Feral Druid DPS Amirdrassil Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.7

Last updated on May 07, 2024 at 11:20 by Wordup 26 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Feral Druid for each boss of the following raid: Amirdrassil. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.7.



Below, you can find class and spec-specific advice for every fight in Amirdrassil. If you are looking for a general overview of the Raid that is not spec-specific, check out our dedicated Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope guides.

On this page, you will find Feral Druid specific information to deal with each boss in the Amirdrassil raid. These are not complete encounter guides but specific tips for doing the bosses as an Feral Druid.

This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Feral Druid and how you can deal with each fight as best as possible.

All recommendations are progression-based tips and will not necessarily be the best for an overall DPS ranking.


Boss Talents Cheat Sheet

Due to Feral having a number of different builds that can be played within Amirdrassil depending on the encounter, I have compiled a small cheat sheet for some of the recommended options. Each individual boss will link the recommended build alongside it in its respective section, and any significant deviations on the spec tree will also be noted.


Amirdrassil Feral Druid Cheat Sheet

Feral ST Feral Cleave Feral AoE

Feral Single Target Build

This build provides the highest single-target potential when considering the Season 4 set bonus paired with Ashes of the Embersoul Icon Ashes of the Embersoul. It makes sure to pick up Convoke the Spirits Icon Convoke the Spirits to amplify its cooldown potential, alongside taking advantage of damage amp windows on some encounters.

Suggested Encounters: Import Code:

Be sure to make use of the 'Copy Export String' button to import the build directly into your game!


Feral Cleave Build

Certain encounters have add waves that need to be dealt with, or potential to gain some funnel with the use of Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath. This build swaps out a single point to have access to this, but it does have some flex points as well for additional AoE. This is more granular compared to the full AoE build.

Suggested Encounters: Import Code:

Be sure to make use of the 'Copy Export String' button to import the build directly into your game!


Feral AoE Build

To gain the full potential from Feral's AoE toolkit, it takes a very high point investment with a number of them being very encounter-specific. A full AoE build is rarely required in Amirdrassil, but some groups may require more of it to help with certain compositions. Any of the encounters with this recommended will have a brief explanation on the high-value points to mix into a single-target build if necessary.

Suggested Encounters: Import Code:

Be sure to make use of the 'Copy Export String' button to import the build directly into your game!


Feral Druid Tips for Amirdrassil Encounters

Use the boxes below to jump to tips for each individual Amirdrassil encounter. Each section includes a recommended build, alongside additional notes on certain talent selections and individual tips to deal with the encounter.


Amirdrassil Feral Tips

Gnarlroot Igira the Cruel Volcoross Council of Dreams Larodar Nymue Smolderon Tindral Sageswift Fyrakk


Despite being the first encounter in the raid, Gnarlroot has a lot of things going on and ways to optimize. Due to the large number of adds throughout the encounter alongside an important burn window in Uprooted Agony Icon Uprooted Agony, making sure to have Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath alongside some extra cooldowns is preferred here.

Suggested Talent Builds:


  • Both AoE and Cleave builds work here for different reasons:
    • AoE - focuses on dealing with Tainted Lashers throughout the encounter, using Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath and Rampant Ferocity Icon Rampant Ferocity whenever active.
    • ST - still picks up Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath for some extra funnel, but just uses it to maintain Rip Icon Rip wherever possible and funnels Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite into the boss.
    • Both still take Convoke the Spirits Icon Convoke the Spirits to burst the boss during the intermission phase.
  • Regardless of build aim to apply Rip Icon Rip via Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath to Tainted Lashers as they come in.
  • Use Barkskin Icon Barkskin / Survival Instincts Icon Survival Instincts as the intermission begins, especially if multiple Tainted Lashers are active. Doom Cultivation Icon Doom Cultivation deals a large amount of damage alongside Tainted Bloom Icon Tainted Bloom.
  • You can stand directly under the boss during Flaming Pestilence Icon Flaming Pestilence and take no damage as a safe zone.
  • Use Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar during Splintering Charcoal Icon Splintering Charcoal soaks so players can quickly clear Doom Roots Icon Doom Roots. You can consider Tiger Dash Icon Tiger Dash here to clear even faster as well.
  • The intermission begins at 1m40s, and takes 20-30 seconds to complete. This means Berserk Icon Berserk can be used on pull and should consistently be back for the burn.

For more information, please refer to our Gnarlroot guide.


Igira the Cruel

While Igira the Cruel is mostly a single-target encounter, there are a few opportunities to funnel into the boss alongside some important add waves that need to die quickly. Feral , however, is better suited to focusing purely on boss damage.

Suggested Talent Builds:


  • Throughout the encounter, Blistering Spear Icon Blistering Spear will spawn multiple enemies that need to be burned down quickly, but due to Feral not having much available to do so they are instead treated as funnel tools. These spawn on the pull and after each weapon phase, then 20 seconds apart throughout the encounter.
    • Depending on if your raid struggles to deal with these, you can consider fitting in Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath to contribute, but we are better suited to focusing on the boss here.
  • Watch your position to avoid Vicious Swing Icon Vicious Swing, as if you get too close to the tank, this will probably get you killed.
  • The only major point for Barkskin Icon Barkskin is during Umbral Destruction Icon Umbral Destruction soaks, especially if the group is unstable.
  • During Heart Stopper Icon Heart Stopper, get to somewhere safe and stay still. You can run into your own orb, which deals a lot of damage, so let them pass. If you are really worried or get hit, use Survival Instincts Icon Survival Instincts.
  • Dash Icon Dash and Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar should be used liberally during high movement points, especially during Devastation Icon Devastation leaps.

For more information, please refer to our Igira guide.



Volcoross is one of the two purely single-target encounters in Amirdrassil to test your raid's output. Due to this being a start-to-finish boss burn, going for a single-target build is recommended no matter what here.

Suggested Talent Builds:


  • The boss has a massive hitbox so, despite moving quite far out on the platform, you will still likely be able to hit the boss.
  • The arena is extremely large, and the raid will be split in two, so be aware of your position and stick with your group as you rotate around the platform.
  • Survival Instincts Icon Survival Instincts should be used for the Flood of the Firelands Icon Flood of the Firelands soaks. Stand to the side of the circle your group will be moving to avoid being knocked off the platform, as it knocks you from the center.
  • Use Barkskin Icon Barkskin and Renewal Icon Renewal when targeted by Coiling Flames Icon Coiling Flames to stabilize after Serpent's Fury Icon Serpent's Fury.
  • Tiger Dash Icon Tiger Dash should be used here and is mostly to cover emergencies, especially if you get caught in a bad spot during Scorchtail Crash Icon Scorchtail Crash.
  • Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar is helpful to buff your chosen group just before Flood of the Firelands Icon Flood of the Firelands in case any are caught off guard and are not knocked correctly.

For more information, please refer to our Volcoross guide.


The Council of Dreams

Council of Dreams is a boss with 3 enemies, but due to their heavy movement , most of the time, you will be limited to only two together. There are a lot of opportunities to multi-DoT, so take advantage of it.

Suggested Talent Builds:


  • The only boss that can really be moved around is Urctos, so this will be your anchor target. You will be relying on your tank to try and move it onto Aerwynn as she leaps around the room. Pip lastly will teleport around, so you will only get sporadic uptime on them.
    • Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath should be enough to comfortably maintain Rip Icon Rips when passing over bosses, and with some good positioning between them Rampant Ferocity Icon Rampant Ferocity also gains value so long as they are kept relatively close.
    • Double-Clawed Rake Icon Double-Clawed Rake is a consideration if tanks are especially good at keeping them together, otherwise just manual multi-DoT applications can suffice.
  • Remove Corruption Icon Remove Corruption can be used to remove Poisonous Javelin Icon Poisonous Javelin, but both costs a lot of points and requires extra GCDs to use. Only consider this if healers are struggling.
  • Barkskin Icon Barkskin should be used when soaking Barreling Charge Icon Barreling Charge, especially if there are not many raid members soaking. Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar is also helpful here to make sure the group can get there comfortably to soak.
  • If you take a lot of damage from the initial hit and not enough people soaked, use Survival Instincts Icon Survival Instincts to survive the follow-up impact.

For more information, please refer to our Council of Dreams guide.


Larodar, Keeper of the Flame

Larodar has a number of key adds that need to be dealt with throughout the encounter. Due to the higher investment to grab tools to do so, however, alongside the infrequent spawns, it is more recommended to focus on boss and priority damage with a strong single-target build.

Suggested Talent Builds:


  • Larodar has two separate adds that need to be dealt with, but Feral requires extra commitments if you want to deal with both of them:
    • Fiery Treants are spawned by Fiery Force of Nature Icon Fiery Force of Nature that come in groups of 3. If your raid is struggling to deal with these, consider switching a point into Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath. This should not really be necessary, though, as they both spawn infrequently and are killed very quickly. These spawn roughly 10 seconds into the encounter and briefly after each Raging Inferno Icon Raging Inferno.
    • Scorching Roots is a single add that needs to be burned down as quickly as possible. These will generally be activated 40 seconds after Treants, making their timer awkward with our cooldowns.
  • Furious Charge Icon Furious Charge will often force the boss out of range, so try to reapply any fading Bleeds to the boss before this happens to keep uptime and avoid wasting resources overcapping.
  • Blazing Coalescence Icon Blazing Coalescence provides a 20% Critical Strike buff when soaked, which you should ideally grab for your Feral Frenzy Icon Feral Frenzy casts when using the set bonus. Use Barkskin Icon Barkskin after soaking due to the DoT, alongside Nature's Vigil Icon Nature's Vigil to help healers here.
  • You can use shapeshift to remove the root from Scorching Bramblethorn Icon Scorching Bramblethorn if you get caught.
  • Feral is a good option to carry the Dream Blossom Icon Dream Blossom and clear out fire. Dash Icon Dash / Tiger Dash Icon Tiger Dash, Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar, and Cat Form Icon Cat Form lets us cover a lot of ground; just try not to snap the chain by going too fast.
  • Use Survival Instincts Icon Survival Instincts during the final phase transition during Consuming Flame Icon Consuming Flame to stay stable during the heavy raid-wide damage.
  • Typhoon Icon Typhoon can be taken to knock away any Ashen Treants if they get too close to melee to avoid Explosive Bark Icon Explosive Bark occurring in the raid.

For more information, please refer to our Larodar guide.


Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle

Nymue does have add phases in the intermission, but these are spawned so far out of range that there is no real opportunity to multi-DoT. Feral is suited here to deal strong damage in bursts as each phase begins, while also keeping high uptime on the boss while dodging.

Suggested Talent Builds:


  • Most of your time in this encounter as melee will be spent right in front of the boss dodging Impending Loom Icon Impending Loom patterns, so be aware of these so you can keep uptime without being stunned.
  • Verdant Matrix Icon Verdant Matrix patterns will draw lines that apply a DoT if you pass through, so try to coordinate with your other melee so players are always covering the area to soak Surging Growth Icon Surging Growth.
  • Every 90 seconds, Nymue will enter the Full Bloom Icon Full Bloom intermission, that will spawn a Cycle Warden on opposite ends of the room that the raid has to split up to deal with:
    • As soon as this begins cast Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar to help the tanks rush to their sides and create an Inflorescence Icon Inflorescence trail.
    • Aim to use Berserk Icon Berserk for the boss periods instead of holding it the Cycle Warden, as this will often cause you to lose a use over the course of the encounter.
    • Feral Frenzy Icon Feral Frenzy should align naturally with the intermission with and without the Season 3 set, so try to align it with the add spawn.
  • Nymue will immediately cast Continuum Icon Continuum following each intermission, that shifts the Verdant Matrix Icon Verdant Matrix. Make sure to be in the correct spot by the boss when this happens to avoid getting DoT stacks.
  • The encounter damage ramps up over time, so use Barkskin Icon Barkskin liberally but have Survival Instincts Icon Survival Instincts saved for the final burn following the third intermission when things are at their most intense.
  • Use Nature's Vigil Icon Nature's Vigil during this final burn as well to help the healers, and be ready with Renewal Icon Renewal if your health dips too low.
  • In Mythic Difficulty: Save both Nature's Vigil Icon Nature's Vigil and Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar totem for the intermission where you are assigned to the Manifested Dream add. This phase will usually have limited healing, and damage intake is higher, so the extra movement gets your team there quickly and safely.

For more information, please refer to our Nymue guide.



Smolderon is the second single-target check in Amirdrassil, and is much higher intensity. This fight has extremely high damage intake for the raid, and also has the gimmick of an intermission with 100% increased player damage intermittently throughout the encounter.

Suggested Talent Builds:


  • In each main phase, Smolderon will have two Brand of Damnation Icon Brand of Damnation casts of which you need to soak one of them. The one you soak will be the cast that overlaps with you not being Overheated Icon Overheated, and make sure to use Barkskin Icon Barkskin / Survival Instincts Icon Survival Instincts when doing so.
  • Cauterizing Wound Icon Cauterizing Wound is a massive healing absorb, so use Renewal Icon Renewal after soaking to help clear some of it off.
  • There is a lot of movement and dodging throughout the main phase, but try to not commit any movement cooldowns if you do not have to so you have them ready for the intermission. Tiger Dash Icon Tiger Dash is recommended here for the added freedom and burst movement.
  • The first intermission begins 70 seconds in and lasts for 30 seconds. This repeats on a 100-second cycle after this, so plan cooldowns accordingly.
    • The cooldown of Convoke the Spirits Icon Convoke the Spirits does not quite fit comfortably with these intermission timers, so we recommend taking Ashamane's Guidance Icon Ashamane's Guidance to bring it down to a more reasonable 1-minute. Use it on the pull, and then in intermissions after that.
  • Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar and Dash Icon Dash / Tiger Dash Icon Tiger Dash is key to dodge the World In Flames Icon World In Flames rings. Devour Essence Icon Devour Essence also spawns damage increase orbs behind you, so aim these so they can be soaked without running into the rings if possible.
  • Nature's Vigil Icon Nature's Vigil should be used in the intermission to counteract the massive raid damage, and take advantage of the damage buff.

For more information, please refer to our Smolderon guide.


Tindral Sageswift

Tindral is the penultimate encounter in Amirdrassil that has both AoE and burst requirements to deal with a variety of key mechanics. Feral is best suited focusing on the burst requirements, but it can also switch to Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath to assist with some of the AoE needed for Mass Entanglement Icon Mass Entanglement.

Suggested Talent Builds:
  • AoE


  • Due to the nature of the encounter, your build selection is dictated by what your raid is struggling with.
    • Feral can play pure single-target and focus entirely on the boss, as most of its AoE tools need time to take effect.
    • Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath should be taken as a single point to help with Mass Entanglement Icon Mass Entanglement roots, but more importantly, this is used as an extra funnel tool to generate more boss damage.
    • Rip and Tear Icon Rip and Tear provides the most frontloaded AoE to help with each of the AoE spawns. This is recommended in Mythic difficulty to deal with these and the Burning Treant wave spawns.
  • Mass Entanglement Icon Mass Entanglement can be removed by shapeshifting, which you should actively do to reduce the damage requirements. In Mythic difficulty this should only be done on waves where your raid is expecting to spawn these, which will be assigned.
  • Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar should be used to rotate around the room after Fire Beam Icon Fire Beam casts to safely move the raid to a safe spot in Phase 1. In Phase 2 onward, this should be cast just before Seed of Flame Icon Seed of Flame completes so the raid can spread out and soak as quickly as possible.
  • With Improved Stampeding Roar Icon Improved Stampeding Roar, it should also be ready during Typhoon Icon Typhoon to help the raid push against it and get into a good position to pick up an Empowered Feather Icon Empowered Feather.
  • If you intend to soak a large number of Seed of Flame Icon Seed of Flame, commit Barkskin Icon Barkskin as the damage intake ramps up very quickly.
  • Nature's Vigil Icon Nature's Vigil should be used during Supernova Icon Supernova casts alongside your cooldowns to keep the raid stable during the shield burn.

For more information, please refer to our Tindral guide.


Fyrakk the Blazing

The final encounter, Fyrakk, has a number of important adds that need to be killed but above all else boss damage is king. It is a long encounter with a lot of points of failure, so the more you can focus on single-target the better. Feral has some options here to grab tools to help with Phase 2, but depending on your group composition, your decision will be single-target or light cleave.

Suggested Talent Builds:
  • Single Target
  • Cleave


  • Due to the presence of some add phases, there are two build options here:
    • A pure single-target build that largely ignores them, focusing instead on prioritizing boss damage and killing off the Burning Colossus spawns.
    • Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath can be taken for light cleave and funnel in Phase 2. If your raid is really struggling, Rampant Ferocity Icon Rampant Ferocity can also be taken.
  • Convoke the Spirits Icon Convoke the Spirits is heavily recommended here as the fight is very cyclical, with downtime of low-value phases to let it recover. You should plan uses of this and Berserk Icon Berserk for certain key points:
    • Intermission 1 during Corrupt Icon Corrupt, as the faster you break the shield the less damage the raid takes. This happens at 70% boss HP, so depending on your push time you may need to hold cooldowns slightly.
    • Either on boss between the two Colossus sets in Phase 2, or on the second Colossus set itself depending on where your raid is struggling. Ideally with the first you should have them back just before Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust at the start of Phase 3 for more overall boss damage.
  • Barkskin Icon Barkskin should be used liberally as there is a lot of group damage here. Particular pain points are bad Blaze Icon Blaze overlaps, high stacks of Aflame Icon Aflame and the Corrupt Icon Corrupt intermission.
    • In Mythic difficulty, both this and Survival Instincts Icon Survival Instincts should be used on the overlaps of Blaze Icon Blaze and Darkflame Shades Icon Darkflame Shades, as if you ever get hit by both at once you will die to the follow up Wildfire Icon Wildfire.
  • Tiger Dash Icon Tiger Dash is recommended here over Wild Charge Icon Wild Charge, as this is an encounter with a huge amount of movement away from the boss that needs quick reactions.
  • Typhoon Icon Typhoon should be taken to help move the Screaming Souls into a stacked spot during Phase 2. Incapacitating Roar Icon Incapacitating Roar can also be used to AoE interrupt the casts.
  • Save Tiger Dash Icon Tiger Dash in the final phase to get to the edge if you are targeted by Eternal Firestorm Icon Eternal Firestorm. Also, use Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar here to help others get out, as the tornado that spawns is deadly.
    • In Mythic difficulty, this is best used on Dream Rend Icon Dream Rend, Firestorm Icon Firestorm and Blaze Icon Blaze spreads. Organize your group movement tools to cover these in Phase 1 and 2 with your raid, and in Phase 3, use it to help players run to the edge with Eternal Firestorm Icon Eternal Firestorm.

For more information, please refer to our Fyrakk guide.



  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Updated for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 12 Nov. 2023: Page added.
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