Glory of the Dominant Raider Guide: How to Get the Hand of Hrestimorak Mount
On this page you can find the explanation on how to obtain the Sanctum of Domination Achievement-Related mount: Hand of Hrestimorak.
Hand of Hrestimorak Overview
The Hand of Hrestimorak is obtained by doing various achievements in Sanctum of Domination. There is 1 achievement per boss which needs to be completed before gaining access to this mount. Some of these will be easy and soloable while others require your whole raid to work together.
The treachery of Hrestimorak was infamous, betraying his people to claim power. Facing damnation in the Maw, he tried to subvert the Jailer... a foolish act that would earn him an eternity of torment.
Glory of the Dominant Raider
Completing Glory of the Dominant Raider grants you the
Bracer of Hrestimorak, which teaches you the Hand of
Hrestimorak mount. This achievement consists of 10 sub-achievements that
are all connected to the Sanctum of Domination raid:
Name A Better Duo, I'll Wait;
Eye Wish You Were Here;
To the Nines;
I Used to Bullseye Deeprun Rats Back Home;
Tormentor's Tango;
Knowledge is Power;
Flawless Fate;
Together Forever;
This World is a Prism.
If you would like to know more about the encounters associated with each of these achievements, please visit our Sanctum of Domination page to find out more about what you can expect as well as the potential loot you can receive along the way.
Name A Better Duo, I'll Wait
Defeat The Tarragrue after entering the mists and reuniting Moriaz with Buttons in the Sanctum of Domination on Normal difficulty or higher.
- Get the
Oddly Intangible Key Anima Power to reduce your AoE damage taken by 90%; this allows you to safely walk in the
Hungering Mist in order to find Buttons and Moriaz.
- Moriaz and Buttons become visible when
Hungering Mist is cast during the fight.
- Moriaz and Buttons spawn at random positions but are always situated across the room from one another.
- When the boss casts
Hungering Mist, find Buttons.
- Interact with Buttons to pick him up and deliver him to Moriaz
before the
Hungering Mist ends.
Eye Wish You Were Here
Defeat The Eye of the Jailer after using the Scavenged S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera to take a picture of the Eye of the Jailer and the entire raid after it has cast Immediate Extermination in the Sanctum of Domination on Normal difficulty or higher.
- Get the boss to Phase 3 (33% HP) and let the boss finish the cast of
Immediate Extermination.
- One person goes and picks up the Scavenged S.E.L.F.I.E Camera from the Lost Field Kit at the back of the room.
- Get everyone to stack up in one place near the boss.
- The person holding the Camera should move slightly closer to the boss in
order to ensure that everyone gets the
Photoflash! debuff.
- Use the Camera to take a picture of everyone in the raid, including the boss.
- Everyone should get the
Photoflash! debuff.
To the Nines
Defeat The Nine after forming a Shard of Destiny from 9 or more Fragments of Destiny in the Sanctum of Domination on Normal difficulty or higher.
- DPS Kyra and Signe to 10% health to summon Skyja.
- Skyja will debuff players with
Fragments of Destiny — do not dispel these.
- Make sure that all the debuffed players are stacking in the same spot.
- After 3 casts you should have 9
Fragments of Destiny across the raid.
- Start dispelling these debuffs while making sure that the person who has to get all 9 of them is the closest to the person who is about to get dispelled.
- Once all 9 are on the same person, dispel them to form the Shard of Destiny.
I Used to Bullseye Deeprun Rats Back Home
Defeat the Remnant of Ner'zhul after scoring three goals in the Sanctum of Domination on Normal difficulty or higher.
- Locate the "goal" — a ring hanging outside the boss platform. A second, moving ring will appear when the boss is pulled
- Pick up an Orb of Torment during the encounter and throw it through the goal when the two rings are overlapped.
- If the goal counts you will see an announcement in chat: "A goal has been scored".
- You need to obtain 3 goals. At this point the moving ring will disappear.
Tormentor's Tango
Defeat Soulrender Dormazain after /taunting Garrosh Hellscream before combat begins and avoiding all Torment impacts in the Sanctum of Domination on Normal difficulty or higher.
Everyone has to do these steps for the achievement to trigger.
- Everyone in the raid has to target Garrosh and type "/taunt"
- After taunting Garrosh everyone should have a debuff called
Hellscream's Burden, slowing you by 20%.
- Finish the encounter while making sure everyone in the raid avoids
getting hit by
Defeat Painsmith Raznal after activating the Burning Gibbets in the Sanctum of Domination on Normal difficulty or higher.
- Pull the lever on the left side pillar before starting the encounter.
- Burning Soul adds will spawn throughout the fight that need to be killed and interrupted. They will appear in cages around the edges of the platform.
- These adds cast
Terrifying Shriek which fears everyone in the raid for 4 seconds when it goes off.
- Defeat the boss while managing the adds.
Knowledge is Power
Defeat the Guardian of the First Ones after enlightening and defeating Vazzaren the Seeker in the Sanctum of Domination in Normal difficulty or higher.
- Drag Vazzaren the Seeker, located on the left when approaching the boss, into the boss room.
- Enlighten Vazzaren by positioning him inside a
Radiant Energy circle.
- Once inside, Vazzaren will heal to full and receive an
Enlightened buff, which will increase his damage and Haste by 30%.
- Kill Vazzaren while also interrupting his abilities as needed.
Flawless Fate
Defeat Fatescribe Roh-Kalo without taking damage from Fate Fragments, Fated Conjunction, or the explosions from Call of Eternity and Echo of Eternity on Normal difficulty or higher.
- Avoid taking damage from
Fate Fragment,
Fated Conjunction,
Call of Eternity, and
Echo of Eternity.
- This is a personal achievement, meaning only you need to avoid the damage.
Together Forever
Defeat Kel'Thuzad after thawing the Remnant's heart in the Sanctum of Domination on Normal difficulty or higher.
- Find and interact with Mr.Bigglesworth 3 times:
- in the room just after The Tarragrue, to the right;
- In an alcove just before entering Soulrender Dormazain's wing;
- inside Kel'Thuzad's room.
- After interacting with the cat for the 3rd time you will pick him up.
- During the encounter deliver the cat to the Phylactery and use the
extra action button to
Deliver Cat.
Be aware that once the Remnant of Kel'Thuzad receives the Thawed Heart
buff, his damage will be increased by 500%, making the mechanics far more lethal
for those inside the phylactery.
This World is a Prism
Defeat Sylvanas Windrunner after activating the Focusing Prism in the Sanctum of Domination on Normal difficulty or higher.
- During Phase 2, pick up the Focusing Prisms spawned around the area.
- During Phase 3, have each of the Focusing Prism carriers go on their Prism's specific Covenant platform.
- The order of the platforms, clockwise, is Necrolord->Venthyr->Kyrian->Night Fae.
- The 4 players need to step on the Covenant symbol at the end of their platform and use their extra action button.
- When successful a beam will be channeled to Anduin from the 4 platforms.
Other Mounts in Patch 9.1
Patch 9.1 includes many other mounts to obtain as you work to earn the
Glory of the Dominant Raider achievement and unlock the
Bracer of Hrestimorak. To learn more, check out our hub for the entire
mount guide and visit some of the other sections covered within!
- 18 Oct. 2021: Page added.
This guide has been written by Mwahi, a Protection Warrior theorycrafter and moderator of the Skyhold Warrior Discord.
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