Elemental Shaman DPS Spec, Builds, and Talents — The War Within (11.0.7)
On this page, you will find out the best talents for each tier for your Elemental Shaman in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.0.7). We also have default talent lists for various types of content, such as raiding or Mythic+. If you play with Warmode on, we have your PvP talents covered as well.
If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Elemental Shaman talents.
Remember that talents can now be freely modified wherever you are, with no need for a tome, codex, or a rest area.
If you are looking for information about Elemental Shaman Hero Talents, you can find it on our dedicated pages:
Talents for Elemental Shaman
Optimizing talents on a contextual basis is the highly recommended method of setting up your build. For Mythic+, your choices can depend somewhat on whether the key is Fortified or Tyrannical.
Best Talents for Elemental Shaman
Universal Stormbringer Talents for Elemental Shaman (recommended)
This build aims to be universally good. It can gain a little bit of potential damage with Elemental Blast but the mobility loss is massive, and Charged Conduit is incredibly strong whenever cleave occurs and is only a little behind in single-target, but on pure single-target you should take Elemental Unity instead.
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the best build directly into your game!
Many combinations are viable, this is only our preferred one at the moment.
The following talents are NEVER optional: Stormkeeper, Primordial Fury, Lightning Capacitor, Echo Chamber, Ascendance, Mountains Will Fall, Lightning Rod, Charged Conduit (when there is any AoE).
The following talents we do NOT recommend switching off, but there is a universe where you might want to do it, maybe: Icefury and Fusion of Elements, Fury of the Storms, Preeminence, Deeply Rooted Elements, Storm Frenzy.
Everything else is potentially debatable:
- Elemental Blast is on par or better than Earth Shock and "smoothes out" your rotation by constantly proccing all 3 elements but it significantly limits your movement. It is a trade off you need to think about.
- Surge of Power is fine but is more work to play around.
- Echoes of Great Sundering is in theory best in almost every situation outside of pure single-target but it can be a pain to play around.
- Master of the Elements and Elemental Unity (the latter in particular)
- Primordial Wave and Splintered Elements (always both or neither) remain good.
- Eye of the Storm (good for Elemental Blast), Thunderstrike Ward and Swelling Maelstrom (very good for Elemental Blast are flex points, so are Everlasting Elements and Echo of the Elementals.
Alternatively, here is a version not using Primordial Wave at all, though in this case I would recommend you switch to the recommended Echoes of Great Sundering build if you do not hate the talent:
Note that this class tree purposefully ignores some utility talents, such as Purge. You should adjust this recommendation depending on what utility will be used in each encounter. There is a reasonable amount of flexibility in our class tree; you can and should adapt your utility toolkit to the content you intend on doing.
Pure single-target Farseer Talents for Elemental Shaman
This Farseer build is best in pure single-target, slightly ahead of Stormbringer builds, while having much worse AoE. The playstyle is similar, although with a heavier emphasis on Lava Burst and adding Ancestral Swiftness back into the mix.
Primal Elementalist gives better burst while Thunderstrike Ward gives more consistent damage. Erupting Lava does not appear to be worth taking.
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the best build directly into your game!
EoGS AoE/M+ Stormbringer Talents for Elemental Shaman
This build is targeted at Mythic+ and gains a lot of cleave/AoE damage without sacrificing too much single-target. It is ideal for dungeons where there will also be cleave on multiple bossfights, such as Necrotic Wake.
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the best build directly into your game!
Many combinations are viable, this is only our preferred one at the moment.
The following talents are NEVER optional: Stormkeeper, Primordial Fury, Lightning Capacitor, Echo Chamber, Ascendance, Mountains Will Fall, Lightning Rod, Charged Conduit (when there is any AoE).
The following talents we do NOT recommend switching off, but there is a universe where you might want to do it, maybe: Icefury and Fusion of Elements, Fury of the Storms, Preeminence, Deeply Rooted Elements, Storm Frenzy.
Everything else is potentially debatable:
- Elemental Blast is on par or better than Earth Shock and "smoothes out" your rotation by constantly proccing all 3 elements but it significantly limits your movement. It is a trade off you need to think about.
- Surge of Power is fine but is more work to play around.
- Echoes of Great Sundering is in theory best in almost every situation outside of pure single-target but it can be a pain to play around.
- Master of the Elements and Elemental Unity (the latter in particular)
- Primordial Wave and Splintered Elements (always both or neither) remain good.
- Eye of the Storm (good for Elemental Blast), Thunderstrike Ward and Swelling Maelstrom (very good for Elemental Blast are flex points, so are Everlasting Elements and Echo of the Elementals.
Note that this, by default, grabs some utility talents such as Cleanse Spirit or Purge. You should adjust this recommendation depending on what utility will be used in each encounter.
We recommend you also check out our Dedicated Mythic+ Page.
"Smooth Brain" easy M+ Stormbringer Talents for Elemental Shaman
This build is targeted at Mythic+ and simplicity/ease of use. It can not reach the same damage ceiling as some other builds can with perfect play, but it will do very well and people who are struggling will likely perform better with it.
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the best build directly into your game!
Note that this, by default, grabs some utility talents such as Cleanse Spirit or Purge. You should adjust this recommendation depending on what utility will be used in each encounter.
We recommend you also check out our Dedicated Mythic+ Page.
Pure single-target Stormbringer Talents for Elemental Shaman (recommended)
This build is targeted at pure single-target raid fights.
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the best build directly into your game!
Many combinations are viable, this is only our preferred one at the moment.
The following talents are NEVER optional: Stormkeeper, Primordial Fury, Lightning Capacitor, Echo Chamber, Ascendance, Mountains Will Fall, Lightning Rod.
The following talents we do NOT recommend switching off, but there is a universe where you might want to do it, maybe: Icefury and Fusion of Elements, Fury of the Storms, Preeminence, Deeply Rooted Elements, Storm Frenzy.
Delve Talents for Elemental Shaman
This is a general build for Delving but many things can be adapted in either tree, the main notable picks are Guardian's Cudgel which is great for solo content and Refreshing Waters to sustain yourself.
How To Use Elemental Shaman Talents
There are multiple talents that require a change to your rotation in order to use them optimally. You can find more information on how your rotation will look after selecting your talents on our Dedicated Rotation page.
The Viability/Uses of Elemental Shaman Talents
The following sections will give the author's opinion on the viability of every talent, including whether some are "automatic picks" because you want them in every circumstance. The point requirements to reach the next rows of talents also sometimes force picks. Note that these opinions are mostly focused on PvE.
Active Class Tree Abilities for Elemental Shaman
Rows 1-3
Ability | Description/Effect |
Chain Heal | It is never picked or used. |
Lava Burst | It is automatically acquired when specializing. |
Astral Shift | It is your main defensive cooldown. It is an Automatic Pick. |
Chain Lightning | It is automatically acquired when specializing. |
Earth Shield | It is very strong for solo play PvP and useful in most PvE circumstances. There are some things you may want to grab over it in raids and M+, but it should definitely be a default pick and probably alongside Elemental Orbit for solo play and PvP. |
Wind Shear | It is your "kick." It is fairly unique in that its 30-yard range and 12-second cooldown are shorter than all other ranged characters. This makes Wind Shear one of the best interrupts in the game, and you should use it a lot. This is, again, not quite an automatic pick, as you will not need it in every raid fight. Outside of those, however, you should always pick it. . |
Frost Shock | Outside of Icefury, you should only use this for movement when you have nothing else to cast, when you need the slow, or if you really need extra damage immediately. It is an automatic pick for any build using Icefury, for obvious reasons. |
Capacitor Totem | It is your only way to stun targets. It is of great value (and an automatic pick) almost everywhere outside of raids and is even useful in some raid fights. It can backfire in PvP, however, by putting stun-diminishing returns on people when you do not want to. |
Spirit Walk | It is very good in most circumstances. It competes with the more "fun." Gust of Wind, which has a much shorter cooldown. In practice, Spirit Walk tends to be overkill in PvE, but its ability to remove all movement impairing effects is useful in certain dungeons. |
Gust of Wind | It is competing with Spirit Walk, so depending on the fight, you may want to pick that instead It also allows you to break falls and reach otherwise unreachable locations, which is very nice for solo play. Overall, it is a default pick unless you specifically want Spirit Walk. |
Healing Stream Totem | It is nice to have for solo play and can make an appreciable difference in Mythic+ or even raids. In fights where healing is a struggle, it can help a little. You only pick this if you have nothing more important to grab or because you need to path to Elemental Warding. |
Earthgrab Totem | It is very handy in solo play, PvP, and sometimes in Mythic+, notably to temporarily neutralize the adds on various bosses. It is rarely useful in raids, with a few exceptions. |
Purge | It is occasionally handy in solo and rarely in raids, very useful in Mythic+ and PvP. |
Greater Purge | It is very handy in PvP but is otherwise never picked. |
Earth Elemental | It is an automatic pick. Its only real downsides are a long cooldown, and the taunt can potentially backfire, so you have to carefully choose your moment. The additional health alone makes it worth picking. Note that unlike its older versions, it cannot taunt or pulse threats to enemies that are not in combat yet, making it much safer to use in dungeons. |
Rows 5-7
Ability | Description/Effect |
Cleanse Spirit | It is occasionally useful in solo play, very handy in PvP, regularly used in dungeons and rarely used in some raid encounters. |
Tremor Totem | It is mostly used in PvP and Mythic+. It has some use in solo play and rarely in raids, although when it works in raids, you definitely want it. |
Hex | It is an automatic pick for PvP. It is rarely used in raids, but when you can use it is often mandatory. |
Wind Rush Totem | It is a fantastic tool in raids where it is an automatic pick. It is handy in PvP and Mythic+, and even to speed up your solo play. |
Rows 8-10
Ability | Description/Effect |
Spiritwalker's Grace | It is an Automatic Pick. It is a very helpful tool for movement which should be used to kite or to keep dealing damage when you have to move a lot. You might occasionally just want it for the movement speed to get somewhere quick, especially with Graceful Spirit. |
Ancestral Guidance | It is an automatic pick. Try pairing it with Stormkeeper or Ascendance. |
Thunderstorm | It is very good for solo play and PvP. It has niche uses in some raid fights and, especially combined with Thundershock, is very useful in Mythic+. |
Lightning Lasso | It is a strong pick for PvP. It nice for solo play but should not really be necessary. |
Totemic Projection | It is occasionally useful in PvP or to replace your Wind Rush Totem in raids. You often do not have anything better to grab while pathing to Stone Bulwark Totem. |
Poison Cleansing Totem | It is theoretically useful in PvP and is incredibly good against one affix and many enemies in Mythic+. |
Totemic Recall | It is more or less an automatic pick and has two main uses: resetting your Liquid Magma Totem for heavy AoE situations or getting another Wind Rush Totem for your party/raid. It can be used with almost any totem (notably not Stone Bulwark Totem) so the potential is vast. |
Stone Bulwark Totem | It is an automatic pick. It is a very powerful cooldown that also synergizes with all our other defensive abilities. |
Nature's Swiftness | In my opinion, it is an automatic pick in most circumstances. It is extra nice if you are using Elemental Blast as you otherwise have to stand still to hard-cast it if Spiritwalker's Grace is not up. |
Passive Class Tree Talents for Elemental Shaman
Rows 1-4
Ability | Description/Effect |
Planes Traveler | It is close in power with its sister talent Astral Bulwark. What is best entirely depends on the circumstances. Overall, most experienced players will favor this talent, unless you absolutely need the extra damage reduction to survive something specific. |
Astral Bulwark | It is a good default pick for beginners who use Astral Shift as a panic button, especially if you are not very familiar with the content, or if you prefer having a strong panic button over a lighter one that is available more often. |
Spirit Wolf | It is somewhat niche compared to Thunderous Paws and should mostly be picked if you are going to stand in Ghost Wolf for several seconds in order to "tank" a powerful ability, like a Druid going into Bear Form. It can be nice during mechanics when you will not be doing any DPS, anyway. Because of the ever-increasing damage in high Mythic+, this talent can become mandatory at certain thresholds in order to survive certain unavoidable damage instances. |
Thunderous Paws | It is more generally useful than its sister talent and should be a default pick, although if you do not think you will need the extra speed, you can safely pick something else. |
Winds of Al'Akir | The bonus is too small/niche to have much use unless you really have a spare point and regular burst movement is important. |
Elemental Orbit | It is excellent for solo play and PvP and becomes an automatic pick in all content if using Lightning Conduit unless you really need the points for other utility and end up dropping Earth Shield altogether. If you can spare the point, it is a nice way to provide a modicum of additional healing in Mythic+ and Raids. |
Fire and Ice | It is an automatic pick. You always pick damage. |
Ancestral Wolf Affinity | Might be worth something in PvP but is otherwise ignored. |
Encasing Cold | Unlikely to ever be picked, even if it was buffed. |
Arctic Snowstorm | Unlikely to ever be picked, even if it was buffed. |
Brimming with Life | It is an automatic pick in every circumstance. Both benefits are very powerful. |
Static Charge | It is a strong pick for Mythic+. Depending on timings, it might be worth picking if you need Capacitor Totem for a raid encounter. Otherwise, you can mostly ignore it. |
Guardian's Cudgel | Alright for very low stakes Mythic+ but mostly useful for solo play or some PvP compositions. Diminishing returns on stuns make it much less useful if other people in your group also have stuns. It can notably backfire in PvP by putting stun-diminishing returns on people when you do not want to. |
Rows 5-7
Ability | Description/Effect |
Elemental Resistance | You will probably pick this up to path to Elemental Warding unless you need Tremor Totem or Cleanse Spirit, but it is unlikely to make a difference as it is a very low duration, small situation buff, and its application is somewhat random. Badly designed. |
Nature's Guardian | It is an automatic pick. There is no reason to ever not have this. |
Nature's Fury | It is an automatic pick. Major damage talent. |
Refreshing Waters | Good for solo play or PvP, nice to have in other situations if you have spare points. You will always get Elemental Warding, so it is never needed to path to Spiritwalker's Grace. |
Elemental Warding | It is an automatic pick. Most of the damage you will take is magic damage, especially outside of PvP, and it is a required pick to get Ancestral Guidance |
Primordial Bond | It is an automatic pick. In Fire builds especially, that is going to be close to 5% permanent damage reduction. |
Voodoo Mastery | It is mostly a PvP talent, although it might be handy on some specific M+ pulls. |
Totemic Focus | Generally nice to have, but unless the radius is really handy, like on a raid boss where you really want a larger Tremor Totem or Wind Rush Totem radius, it is definitely a low priority. |
Ascending Air | Useful if you need Wind Rush Totem more often or would benefit from a slightly longer effect. It is not a default pick unless you have a good reason for it but a solid upgrade nonetheless. |
Jet Stream | The snare removal is potentially extremely powerful, and it is very nice on encounters where Wind Rush Totem is valued like Rasha'nan. |
Enhanced Imbues | As long as you are picking either Improved Flametongue Weapon, Lightning Conduit or Thunderstrike Ward, which should be always, you will pick this, making this functionally an automatic pick. |
Rows 8-10
Ability | Description/Effect |
Graceful Spirit | It is an automatic pick outside of PvP, where its sister talent is the automatic pick. Spiritwalker's Grace is very useful; getting it more often, and moving even faster with it is always going to be useful. |
Spiritwalker's Aegis | It is an automatic pick for PvP and useless everywhere else. |
Totemic Surge | Unless you will benefit from Seasoned Winds it is required to path to Totemic Recall, making it an automatic pick. It is a decent talent by itself and can really make the difference in getting key totems back when you need them. |
Seasoned Winds | It may seem like a niche talent, but when it ends up useful, it is VERY strong. We currently recommend using it in every dungeon except perhaps Siege of Boralus. Very strong for PvP as well, especially now that it does not have the opportunity cost of being a dedicated PvP talent anymore. |
Mana Spring | Gives some Mana back to a few allies with a proximity requirement, and loses a lot of value if you do not use a Lava Burst -centric build. It is an okay default pick if Mana ends up being a concern at all, Note that multiple Mana Spring Totems' effects also do not stack. |
Thundershock | It is a formidable variant of Thunderstorm, turning it into a reliable crowd-control ability without moving enemies and risking attracting additional hostiles. While advanced Shaman players have learned to put the regular Thunderstorm to good use; newer players should probably always pick this. The additional reliable crowd control is very welcome in Mythic+, in other circumstances, you are likely better off with the regular version. |
Traveling Storms | Has a lot of potential but, unfortunately, only works on players. Not a default pick, but will definitely see some use. |
Call of the Elements | More or less an automatic pick, though in raid situations, you may not need the extra cooldown. |
Creation Core | Unless you have a very specific purpose in mind for it, get Call of the Elements instead. |
Active Elemental Tree Abilities
Rows 1-3
Earth Shock/ Elemental Blast, Earthquake and either Fire Elemental or Storm Elemental are required picks. You cannot go down the tree without picking them all. Fire-focused builds take Fire Elemental, while Lightning builds take Storm Elemental.
Elemental Blast is now only slightly stronger than Earth Shock which means that the talents are very close, but with mobility being a concern once again; we recommend using Earth Shock unless movement requirements are exceptionally low. It is also an automatic pick in PvP because interrupts exist.
Storm Elemental is currently your default pick and is superior in most ways to Fire Elemental unless you are using a Fire build, in which case you likely have to use the latter.
Rows 4-7
Ability | Description/Effect |
Icefury | Has been overhauled and is now much easier to use. It is fairly strong for single-target in Fire builds but hard to justify for AoE/Cleave unless movement requirements are crazy. Not good enough in Lightning builds. |
Thunderstrike Ward | Is a strong generic damage increase for lightning builds. It is not really usable for Fire builds. |
Rows 8-10
Ability | Description/Effect |
Ascendance | Not picked for Lightning Builds. Is an automatic pick for Fire build. |
Stormkeeper | It is an automatic pick for Lightning builds but the opportunity cost to path to it is too high for most Fire builds. It has significant synergies with other talents and can deal good single or multi-target burst. It is likely to remain a must-have for PvP. |
Primordial Wave | It is a staple of fire builds and is an automatic pick for those in every situation, as well as being a key pick for most Lightning builds as well. |
Liquid Magma Totem | It is an automatic pick for Fire builds when any kind of significant stacked Cleave/AoE scenario will occur. If you pick it you can also grab Totemic Recall and Call of the Elements from the class tree if you did not already have them. |
Passive Elemental Tree Abilities
Rows 1-4
Ability | Description/Effect |
Elemental Fury | It is an automatic pick for every build. |
Flash of Lightning | It is an automatic pick in all situations. |
Aftershock | It is unreliable and requires reactivity and playstyle adjustments, but remains strong in most circumstances, especially in AoE. It pairs well with Elemental Blast. Currently not used in Lightning Builds. |
Surge of Power | Fairly complex to optimize, though you will generally only think about it when trying line up two procs with Stormkeeper and to remember to cast Lightning Bolt after spenders. Automatic Pick for Lightning Builds. |
Echo of the Elements | It is an Automatic pick for every build. |
Unrelenting Calamity | It is an automatic pick for every build, if only as a pathing node. |
Master of the Elements | It is an automatic pick. Reliable damage buff that works on any build and mandatory to path to multiple mandatory talents. |
Rows 5-7
Ability | Description/Effect |
Fusion of Elements | It is an automatic pick when using Icefury but now that it does not interact with most of our other talents and had its bugs fixed it is good but not crazy good anymore. Currently unpicked with Lightning Builds. |
Storm Frenzy | It is not good enough without providing a GCD reduction. Barely a damage increase |
Swelling Maelstrom | It is an automatic pick. It is a great quality of life that allows you to pool more Maelstrom and not overcap, and now it also buffs your damage. |
Flow of Power | It is an automatic pick for Fire builds, potentially debatable for Lightning builds but currently picked for lack of stronger alternatives. |
Elemental Unity | It is an automatic pick. |
Flux Melting | It is not good enough to be played at the moment. |
Lightning Conduit | It is an automatic pick, even for fire builds, if only because you want it to path to Eye of the Storm. |
Power of the Maelstrom | It is required to path to Echo Chamber and Stormkeeper, making it an automatic pick for lightning builds. |
Improved Flametongue Weapon | Does not stack with weapon oils. Automatic pick if you are playing a fire build but not for lightning builds. |
Everlasting Elements | Strong pick for Lightning builds. It is a solid talent, but points are tight, and in multi-target scenarios especially, Fire builds already have a permanent Fire Elemental thanks to Skybreaker's Fiery Demise. |
Flames of the Cauldron | It is an automatic pick for fire builds and is otherwise at best a floating point for multi-target encounters. |
Eye of the Storm | It is an automatic pick apart from some fire-focused Mythic+ builds that do not use Elemental Blast either. |
Echo Chamber | It is an automatic pick for lightning builds, but the opportunity cost is too high for Fire builds. |
Searing Flames | It is an automatic pick for fire builds and is not picked otherwise. |
Earthen Rage | It is a decent single-target increase, picked for Lightning builds but not for Fire builds. |
Rows 8-10
Ability | Description/Effect |
Elemental Equilibrium | Requires using either Icefury, Elemental Blast or Primordial Wave. Builds using none of these spells will never want this. Currently, you always use it. |
Echo of the Elementals | It is an automatic pick for all builds, as Elemental uptime is very important due to Elemental Unity. |
Mountains Will Fall | It has been weakened by the overload changes. Not picked by Lightning builds. Some Fire builds may want to grab this and Echoes of Great Sundering. |
First Ascendant | It is currently not good enough to compete with Preeminence unless the timing is absolutely perfect for the burst periods you want. |
Preeminence | It is an automatic pick whenever you pick Ascendance. |
Skybreaker's Fiery Demise | It is an automatic pick for all builds, largely because of its extremely strong synergy with Elemental Unity Allows you to get permanent Storm Elemental/ Fire Elemental in multi-target scenarios. |
Magma Chamber | Has relatively low value and loses to Elemental Equilibrium for Lightning builds in single-target. |
Splintered Elements | It is an automatic pick whenever you are picking Primordial Wave, so, for every build at the moment. It is a large portion of the power of Primordial Wave. |
Echoes of Great Sundering | It is a strong pick whenever regular significant AoE/Cleave will be in play for all builds, however, there are simply not enough points to go around and the "awkwardness" of not always using Earthquake when you have the Maelstrom can be problematic. Currently not recommended for Lightning builds. |
Deeply Rooted Elements | Remains too strong to ignore and is an automatic pick with all Fire builds, regardless of the target profile. Not picked for Lightning builds. |
Lightning Rod | It is an automatic pick for Lightning builds and is otherwise ignored. |
Primal Elementalist | It is now reasonably strong and is worth using for every build, especially because of the improvements to Elementals' behavior. |
PvP Talents (War Mode)
In the open world, you can go into "War Mode." Enabling War Mode provides the following benefits:
- PvP talents enabled in the outdoor world.
- 10% increase in World Quest rewards at maximum level.
- 10% more experience gained while leveling.
- Earn Conquest Points, which can reward gear every week.
With the benefits of enabling War Mode for leveling and PvE content, it is recommended to enable the feature to maximize your leveling and rewards at maximum level. However, you will make yourself available for open-world PvP, and the possibility to be "ganked" while leveling or doing World Quests exists. If you need advice on how to fight against other players, visit the link below.
Elemental Shaman War Mode Talents
In this section, we will rank the PvP talents best for leveling and doing solo or small-group PvE content. Below is a ranking of Elemental Shaman-specific PvP talents to aid in PvE.
- Totem of Wrath increases the critical effect of spells of allies within 40 yards by 20% for 15 seconds, 40-second cooldown. Good for solo play and excellent if you are doing outdoor content with others.
- Volcanic Surge increases the damage of Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning by 25% and the damage of Lava Burst by 45%. Lava Surge has an additional 100% chance to proc, and now, instead of its normal effect, reduces the cast time of your next Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning by 25%, stacking up to 2 times.
- Burrow Burrow beneath the ground, becoming unattackable, removing movement-impairing effects, and increasing your movement speed by 50% for 5 seconds. When the effect ends, enemies within 6 yards are knocked into the air and take Physical Damage. This ability has a 2-minute cooldown.
- Static Field Totem summons a totem at a target location that creates a circle of terrain that enemies cannot move through. It is extremely handy, versatile crowd control with a 1-minute cooldown.
- Counterstrike Totem replicates and reflects damage you take for 15 seconds on a 45-second cooldown. This can be really strong when in a high-damage area to deal some chip damage to targets around you and convert your health pool into additional damage.
- Shamanism transforms Bloodlust/ Heroism into a weaker, shorter duration cooldown that is up every minute. It lasts 10 seconds and, only increases Haste by 20%, and does not apply Sated/Exhaustion. It is certainly an okay choice, but I much prefer the stronger, rarer cooldown.
- Grounding Totem can be handy in PvE but is mostly strong in PvP-exclusive activities.
- Unleash Shield is a 20-yard range, 30-second cooldown crowd-control ability, the effect of which depends on the type of elemental shield you are using. For Elemental, it will mostly be a knockback, which is always nice, but in our opinion, not really worth picking up for PvE.
We recommend picking 3 of the above talents, depending on what you value most. Personally, I recommend choosing Totem of Wrath, Volcanic Surge and Burrow by default.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Added "Recommended" tags.
- 26 Nov. 2024: Updated for November 26th Farseer buffs, Farseer is now recommended for single-target encounters.
- 31 Oct. 2024: Re-added a dedicated Delve build. Adjusted Farseer build. Added a dedicated pure single-target build.
- 26 Oct. 2024: Adjusted some wording on flexible talents section.
- 25 Oct. 2024: Adjusted Farseer build to Erupting Lava variant, added "Smooth Brain" easy Mythic+ build.
- 23 Oct. 2024: Small talent adjustments. Replaced Eye of the Storm by Swelling Maelstrom in Universal build. Added alternative build not using Primordial Wave.
- 22 Oct. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.5.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Added a Farseer Lightning M+ build, reordered talent builds and adjusted recommendations, removed mentions of Hybrid builds.
- 30 Aug. 2024: Fixed Lightning ST hero talents using Routine Communication instead of Heed my Call.
- 28 Aug. 2024: Adjusted Delve and AoE/M+ build, added explanation on Elemental Equilibrium versus Magma Chamber.
- 25 Aug. 2024: Added a dedicated Delve build.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Updated talent builds, added a redirect to pages giving information on Hero Talents.
- 14 Aug. 2024: Added Single-Target Lightning talents.
- 12 Aug. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.2, added a Hybrid Mythic+ build.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Fixed some talent tree bugs, fixed information on a couple talents.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within pre-patch.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
- 17 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Updated with 10.2 builds, emphasizing T31 recommended builds.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Updated the page with new templates.
- 10 Jul. 2023: Updated wording on Brimming With Life's recommendation.
- 06 May 2023: Removed an outdated sentence, added a specific recommendation for Wildfire use and advice regarding whether you want to pick Elemental Blast or not.
- 01 May 2023: Removed the Swelling Waves, Control of Lava and Spectral Recovery PvP talents, added the Volcanic Surge and Burrow PvP talents. Updated the default talent recommendations with T30. Updated commentary on talents and reordered them to align with the reworked class talent tree.
- 20 Mar. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.7 changes. .
- 24 Jan. 2023: Updated commentary on Mana Spring (Totem).
- 13 Dec. 2022: Updated Electrified Shocks blurb.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Adjusted recommended fire build for dungeons for more AoE burst.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
- 18 Nov. 2022: Updated a few things, removed unnecessary export strings, removed a fire build embedded calculator to lessen clutter.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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This guide has been written by Stormy, Elemental main since Wrath of the Lich King and member of the Storm, Earth and Lava Elemental theorycrafting team.
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- Official Plunderstorm Overview: New Abilities, Choose Drop Location, and More
- War Within and Season of Discovery Hotfixes, January 14th: Marksmanship Black Arrow Nerfed!
- Analyze Your Mythic+ Team Compositions and Compare With Top Runs With This Very Useful Tool
- (Updated) Plunderstorm Temporarily Disabled
- Timbered Sky Snake (6-Month Sub Mount) Officially Revealed