before the window. It is generally sufficient to enter with 2 or more Runes and 30 or more Runic Power. You can have less Runic Power if you have a proc of Rime Icon Rime.

Note that Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike has a higher priority than Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast when you need to either stack or refresh your Icy Talons Icon Icy Talons and Unleashed Frenzy Icon Unleashed Frenzy buffs! It is more important to maintain these buffs than to spend the proc of Rime Icon Rime. Furthermore, you should also use Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike above Rime Icon Rime procs when low on Runes. Due to them spending Runic Power, you have a higher probability of generating a Rune when using a Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike vs consuming a proc of Rime Icon Rime! Finally, with Shattering Blade Icon Shattering Blade, Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike again takes priority over Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast when at 5 stacks of Razorice Icon Razorice. You end up with so many cases that Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast rarely is prioritised.

The final Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast is an edge case where you are unlucky with your procs of Rime Icon Rime. You might end up depleting your Runic Power but still have a lot of Runes. We then send a naked Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast to trigger the next Killing Machine Icon Killing Machine.

Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa is a checkbox at the top due to it being a viable option to run in combination with Obliteration Icon Obliteration. When you do this, you essentially do not do your general weaving rotation. Instead, you continue with your Breath rotation and enjoy the increased number of Killing Machine Icon Killing Machine procs you get from using up your Rime Icon Rimes.

Just like in the general AoE rotation, Glacial Advance Icon Glacial Advance becomes your Runic Power spender of choice within your Obliteration Icon Obliteration window as soon as you are fighting 2+ targets (and have picked up this talent, normally in 2H Obliteration builds)!

Pooling appropriately before this window is also crucial. A significant part of your damage comes from your Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost windows, and you want to avoid starving on resources while in them. Try to dump Runic Power beforehand to generate extra Runes. Furthermore, you might want to sit around and do nothing just to generate extra resources before the window. As a general rule, pool 5 seconds before so that you have at least 2 Runes and 30 Runic Power when entering the window.

Finally, timing your Pillar with another GCD instantly is important to maximise the number of GCDs you can fit into your Pillar window. We do this by leveraging a macro, commonly using Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost and Reaper's Mark Icon Reaper's Mark together during a free GCD. Read more about these Macros in the Macros and Addons section of the guide!


Breath of Sindragosa

Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa is a unique cooldown that offers a quite different play style from Obliteration Icon Obliteration. Currently, you will experience an average duration of 45+ seconds with Heroism Icon Heroism / Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust and 30+ seconds without Heroism / Bloodlust. There are outliers where you do not get sufficient Runic Empowerment Icon Runic Empowerment or Murderous Efficiency Icon Murderous Efficiency procs that can cut it short. Furthermore, mechanics can force you out of range, which will ruin your uptime of Breath.


Opener for Breath of Sindragosa

  • Chill Streak Icon Chill Streak Talented.
  • Deathbringer Talented.
  1. Use Abomination Limb Icon Abomination Limb.
  2. Use Remorseless Winter Icon Remorseless Winter
  3. Use 2x Obliterate Icon Obliterate (use Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast if you get a Rime Icon Rime proc).
  4. Use Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay if you have a spare Rune.

Rotation During Breath of Sindragosa

  1. Use Obliterate Icon Obliterate if you are low on Runic Power (less than 60 RP).
  2. Use Remorseless Winter Icon Remorseless Winter on cooldown.
  3. Use Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast, only if you have a Rime Icon Rime proc or Frost Fever Icon Frost Fever is about to drop. Only use Howling Blast if you are above 60 Runic Power.
  4. Use Obliterate Icon Obliterate.
  5. Use Arcane Torrent Icon Arcane Torrent if you are a Blood Elf, and it will not overcap your Runic Power.

The Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa rotation is all about managing your Runic Power generation throughout your Breath. Your Runic Power drains at a rate of 17 per second, and you want to ensure this does not turn into a Runic Power deficit for long periods! The very first point to consider is the type of ability you use during your Breath. Never use an ability that costs Runic Power, as it will significantly reduce the duration of your Breath. Instead, you will pretty much only use Obliterate Icon Obliterate, Remorseless Winter Icon Remorseless Winter, and Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast with procs of Rime Icon Rime.

Before you initiate your Breath, you want to pool appropriate resources. For a Breath during Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust, this will only be around 60 Runic Power. Non-lusted Breath requires more resources, and you should aim to go to 80+ and have 1-2 Runes before you enter the Breath.

The start of your Breath will generally be very easy to manage. You will pool resources beforehand and have all your cooldowns available to help with your resources. Furthermore, you use Empower Rune Weapon Icon Empower Rune Weapon with your Breath to boost your initial Pillar window. Important to note here is to not blindly spam your Obliterate Icon Obliterate button. You can easily end up in scenarios where you have so many resources that you actually overcap on Runic Power and end up wasting it! Do not Obliterate Icon Obliterate if you are about to overcap on Runic Power and you have 3 or fewer Runes (in reality, we will overcap some Runic Power due to our very fast Rune recharge rate).

Once the initial resource-heavy phase is gone, you will start entering a region of potential Runic Power deficit. With good procs, you are fine and keep your Runic Power up, but with streaks of unlucky periods, your Runic Power will start to drop. This is the part where you want to actively manage your resource-generating cooldowns. Horn of Winter Icon Horn of Winter and Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell. Horn of Winter Icon Horn of Winter should be used quite aggressively, allowing for a potential second use during the Breath. Try to use it as soon as you run out of Runes, and it will not overcap your Runic Power. Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell should be used when you can soak up magic damage. Again, be quite aggressive to enable a potential second use, but also make sure the magic damage you soak is significant. Try to space out your cooldowns appropriately, and do not use them all at the same time. If used all together, you risk wasting resources.

In the final part of Breath, you are dropping further and further down. No resources cooldowns are left to use, and you just hope for good procs. Here, you will distinctly prioritize using Obliterate Icon Obliterate over Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast with Rime Icon Rime, as well as Remorseless Winter Icon Remorseless Winter. You want to optimize your Runic Power in the next GCD in the hope of getting potential procs. You can also consider using Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay, which gives you 10 Runic Power for one more tick and potentially more procs. Also, make sure to really spam your buttons here so that any Rune proc is used up ASAP!

Finally, let us consider the scenario when you are forced out of range due to mechanics. In this scenario, it can be viable to spam Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast to keep up your Breath! Try and make use of Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell and Horn of Winter Icon Horn of Winter to avoid using Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast since it is quite a waste of Runes to do it. Also, consider the extra Breath duration you gain by doing it. If your Breath is dropping 4-5 seconds after getting back to the boss anyway, using Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast will end up being a waste. In short, if you are forced out of range early in your Breath window, use all the tools you can to keep it up. If it is late in the window, only use naked Howling Blast Icon Howling Blasts if it will net you 5+ seconds or so of extra boss Breath uptime.


Cooldown Usage for Frost Death Knight

As a Frost Death Knight, you have 10 Core DPS cooldowns. Below, we explain how they are best used.

  • Reaper's Mark Icon Reaper's Mark should be used on cooldown with each Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost window (you should macro the two of them). We pick up Icecap Icon Icecap to make sure both Pillar and Reapers Mark have a 45-second cooldown, allowing you to align them every time. You can end up in situations where you might delay Reapers Mark into Pillar if you lack the resources to send it right at the start. Ideally, dump Runic Power around 5 seconds before each Pillar to gain sufficient Runes to send it with it.
  • Remorseless Winter Icon Remorseless Winter should be used on cooldown. However, refrain from using it during your Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost when running Obliteration Icon Obliteration builds.
  • Chill Streak Icon Chill Streak should be used on cooldown. Use it before each Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost (they align when you pick up Icecap Icon Icecap).
  • Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost should be used on cooldown, stacking it with potions or any on-use trinkets you have. Using this as soon as it comes up is very important for maximising your DPS.
  • Empower Rune Weapon Icon Empower Rune Weapon should be paired with your Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost windows. Even for Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa, you use it with the first Pillar window to boost the damage fully. Always save for 2min 15 seconds where you get your third Pillar window.
  • Frostwyrm's Fury Icon Frostwyrm's Fury should be used in synergy with Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost and on as many targets as possible. For Single Target, you ideally do not use it in Pillar unless you cannot generate or consume a Killing Machine Icon Killing Machine proc during the GCD. It is safe to wait until just after Pillar to send it. When using Rider of the Apocalypse, use with your Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost press to summon your Riders for the duration of Pillar! For advanced use, wait until you proc Bonegrinder Icon Bonegrinder in your Pillar before you send it.
  • Cold Heart Icon Cold Heart governs your Chains of Ice Icon Chains of Ice usage. Generally, use Chains of Ice Icon Chains of Ice at 16+ stacks of Cold Heart Icon Cold Heart. With Icecap Icon Icecap, simply use it with each window of Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost.
  • Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa should be used with your Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost windows, using it on pull and then after 2min 15 seconds. Make sure to pool resources before you use it, and time abilities such as Horn of Winter Icon Horn of Winter and Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell for when you start to starve in your Breath. Try to space them out evenly.
  • Obliteration Icon Obliteration alters your Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost. Once active, spend every GCD generating procs of Killing Machine Icon Killing Machine or consuming said procs. Use Empower Rune Weapon Icon Empower Rune Weapon 0-2 seconds before your Pillar of Frost. If you are running both Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa and Obliteration Icon Obliteration, only use Obliterate Icon Obliterate and consume procs of Rime Icon Rime in your Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost window.
  • Abomination Limb Icon Abomination Limb should generally be used on cooldown. Hold it for add waves that need grouping up.
  • Horn of Winter Icon Horn of Winter should be used to generate Resources when needed. In Breath, that means pressing it when you cannot cast Obliterate Icon Obliterate in a GCD and you will not overcap Runic Power by using the CD! For Obliteration Icon Obliteration builds, use it ahead of your Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost window when you are low on resources.
  • Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay should be used to enable cleave in AoE (with Cleaving Strikes Icon Cleaving Strikes). Time it with your Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost windows, using it after you have generated two stacks of Killing Machine Icon Killing Machine.
  • Frostscythe Icon Frostscythe should be used on Cooldown outside of your Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost windows.

You can read more about these cooldowns, as well as about any cooldowns you gain from talents in our dedicated section.


Optional Read: Mastering Your Frost Death Knight

Following the guide up to this point will allow you to play a Frost Death Knight at a very high level. That said, below, we go into a bit more detail about some aspects of the specialization.



The Frost Death Knight has a number of spells, both active and passive, that hit enemies in front of your character. Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa, Glacial Advance Icon Glacial Advance and Icy Death Torrent Icon Icy Death Torrent being the main ones. Due to this, positioning your character to face as many enemies as possible is crucial when doing AoE damage. Always stand at the edge of a pack of enemies and face inward to maximise your DPS.


Runes and Runic Power

Death Knights use a dual resource system of runes and Runic Power. While it is quite straightforward in how it works, we will explain it here for the sake of completion.



You have a total of 6 Runes, which are available by default. Some of your abilities have Rune costs, and whenever you use an ability that consumes one or more Runes, those Runes will immediately begin recharging. The exact amount of time it takes a Rune to recharge depends on how much Haste you have.

Whenever a Rune is consumed, you gain 10 Runic Power (more on that below).

At most, 3 of your runes can be charging up at the same time. It is therefore optimal to keep at least 3 runes on cooldown to maximise the recharge rate over the course of the fight.


Runic Power

Runic Power is a resource that resembles Rage, in the sense that it decays when out of combat, but does not decay during combat. As mentioned above, consuming Runes generates 10 Runic Power per Rune spent, and this is the primary means of generating Runic Power, although some abilities also help with this. You can have a maximum of 100 Runic Power.


Dual-Wielding Versus Two-Handed

Two-handed builds are viable in The War Within. They do viable damage and have a damage profile that does okay in certain scenarios.


Mastery: Frozen Heart

Mastery: Frozen Heart Icon Mastery: Frozen Heart increases all Frost damage that you do.



Frost Death Knights have two procs that will regularly show up in the rotation, so you must understand them.


Killing Machine Procs

Your auto-attack critical strikes have a chance to make your next Obliterate Icon Obliterate a guaranteed critical strike and deal Frost Damage, meaning it will scale off your Mastery and ignore armor. Killing Machine works based on the number of auto-attack critical strikes you have had since the last proc. For dual wield, the first time you get an auto-attack critical strike after your previous proc, you have a 30% chance to get a new proc. If this fails, the next auto attack has a 60% chance. If this also fails, you get a 90% proc chance and then a 100% proc chance if 3 auto-attack critical strikes have failed in a row.

Wielding a Two-Handed weapon and talenting into Might of the Frozen Wastes Icon Might of the Frozen Wastes increases these proc chances. You simply have a 100% chance to trigger a proc every time you get a critical auto-attack. Still, due to the lower attack speed of a Two-Handed weapon, and since you only have one weapon to attack with, you still get 28% fewer procs when with Two-Handed builds.

Generally, these procs should be used right away to ensure that no procs are overwritten.

If you have the Obliteration Icon Obliteration talent, then this ability causes each Frost Strike Icon Frost Strike, Glacial Advance Icon Glacial Advance, Soul Reaper Icon Soul Reaper and Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast to trigger Killing Machine Icon Killing Machine (for the duration of Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost). Aim to never overcap Killing Machine Icon Killing Machine, never actively generating one if you are already at 2 charges.


Rime Procs

Your Obliterate Icon Obliterate has a 45% chance of causing your next Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast to be free of cost and deal additional damage, thanks to Rime Icon Rime. These procs should be used quickly, most importantly generally, before Obliterate is used again to prevent the buff from being overwritten. It is not always the highest priority, but you should still try and prevent overwrites where possible.


Advanced Cooldown Usage


Reaper's Mark

Reaper's Mark Icon Reaper's Mark is the active ability you gain from the Deathbringer tree. With a 45-second cooldown, you can align it with every Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost window! Simply cast it with your Pillar macro every time.


Chill Streak

Throws a snowball at your enemy that bounces to nearby enemies, dealing damage each time. Can bounce off yourself if no enemies are nearby. Good synergy with Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost with Icecap Icon Icecap as you can send Chill Streak Icon Chill Streak before each Pillar window, allowing the bounces to overlap with the Strength buff. Use Chill Streak Icon Chill Streak the GCD before Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost when running both these talents.


Pillar of Frost

Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost grants you 30% Strength for 12 seconds, with a 1-minute cooldown. The cooldown can be reduced to 45 seconds with Icecap Icon Icecap, and the duration can be increased to 18 seconds with The Long Winter Icon The Long Winter.

You should use this ability on cooldown and ideally couple it with any potions or on-use trinkets you may have. That said, it can sometimes be better to save it for a few seconds until a high-priority target becomes available.


Empower Rune Weapon

Empower Rune Weapon Icon Empower Rune Weapon grants you 15% haste and generates 1 Rune and 5 Runic Power instantly and every 5 seconds for 20 seconds. It has a 120-second cooldown.

Empower Rune Weapon should generally be used in conjunction with Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost. The extra haste and resources help to make the most of these damage windows. This means saving it for 15 seconds after it comes up to use with Pillar at 2min 15seconds.

If you are using the Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa talent, Empower Rune Weapon is crucial to extending its duration. Generally, use it after 10-15 seconds, depending on how quickly you starve.

With Obliteration Icon Obliteration, it is ideal to use Empower Rune Weapon Icon Empower Rune Weapon a couple of seconds before your Pillar window. With The Long Winter Icon The Long Winter, wait until 0-2 seconds. Without, use it 2-7 seconds before. In AoE, always use it with Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost to boost your damage after the Pillar window ends.


Remorseless Winter

Remorseless Winter Icon Remorseless Winter deals damage and slows by 20% to all targets around you over 8 seconds. The damage and duration can be significantly increased with Gathering Storm Icon Gathering Storm, Biting Cold Icon Biting Cold, and Everfrost Icon Everfrost.

Generally use this spell on cooldown. An important part of this cooldown, when talented into Gathering Storm Icon Gathering Storm, is that you can refresh its duration with the maximum of 10 stacks rolling. If you can spend enough Runes to increase the duration by 10 seconds, you can then recast Remorseless Winter Icon Remorseless Winter and keep the 10 stacks. This is a huge damage increase and should always be aimed for. In some scenarios, you even have multiple seconds left on the buff once the cooldown comes off. In this case, wait until there is less than 2 seconds remaining on the buff before you recast it.

Everfrost Icon Everfrost works similarly, but you instead refresh a debuff on your enemies. It does not require quite as many Runes to be used as Gathering Storm Icon Gathering Storm to be extended.

Do not use Remorseless Winter Icon Remorseless Winter inside of Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost when running Obliteration Icon Obliteration builds, the GCD is not worth it.

There is further optimisation to be done with this talent if you really want to get into it. Since it has a 20 seconds cooldown, it does not quite line up with every Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost window. When possible, delay your next cast every so slightly to help align it. During Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust, you will extend it far enough that you can misalign it in the other direction. Try and make sure to not wait more than 5 seconds before your refresh Remorseless Winter Icon Remorseless Winter, even if you could extend it a bit further! In most cases, delay 2-3 seconds both times so you don't drop your Everfrost Icon Everfrost stacks.


Frostwyrm's Fury

The huge AoE burst of this spell warrants saving it for any potential add phases. As the value grows linearly with added targets, one use of this spell on three targets is better than three overall uses. Do always try to time it with your Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost in AoE. For pure single target with Obliteration Icon Obliteration, wait until just after your Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost to use it. If you are running Rider of the Apocalypse, use it with your Pillar press instead to summon the Horsemen for the duration of your Pillar!


Cold Heart

Cold Heart Icon Cold Heart turns your Chains of Ice Icon Chains of Ice slow into a powerful nuke that ramps over 40 seconds. As a rule of thumb, use Chains of Ice when above 16 stacks of Cold Heart. Do try to time it with procs of Unholy Strength Icon Unholy Strength, using Chains of Ice if this proc is about to fall off and you are above 16 stacks. It is also a good idea to use Chains of Ice in your Pillar of Frost window, as long as you have not specced into Obliteration Icon Obliteration. With Icecap Icon Icecap, you can hold it for each Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost window.


Horn of Winter

If you are using Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa, make sure to use Horn of Winter when you are low on Runes within the Breath of Sindragosa window. It is important not to hold on to it for too long as you will end up losing casts overall. Use it as soon as you cannot use Obliterate Icon Obliterate and it will not overcap Runic Power for you. Around 15-25 seconds into your Breath. With Obliteration Icon Obliteration, use it before your Pillar window to boost your resources for the burst.


Breath of Sindragosa

We have already covered the opener and priority when running this talent, but let us put it in words. Before using Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa, you want to pool some Runic Power (60+ with Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust, 80+ without). Do not worry too much about pooling any Runes. Breath of Sindragosa provides 2 Runes on activation, which is generally sufficient to get going. Once you have activated your Breath of Sindragosa, your highest priority is to prolong it as much as possible. This means using Obliterate Icon Obliterate to consume Runes and generate Runic Power. You should not simply mash this button as much as possible, though.

At the start of your Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa, you will most likely have a lot of Runic Power, making it important to not overcap on Runic Power as you hit your Obliterate Icon Obliterates. Only use Obliterate if you have more than 3 Runes (avoiding overcapping on Runes) or if your Runic Power deficit is greater than 20.

There are other spells to use within your Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa window. Howling Blast Icon Howling Blast should be used with procs of Rime Icon Rime (as long as you are at a healthy level of Runic Power, 60+ or so). Remorseless Winter Icon Remorseless Winter should also be used when available (your Breath of Sindragosa window is the easiest time to extend your Gathering Storm Icon Gathering Storm stacks).

Using your resource-generating cooldowns smartly in your Breath of Sindragosa Icon Breath of Sindragosa window is also crucial. Empower Rune Weapon Icon Empower Rune Weapon and Horn of Winter Icon Horn of Winter will give you the resources needed to maximize your Breath duration. Use Empower Rune Weapon Icon Empower Rune Weapon when you cast your Breath and save Horn of Winter Icon Horn of Winter for later, using it when you run out of Runes. After your Breath finishes, save Horn for before your Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost windows, to optimise your Obliteration Icon Obliteration damage.


Abomination Limb

This talent can either be used as a single-target moderate damage cooldown, a big AoE burst cooldown, or as a utility tool to help grip adds together. For any fight that has adds, you should save this cooldown for when they spawn. Both to maximize your own damage as well as the damage of your party. For pure single target, you simply use this spell on cooldown.



Frostscythe Icon Frostscythe is quite similar to Frostwyrm's Fury Icon Frostwyrm's Fury for its use. We simply press it as it comes up as long as we are not in our Pillar of Frost Icon Pillar of Frost window (the opportunity cost of using it during Pillar tends to be too high).



  • 24 Feb. 2025: Removed Soul Reaper usage (it is not worth to cast) and expanded on Remorseless Winter gameplay.
  • 20 Feb. 2025: Reviewed and updated for Patch 11.1.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Reviewed and update for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 08 Nov. 2024: Clarified Death and Decay use without TLW.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Updated openers to reflect Mark + Pillar, and added new reaper of soul talent gameplay.
  • 08 Oct. 2024: Updated Reapers Mark prio to be used with pillar.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Updated for The War Within Season 1.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed and Updated for Season 4, changing wording around Chill Streak and the old tier set.
  • 21 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 23 Jan. 2024: Added more detailed Fyralath priority.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Updated frostscythe priority.
  • 15 Dec. 2023: Updated Obliteration priority to not be greedy with double KM.
  • 15 Dec. 2023: Clarified DnD usage in AoE.
  • 01 Dec. 2023: Clarified Obliteration rotation with single ERW.
  • 12 Nov. 2023: Moved Remorseless Winter priority up and clarified refreshing with gathering storm.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2. Added Soul Reaper usage, clarified various bits and expanded on Chill Streak use.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Clarified gameplay around Fatal Fixation.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5.
  • 01 Jun. 2023: Expanded on Breath rotation and added Obliteration secondary burst window.
  • 01 May 2023: Reviewed and Updated for Patch 10.1. Primarily changing Frostwyrm's Fury usage.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Updated rotation for 10.0.7, adding discussion about Fatal Fixation.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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