Subtlety Rogue DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities — The War Within (11.0.7)
On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Subtlety Rogue in both single-target and multiple-target situations. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. in order to minmax your DPS. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.0.7).
If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Subtlety Rogue rotation.
Subtlety Rogue Rotation
Welcome to our Rotation page for Subtlety Rogues. On this page, you will find everything you need to know about actually playing the spec in Raiding and Mythic+ scenarios.
If you have not already, please read the Spell Summary page. Knowing how each spell/ability works in detail will greatly increase your understanding of the topics discussed on this page.
General Tips for Subtlety Rogues
Always open while in Stealth and make sure you have applied
Instant Poison.
The changes to Rogue in The War Within have brought some much-needed quality of life
to Subtlety. Subtlety no longer needs to manually refresh Slice and Dice or rely on
the old version of
Premeditation thanks to
Cut to the Chase becoming baseline
for all three specs. For Subtlety Rogues, this means that pressing
will automatically apply
Slice and Dice and extend it for you!
Subtlety Rogue now plays as a 90-second spec. Every 90 seconds, you will use Flagellation
Shadow Blades, your on-use trinket as well as 2 charges of both
Shadow Dance and
Symbols of Death.
Getting as much out of these burst windows is the key to playing Subtlety Rogue.
Subtlety Rogue Single Target Cooldown Priority List
- Try to always begin while in
- Cast
Rupture if not up or has less than 9 seconds remaining on the duration. Do not cast it during
Shadow Dance or when
Supercharger is active.
- Make sure
Fazed is applied on the target before using
Coup de Grace.
- Cast
Shadow Blades together with
- Cast Cast
Symbols of Death and
Shadow Dance at the same time with low combo points. You want make sure you always use two of these during your
Flagellation and
Shadow Blades window, so don't use them if
Flagellation has less than ~25 seconds left on its cooldown.
- Cast Make sure you do not cast
Symbols of Death until your previous
Symbols of Death buff has less than 3 seconds left.
- Cast
Cold Blood is always used with
Secret Technique.
- Cast
Secret Technique as your first finisher during every
Shadow Dance with 6 or more combo points.
- Cast
Vanish on cooldown with low combo points.
- Cast
Eviscerate to spend combo points when you have 6 or more.
- Cast
Shadowstrike whenever you can, otherwise use
Backstab to build combo points.
Most of the time the Supercharger empowered points should be up during
Shadow Dance, but for the times where they are not try to avoid using them on
Rupture as its damage does not scale with combo points spent, only the duration.
If you are a returning player note that the supercharged combo points do not work in the same way as old echoing reprimand, it buffs any finisher you do with +3 combo points
so keep following the 6 or more rule listed above, even when you have supercharged combo points.
It is a small gain (~0.6%) to use Cold Blood on the second
Secret Technique during your burst rather than macroing them together,
but feel free to macro them to start of with before you get more comfortable with the rotation.
Subtlety Rogue Multiple Target (3+) Cooldown Priority List
This Priority List is assuming you are playing the recommend Trickster
build and not
Deathstalker, you can find the changes for
Deathstalker further down the page.
- Try to always begin while in
- Cast
Rupture if not up or has less than 9 seconds remaining on the duration on your main target. Do not cast it during
Shadow Dance.
- Cast
Shadow Blades together with
- Cast Cast
Symbols of Death and
Shadow Dance at the same time with low combo points. You want to use two of these during your
Flagellation and
Shadow Blades window, so don't use them if
Flagellation has less than 40 seconds left on its cooldown.
- Cast
Vanish on cooldown with low combo points.
- Cast
Cold Blood with
Secret Technique always. You can macro these together as well.
- Cast
Secret Technique as your first finisher during every
Shadow Dance.
- Cast
Eviscerate to spend combo points when you have 6 or more if
Flawless Form is up.
- Cast
Black Powder to spend combo points when you have 6 or more if
Flawless Form is NOT up or there is more than 5 targets.
- Cast
Backstab if
Flawless Form is not up and you are not in
Shadow Dance.
- Cast
Shadowstrike whenever you can, otherwise use
Shuriken Storm to build combo points.
Subtlety Rogue Opener Sequence
Subtlety Rogue Opener and Burst Sequences
Trickster Single-Target and Multi-Target (AoE) opener
Due to Nimble Flurry the burst and opener sequence of
Trickster Subtlety Rogues is the same on both Single-Target and Multi-Target (Aoe)
- Begin while in
- Cast
- Cast
- Cast
- Cast
- Cast
- Cast
- Use your Potion, on-use trinket, cast
Shadow Dance and
Symbols of Death.
- Cast
- Cast
Secret Technique.
- Cast
Shadow Blades.
- Cast
- Cast
- Repeat
Shadowstrike into
Eviscerate (or
Coup de Grace) until
Shadow Dance ends and then cast another
Shadow Dance.
- Cast
Symbols of Death to refresh the buff when
Secret Technique has less than 10 seconds remaining on its cooldown.
- Cast
Secret Technique with
Cold Blood.
- Continue on with your rotation.
Random procs from Shadow Techniques can make it so that there is more or less finishers than listed above.
When doing your burst rotations outside of the opener do the same thing except start with a Flagellation at full combo points and then go from step 7.
Deathstalker Single-Target opener
- Begin while in
- Cast
- Cast
- Cast
- Cast
- Cast
- Cast
- Use your Potion, on-use trinket, cast
Shadow Dance and
Symbols of Death.
- Cast
- Cast
Secret Technique.
- Cast
Shadow Blades.
- Cast
- Cast
- Repeat
Shadowstrike into
Eviscerate until
Shadow Dance ends and then cast another
Shadow Dance.
- Cast
Symbols of Death to refresh the buff when
Secret Technique has less than 10 seconds remaining on its cooldown.
- Cast
Secret Technique with
Cold Blood.
- Continue on with your rotation.
Random procs from Shadow Techniques can make it so that there is more
or less finishers than listed above. Remember Always use
Darkest Night with an
Eviscerate as soon as possible,
regardless of how many targets there are.
When doing your burst rotations outside of the opener do the same
thing except start with a Flagellation at full combo points and then go from step 7.
Subtlety Rogue Deathstalker Specific Rotational Changes
Below are the rotational changes for when using the Deathstalker Hero Talent Tree.
- Cast
Shuriken Storm in single target when
Clear the Witnesses is up outside of
Shadow Dance and
Symbols of Death windows.
- Always build to 7 combo points when
Darkest Night is up.
- When
Darkest Night is up, only use
- Always cast a 7 Combo Point
Eviscerate when you have
Darkest Night up, even in AoE, and regardless of target count.
Deathstalker Multi-Target (AoE) opener
- Begin while in
- Cast
- Cast
- Cast
Eviscerate to activate
Slice and Dice.
- Cast
Shuriken Storm.
- Cast
Rupture on your main target.
- Use your Potion, on-use trinket, cast
Shadow Dance and
Symbols of Death.
- Cast
- Cast
Secret Technique.
- Cast
Shadow Blades.
- Cast
Shuriken Storm.
- Cast
Eviscerate to use
Darkest Night.
- Repeat
Shuriken Storm into
Black Powder until
Shadow Dance ends.
- Cast
Shuriken Tornado.
- Cast
Black Powder
- Cast
- Cast
Symbols of Death to refresh the buff when
Secret Technique has less than 10 seconds remaining on its cooldown.
- Cast
Secret Technique with
Cold Blood.
- Continue on with your rotation.
Random procs from Shadow Techniques can make it so that there is more
or less finishers than listed above. Remember always use
Darkest Night with an
Eviscerate as soon as possible,
regardless of how many targets there are.
When doing your burst rotations outside of the opener do the same thing except start with a Flagellation at full combo points and then go from step 7,
Shuriken Tornado is not ready then just continue on without it.
Subtlety Rogue Deathstalker Specific Rotational Changes
Below are the rotational changes for when using the Deathstalker Hero Talent Tree.
- Cast
Shuriken Storm in single target when
Clear the Witnesses is up outside of
Shadow Dance and
Symbols of Death windows.
- Always build to 7 combo points when
Darkest Night is up.
- When
Darkest Night is up, only use
- Always cast a 7 Combo Point
Eviscerate when you have
Darkest Night up, even in AoE, and regardless of target count.
- In AoE scenarios use
Shadowstrike once during
Shadow Dance to utilize
Premeditation, but otherwise build with
Shuriken Storm.
Potion and Racial usage
Aim to use your Tempered Potion with
Heroism and your other cooldowns, such as
Shadow Blades. In most encounters, you will want to use it at the start of
the fight.
Keep in mind that the potions have a 5-minute cooldown, so if the encounter is longer than that, remember to use it again whenever the extra damage is useful.
Racial abilities such as Blood Fury,
Ancestral Call or
can be macroed into your
Shadow Blades without any issues.
To learn more about how to play Subtlety Rogue in Mythic+, check our dedicated page below:
Important Notes for Subtlety Rogue
Combo Points and Energy
As a Rogue, most of your abilities need Energy to be used. Your Energy bar
has a default capacity of 100 Energy and refills at a rate of 10 Energy per second.
With Vigor, we have 200 Energy. Your Energy regeneration is
increased by:
- Melee Haste (Haste on items + Haste-enhancing buffs).
- The
Relentless Strikes passive, which guarantees your finishers restore 6 Energy per Combo Point.
Shadow Techniques, which awards 4 Energy every time it procs. It also procs more often during
Symbols of Death thanks to
Vigor, if chosen as your Tier 3 talent.
The way Subtlety Rogue currently plays there is no need manage or think about your energy.
Outside of Symbols of Death there will not be enough energy to cast a spell every single global, that is completely fine and normal.
Conversely when
Symbols of Death is up you can spam all of your globals thanks to the extra combo points you generate
and spend via the passive from
Relentless Strikes.
Shadow Dance
Shadow Dance is your "bread and butter" cooldown, and your damage
output relies heavily on proper usage. Shadow Dance has 1 charge, or 2 when
talented into
Shadow Dance, each with a 1-minute recharge. However, the
Deepening Shadows ensures that they will be
available much more often than that. Each Combo Point spent will reduce the
cooldown of Shadow Dance by 0.5 seconds when talented into
Deepening Shadows.
You should aim to cast Shadow Dance when
Symbols of Death is up, as that makes it so energy
will not be an issue.
Defensive Utility
Rogues have the some of the best defensive capabilities in the game, which makes them a solid candidate for soaking required mechanics and dealing with heavy incoming damage.
Feint reduces AoE damage taken by 40% for 6 seconds for only 35 Energy. When talented into
Elusiveness, it also reduces all other damage by 20%. This is one of the most overpowered abilities in the game and a huge asset on fights with heavy raid damage.
Cloak of Shadows removes all non-physical debuffs, followed by 5 seconds where all spells will miss. Cloak can be used for intercepting in boss fight mechanics or be used for damage gains, such as staying in and hitting the boss during an AoE that you would otherwise have to avoid.
Cheat Death is a talent that allows you to escape lethal damage once every 6 minutes. The damage cannot exceed more than twice your maximum Health. Cheat Death is great for soaking mechanics that pierce immunities and damage reductions as it guarantees your survival. It is also great for encounters with bursty damage that might take you by surprise, as you get a free get-out-of-jail free card once every 6 minutes.
Crimson Vial provides a respectable amount of healing on a very short cooldown. Useful for an extra bit of healing if you are low on Health or you are out of range of a healer.
Some of your personal buffs benefit from Pandemic, a mechanic that allows
you to refresh early without penalty as long as the buff has less than 30% of
its maximum duration remaining. The current timer will be added to the newly
refreshed full-duration buff, allowing for a new buff longer than the maximum
duration. Rupture can be safely refreshed at 8.4 seconds and
Symbols of Death at 3 seconds.
The Pandemic timing from Rupture is based off of your current
Combo Point value, rather than the duration of the original Rupture. So if
you had a 2 Combo Point
Rupture on the target, and refresh with a 5 Combo
Rupture, the Pandemic value would be treated as a 5 Combo Point
Rupture instead.
Core Concepts for Subtlety Rogue
Ultimately, this is a specialization that rewards the initiated and informed but can be incredibly punishing to new players. Learning to focus on what is important and mastering the core concepts of a specialization is what leads to strong overall performances on the damage charts. Subtlety features three major concepts that form the central trinity of optimizing for success:
- Resource Management;
- Cooldown Usage;
- Personal Initiative.
Resource Management
The key resources of Subtlety are Energy, Combo Points, Symbols of Death charges and
Shadow Dance charges. The main goal of resource management is to
minimize overflow and wastage of these resources. Often times, these resources
will be at odds with each other; aiming for perfect Combo Point management may
result in Energy cap, immaculate Energy management may result in Shadow Dance
charge overflow, and so on. Perfect resource management is impossible, and
therefore, becoming a seasoned Subtlety veteran is learning which compromises to
make. Listed below is the priority of resources to help you minimize wastage:
Symbols of Death charges.
Shadow Dance charges.
- Combo Points.
- Energy.
Cooldown Usage
While wastage is bad, not being able to use two charges of either Shadow Dance or
Symbols of Deathduring your
window is worse than wasting a couple of seconds of
Shadow Dance cooldown reduction by sitting at two charges when
Flagellation is coming up very soon.
Shadow Dance and
Symbols of Death are some of the least rigid cooldowns in the game
currently, as it allows for a variety of different usages depending on player
interpretation of the current situation. As mentioned earlier in the guide, it
is imperative time your
Shadow Dances well without compromising on being able to use two of them during your
Flagellation window.
Personal Initiative
Your personal experience and instincts will play a large role in your ability to fully maximize output. Try to keep track of all your cooldowns as a whole. To maximize your damage output, you would benefit greatly from being able to learn timings for boss fights so you can plan your cooldowns accordingly.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
- 23 Oct. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.5.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Updated for The War Within Season 1.
- 22 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Pre-Patch.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4
- 20 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Reviewed and Updated for patch 10.2.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
- 10 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5.
- 01 May 2023: Page reviewed and updated for Patch 10.1.
- 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
- 24 Jan. 2023: Page updated and reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
- 17 Dec. 2022: Small updates to ability priority list.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Added mention of Cold Blood usage.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
- 31 Oct. 2022: Page updated with Venthyr build opener.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
More Rogue Guides
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This guide has been written by Eleem, who has been a rogue player, enjoyer and theorycrafter since Legion. He is currently raiding in a top 100 guild and has been known to dabble in m+ from time to time. You can find him in the Ravenholdt Discord as Eleem.
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