Vengeance Demon Hunter Tank Spell List and Glossary — The War Within (11.0.7)
On this page, we present you with all spells and procs that you need to understand as a Vengeance Demon Hunter in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.0.7).
Main Resource of Vengeance Demon Hunters
Vengeance Demon Hunters use the resources called Fury and Shattered Soul Fragments. Fury is very similar in functionality to Warriors' and Guardian Druids' Rage. Soul Fragments are akin to Combo Points used by Rogues and Feral Druids. However, they are stored on the ground and can be absorbed by walking within 4 yards of them.
The Fury bar has a baseline maximum capacity of 100, which can be increased to a max of 120 by talenting into Unrestrained Fury, and is empty by default. Fury decays at a rate of 1 per second when out of combat. In combat, Fury does not decay. Fury comes using a number of abilities.
Soul Fragments are a unique Vengeance Demon Hunter mechanic. The baseline ability comes from the Shattered Souls passive.
When you kill a target, there is a chance that a Soul Fragment will be created. This is an orb that is placed on the ground at a nearby location and persists for up to 20 seconds. If you walk over it, you will consume the Soul Fragment, and be healed for a certain amount (435% of your attack power in Health). Only you can see and interact with your Soul Fragments. Moreover, if a Soul Fragment comes from a Demon target, consuming it will also, increase your damage done by 20% for 15 seconds.
In addition to these Soul Fragments, there are also Lesser Soul Fragments. These have a chance to be created when you damage targets with Shear. They work in exactly the same way, but they heal for 7% of all damage taken in the last 5 seconds, with a minimum heal of 1% of your maximum Health.
The four ways you can consume souls are:
- Spirit Bomb.
- Soul Cleave.
- Automatically Consuming them via overcapping (going above 5 souls)
- Walking within 4 yards of a soul.
Note that, in general, you do not want to walk near a soul unintentionally. It will be auto-consumed, meaning loss of damage potential from Spirit Bomb. You also do not want to overcap souls if you are running Spirit Bomb for the same reason.
Your Soul Cleave and Spirit Bomb abilities will instantly consume Soul Fragments (including Lesser ones) within a 100-yard radius. This is significant because, given the frequency with which you use these abilities, walking around to manually collect Soul Fragments is simply not necessary.
Hero Talents and Abilities
The newest addition in The War Within is Hero Talent Trees, offering several new talents and one major ability that affects Vengeance Demon Hunter. To read more about which Hero Talents are recommended you can visit the dedicated page for them with the button below.
New Aldrachi Reaver Hero Talents
Ability | Description/Effect |
Art of the Glaive | Consuming 20 Soul Fragment or using The Hunt changes your Throw Glaive into Reaver's Glaive, which deals extra damage and empowering your next Shear/ Fracture and Soul Cleave to deal extra damage and interact with further Hero Talents. |
Fury of the Aldrachi | Causes your Soul Cleave empowered by Reaver's Glaive to cast 3 extra attacks on all nearby enemies, dealing medium damage. If cast after your empowered Shear/ Fracture it will instead cast 6 more attacks. |
Evasive Action | You can recast Vengeful Retreat once within 3 seconds of your initial cast. Choice node with Unhindered Assault. |
Unhindered Assault | Vengeful Retreat resets the cooldown of Felblade. Choice node with Evasive Action. |
Reaver's Mark | Causes your Shear/ Fracture empowered by Reaver's Glaive to mark your target, increasing damage taken from you by 7%, stacking 2 times. Using Shear/ Fracture after your empowered Soul Cleave applies 2 stacks instead of 1. |
Aldrachi Tactics | After using both abilities empowered by Reaver's Glaive you generate a Lesser Soul Fragment. |
Army Unto Oneself | Reduces damage taken by 10% for 5 seconds after using Felblade. Choice node with Incorruptible Spirit. |
Incorruptible Spirit | Generates a shield for 15% of your Soul Fragment Healing. Choice node with Army Unto Oneself. |
Wounded Quarry | Auto-Attacks against targets marked by Reaver's Mark have a chance to generate a lesser Soul Fragment. |
Incisive Blade | Soul Cleave deals 10% more damage. |
Keen Engagement | Reaver's Glaive generates 20 Fury. Choice node with Preemptive Strike. |
Preemptive Strike | Throw Glaive deals a minor amount of damage to enemies close to the initial target. Choice node with Keen Engagement. |
Warblade's Hunger | Each Soul Fragment consumed causes your next Shear/ Fracture to deal a small amount of extra damage, stacking up to 5. |
Thrill of the Fight | After using both abilities empowered by Reaver's Glaive, you gain 15% faster Auto-Attack speed for 20 seconds, and 20% increased damage and healing for 10 seconds. |
New Fel-Scarred Hero Talents
Ability | Description/Effect |
Demonsurge | Metamorphosis and Demonic empower Spirit Bomb and Soul Cleave to deal 30% more damage; the first cast of each also creates a Demonsurge explosion around you dealing damage to all nearby enemies. |
Wave of Debilitation | Chaos Nova reduces the movement speed by 60% and the attack speed by 15% for 5 seconds after the stun wears off. Choice node with Pursuit of Angriness. |
Pursuit of Angriness | Increases movement speed by 1% for each 10 Fury you have. Choice node with Wave of Debilitation. |
Focused Hatred | Your Demonsurge deals 50% extra damage, with the bonus damage reducing by 10% per target beyond the first. |
Set Fire to the Pain | 5% of all damage gets delayed and spread out over 6 seconds as Fire damage. Also reduces all Fire damage taken by 10%. Choice node with Improved Soul Rending. |
Improved Soul Rending | Increases Leech from Soul Rending by 2%, and another 2% during Metamorphosis. Choice node with Set Fire to the Pain. |
Burning Blades | Causes Throw Glaive, Soul Cleave and your Auto-Attacks to deal 35% more damage as Fire damage, over 6 seconds. |
Violent Transformation | Casting Metamorphosis resets the cooldown of Fel Devastation and all charges of Sigil of Flame. |
Enduring Torment | Grants 5% more Health and 20% more Armor when you are not in Demon form. |
Untethered Fury | Increases your maximum Fury by 50. |
Student of Suffering | Casting Sigil of Flame grants 18% Mastery and grants 5 Fury every 2 seconds, for 8 seconds. Choice node with Flamebound. |
Flamebound | Increases the range of Immolation Aura by 2 yards and increases its Critical Strike damage by 25%. Choice node with Student of Suffering. |
Monster Rising | Increases your base Agility by 8% when Demon form is not active. |
Demonic Intensity | When you cast Metamorphosis you also empower Fel Devastation, Immolation Aura and Sigil of Flame, causing each to deal 30% more damage, and the first time you activate them, you create a Demonsurge explosion. Also increases the damage of Demonsurge by 10% for each subsequent explosion. These effects do not apply when casting Fel Devastation. |
Leveling and Obtaining Abilities
Vengeance will unlock a couple of abilities in their starter zone; however, most of the abilities and ranks are gained from talenting into them after reaching level 10.
Baseline Vengeance Abilities
Ability | Abbreviation | Description/Effect |
Thick Skin | - | A passive to assist you in tanking, increasing your total Armor by 130% and your Stamina by 60%. |
Demonic Wards | - | A passive to assist you in tanking, reducing all damage taken by 8%. |
Immolation Aura | IA | Has no cost, deals moderate Fire damage to all enemies in an 8-yard radius instantly, and then a low amount of damage every second for 6 seconds, dealing reduced damage above 8 targets. It generates 20 Fury throughout its 6-second duration. This ability interacts with several passive talents that add to its functionality. |
Sigil of Flame | SoF | You place a Sigil on the ground and 2 seconds later deals Fire damage to all enemies in the Sigil, and places a 6-second Fire damage DoT on them as well. It generates 30 Fury and will apply one stack of Frailty to every target hit. |
Shear | - | deals damage to the target and generates 10 Fury. It also creates a Lesser Soul Fragment |
Soul Cleave | SC | A melee ability that costs 30 Fury. It damages up to 5 enemies located in front of you heals you and consumes 2 Soul Fragments in a 100-yard radius around you. Depending on what talents you select, this spell will either be used to consume souls and heal you, or be used to fill out your rotation when you have Fury to burn but no Lesser Soul Fragments available. This ability is now capped at 5 targets as of Patch 10.0. |
Throw Glaive | TG | Throws a glaive at a target, dealing Physical damage to them and ricocheting to 1 additional enemies within 10 yards. It has a 9-second base cooldown, generates high threat, and is good for pulling mobs from a distance or as a filler ability. |
Demon Spikes | DS | Grows spikes from your back, increasing your Armor for 6 seconds scaling with your Agility. Your Mastery will increase the armor granted by Demon Spikes. It has 2 charges and a 20-second recharge rate, reduced by Haste. Talenting into Deflecting Spikes causes you to also gain 15% Parry during the full duration. |
Metamorphosis | DS | Turn into Demon form, increasing Health by 40% and Armor by 200% for 15 seconds on a 2-minute cooldown. |
Mastery: Fel Blood | - | The Vengeance Mastery increases your Armor by an amount of your Agility equal to your Mastery percentage. This amount is doubled when you have Demon Spikes active. It also increases your Attack Power. |
Chaos Brand | MT | Causes enemies you damage to take 5% more Magic damage from everything. This effect is exclusive to Demon Hunters and is a very strong passive effect in all content. |
Torment | Taunt | Forces the target to attack you for 3 seconds with a cooldown of 8 seconds and has a 30-yard range. During that time, your threat generation on that target is also increased. |
Infernal Strike | IS | Your main movement ability, has 1 charge (a second one available from Blazing Path), and a 20-second cooldown (reduceable with talents). It causes you to leap through the air to the desired location (within 30 yards), dealing Fire damage to enemies in a 6-yard radius where you land. It is used both for mobility and for dealing damage. Worth noting that while the the animation looks like you are jumping; the spell will actually cause you to run to your target location really fast. This makes it impossible to jump over most beams and similar mechanics using Infernal Strike. |
Disrupt | Kick | Your interrupt for spells. Using it on a spellcaster will cancel their cast and lock them out of that Magic school for 3 seconds. It has a 15-second cooldown and a 5-yard range (can be increased to 15-yard range with Improved Disrupt). Disrupting Fury causes successful interrupts to generate 30 Fury. |
Spectral Sight | - | Allows you to see enemies and treasures through walls for 10 seconds. It will also reveal hidden enemies, as well as stealthed and invisible ones. |
Double Jump | - | Allows you to jump in the air for extra height. |
Glide | - | Allows you to extend your wings and glide forward. It can be activated with the spell or by pressing jump again after having used Double Jump. |
Talented Abilities
Talent Tree Rows 1-4
Active Abilities
Ability | Abbreviation | Description/Effect |
Vengeful Retreat | VR | A movement ability with a 25-second cooldown. It removes all snares, deals a low amount of physical damage, and launches you backwards. |
Sigil of Misery | SoM | Places a Sigil on the ground, and 2 seconds later fears all enemies in the Sigil for 15 seconds. It has a 2-minute cooldown. |
Fel Devastation | FD | Breathe fire dealing heavy fire damage to all enemies in a cone in front of you, healing you a medium amount while channeling. Interacts with Demonic to grant 7 seconds of Metamorphosis when used. It costs 50 Fury to use and has a 40-second cooldown. |
Imprison | - | A 1-minute duration single-target crowd control effect on a 45-second duration with a 20-yard range that works on Demon, Beast, and Humanoid targets. Using it before you enter combat with a target will not put you in combat and reduce the range at which the enemy will enter combat with you. |
Fiery Brand | FB | Deals moderate fire damage to your target, causing them to deal 40% less damage to you for 12 seconds. This spell is modified heavily by other talents. |
Consume Magic | Purge | Purges the target, removing 1 beneficial magic effect on the target. It has a 30-yard range and a 10-second cooldown. |
Fracture | Frac | Replaces Shear, it has 2 charges on a 4.5-second hasted cooldown. It generates 25 Fury and spawns 2 Lesser Soul Fragments when cast. Choice node with Shear Fury |
Chaos Nova | CN | Is a 2-second AOE-stun on a 45-second cooldown. It costs 25 Fury and deals a low amount of chaos damage to every target hit. |
Sigil of Silence | SoS | Places a Sigil on the ground, and 2 seconds later silences all enemies in the Sigil for 4 seconds. It has a 90-second cooldown. Choice node with Roaring Fire. |
Passive Effects
Ability | Abbreviation | Description/Effect |
Blazing Path | - | Grants an additional charge of Infernal Strike. |
Vengeful Bonds | - | Causes enemies hit by Vengeful Retreat to be slowed by 70% for 3 seconds. |
Unrestrained Fury | UF | Increases your maximum Fury by 20. |
Shattered Restoration | SR | increases healing from your Shattered Souls by 10%. |
Improved Sigil of Misery | - | Reduces the cooldown of Sigil of Misery by 30 seconds. |
Frailty | - | Causes enemies hit by Sigil of Flame to get a stack of Frailty, causing you to heal for 8% of all damage you deal to them for 6 seconds. |
Bouncing Glaives | - | Causes Throw Glaive to hit a third target. |
Charred Warblades | CB | Heals you for 4% of all fire damage you deal to enemies. |
Shear Fury | - | Increases the Fury generated by Shear by 10. Choice node with Fracture. |
Deflecting Spikes | - | Causes Demon Spikes to also increase your Parry chance by 15% for the full duration. |
Ascending Flame | Asc | Increases the damage from the initial hit of Sigil of Flame by 50% and allows multiple applications of Sigil of Flame to overlap. |
Improved Disrupt | - | Makes your interrupt Disrupt have a 10-yard range instead of a 5-yard range. |
Aldrachi Design | - | Increases your Parry chance by 3%. |
Perfectly Balanced Glaive | - | Reduces the cooldown of Throw Glaive by 6 seconds. |
Calcified Spikes | Calc | Grants a buff when Demon Spikes expires or is refreshed, reducing all damage taken by 12%, diminishing by 1% every second for the next 12 seconds. |
> Roaring Fire | RF | Increases the healing of Fel Devastation by up to 50%, proportional to your missing Health. Choice node with Sigil of Silence. |
Retaliation | - | Causes attacking enemies to take minor damage when they deal physical damage to you when you have Demon Spikes active. |
Meteoric Strikes | - | Reduces the cooldown of Infernal Strike by 10 seconds. |
Talent Tree Rows 5-7
Active Abilities
Ability | Abbreviation | Description/Effect |
Felblade | - | An active ability with a 15-second cooldown (reduced by Haste) that charges your target and deals Fire damage to them. Has a shortened global cooldown. It generates 40 Fury, and using Shear or Fracture has a low chance to reset Felblade's cooldown. |
Spirit Bomb | SpB | A spender that costs 40 Fury and consumes up to 5 available Soul Fragments and deals fire damage based on the amount consumed to all enemies in range. Applies 1 stack of Frailty to each target hit. |
Soul Barrier | SB | An active ability with a 30-second cooldown. You place a damage absorption shield on yourself that lasts for 15 seconds. Each time you consume a Soul Fragment while the shield is active, more damage absorption is added to it. Using Soul Barrier consumes all Soul Fragments within 25 yards. Choice node with Bulk Extraction. |
Bulk Extraction | BE | Deals a low amount of fire damage to every enemy around you that will extract a lesser soul from each target hit, up to 5 soul fragments and automatically consume them. It has a 1-minute cooldown. Choice node with Soul Barrier. |
Sigil of Chains | SoC | Places a Sigil on the ground, and 2 seconds later grips all enemies in the Sigil, slowing them by 70% for 6 seconds. It has a 1-minute cooldown. |
Passive Effects
Ability | Abbreviation | Description/Effect |
Pursuit | - | Adds a passive effect to your Mastery stat Mastery: Fel Blood, increasing your movement speed slightly based on your Mastery percentage. |
Disrupting Fury | - | You generate 30 Fury on successful interrupts with Disrupt |
Aura of Pain | AoP | Grants you 6% increased critical strike chance on Immolation Aura. |
Swallowed Anger | - | Causes successful purges with Consume Magic to generate 20 Fury. |
Fel Flame Fortification | FFF | Reduces Magic damage taken by 10% when Immolation Aura is active. |
Felfire Haste | - | Gives you 10% movement speed for 8 seconds after using Infernal Strike. |
Master of the Glaive | MotG | Grants a second charge of Throw Glaive and slows enemies hit by 50% for 6 seconds. Choice node with Champion of the Glaive. |
Champion of the Glaive | CotG | Grants a second charge of Throw Glaive and increases its range by 10 yards. Choice node with Master of the Glaive. |
Live by the Glaive | - | When one of your attacks are parried, or you parry an attack, you heal for 2% of your maximum Health and gain 10 Fury. It can only occur once every 5 seconds. |
Precise Sigils | - | Forces all sigils to be placed on your targets location. |
> Lost in Darkness | - | Causes Spectral Sight to last 6 seconds after canceling the initial cast. |
Feast of Souls | - | Causes Soul Cleave to give a minor 6-second duration heal over time effect. |
Agonizing Flames | AF | Increases movement speed by 10% while Immolation Aura is active and increases the duration of Immolation Aura by 50%. |
Extended Spikes/td> | ES | Increases the duration of Demon Spikes by 2 seconds. |
Burning Blood | BB | Increases your fire damage done by 10%. |
Soul Rending | - | grants you 5% leech per point, as well as 5% additional leech while you have Metamorphosis active. |
Infernal Armor | - | Causes your Immolation Aura to increase your Armor by 10% per point, and cause attackers to suffer minor fire damage. |
Void Reaver | - | Targets afflicted by Frailty now deals 3% less damage to you. Causes enemies struck by Soul Cleave to be afflicted by Frailty for 6 seconds. |
Fallout | FO | Causes the initial damage of Immolation to have a high chance of spawning a Lesser Soul Fragment for every target hit. You can spawn up to a maximum of 5 Lesser Soul Fragments. |
Ruinous Bulwark | RB | Increases the healing of Fel Devastation by 10% and gives you a shield equal to the full amount of the heal. |
Volatile Flameblood | VF | Generates 5-10 Fury randomly when Immolation Aura deals critical damage. It may only occur once every second. |
Revel in Pain | RiP | Grants a shield when Fiery Brand expires based on the damage done to the target during the time it was active. |
Chaos Fragments | - | Gives a 30% chance to spawn a Lesser Soul Fragment for each target hit by Chaos Nova. |
Illidari Knowledge | - | Reduces magic damage taken by 5%. |
Demonic | - | You will get 7 seconds of Metamorphosis when using Fel Devastation, starting when the channel begins. |
Will of the Illidari | - | Increases your maximum health by 5%. |
Soul Furnace | Furnace | Makes your next Soul Cleave or Spirit Bomb deal 40% increased damage after every 10 Soul Fragments you consume. |
Painbringer | PB | Grants you a 6-second, stacking damage reductions per Shattered Souls consumed. Each stack grants a 1% damage reduction per point invested. Each stack has an independent duration. |
Fiery Demise | Demise | Causes targets afflicted by Fiery Brand to take 20%/40% increased fire damage from you. |
Chains of Anger | CoA | Increases the radius of all your sigils by 2 yards and their duration by 2 seconds. |
Talent Tree Rows 8-10
Active Abilities
Ability | Abbreviation | Description/Effect |
Darkness | - | A 5-minute defensive cooldown that affects you and all allies inside the effect. It spawns a could of darkness for 8 seconds that causes all damage you or an ally inside the darkness to have a 15% chance to be negated completely. The chance increases to 30% outside of Raid content. |
The Hunt | TH | an ability that will charge an enemy up to 50 yards away, causing Chaos damage, rooting them in place, and dealing additional Chaos damage over 6 seconds up to 5 targets in the path of the charge. The player will charge the target selected, but the hitbox behaves like a leap reticle on determining what enemies to damage. This means that if the targets are moving slightly as the charge happens, then they may move out of the damage area and receive no damage. There is a slight grace period after hitting your main target where you can move into the hitbox of other targets and apply the damage-over-time effect to them. The Hunt has a 1.5-minute cooldown at no cost. |
Soul Carver | Carver, SCa | Deals a large amount of fire damage and leaves a 3 second damage over time effect, dealing additional damage. It spawns 3 Lesser Soul Fragments on initial damage, and another Soul Fragment every second for 3 seconds. Soul Carver has a 1-minute cooldown at no cost. |
Sigil of Spite | SoSp | Places an arcane sigil on the ground that explodes after 2 seconds, dealing massive Chaos damage and spawning 3 Lesser Soul Fragments. It has a 1-minute cooldown. |
Passive Effects
Ability | Abbreviation | Description/Effect |
Internal Struggle | - | Grants you 3% Mastery. |
Focused Cleave | FC | Increases the damage of Soul Cleave by 50% against your primary target. |
> Soulmonger | SM | Causes overhealing from Soul Fragments to be stored as a shield for up to 10% of your max Health. |
Stoke the Flames | Stoke | Increases the damage of Fel Devastation by 35%. |
Burning Alive | - | BA, Fiery Brand spreads to a target near the first target. The spread dot starts at full duration of a normal cast. |
Cycle of Binding | CoB | The cooldown of all your sigils is reduced by 2 seconds when a sigil affects at least 1 target. This will reduce the cooldown on the sigil you cast as well since their activation is delayed. |
Erratic Felheart | - | Reduces the cooldown of Infernal Strike by 10% per point. |
Long Night | - | Causes Darkness to last 3 seconds longer. Choice node with Pitch Black. |
Pitch Black | - | Reduces the cooldown of Darkness by 120 seconds. Choice node with Long Night. |
Rush of Chaos | RoC | Reduces the cooldown of Metamorphosis by 30/60 seconds. |
Demon Muzzle | - | Enemy targets hit by any of your Sigils deal 8% less Magic damage to you for 8 seconds. |
Extended Sigils | ES | Increases the duration of all your sigils by 1 second per point> |
Flames of Fury | FoF | Makes your Sigil of Flame deal 35%/70% more damage and generate an additional 1/2 Fury per target hit by the initial hit. |
Vulnerability | Vuln | Increases your damage done to targets affected by Frailty by 2% per talent point and stack of Frailty. |
Feed the Demon | FtD | Reduces the cooldown on Demon Spikes by 0.25 seconds per talent point every time you consume a Soul Fragment. |
Charred Flesh | CF | Extends the duration of Fiery Brand and Sigil of Flame by 0.25 seconds per point whenever Immolation Aura deals damage to a target. |
Collective Anguish | CA | Your Fel Devastation summon an allied Havoc Demon Hunter dealing chaos damage to all targets in front of you. |
Quickened Sigils | QS | Makes your sigils activate after 1 second instead of 2 seconds. |
Soulcrush | - | Your Frailty can now overlap on targets, stacking all the effects of Frailty. Each stacks has an independent duration of at least 6 seconds. It also causes Soul Cleave to apply a second stack of Frailty to your primary target that lasts 8 seconds. |
Last Resort | LR | A cheat death effect that will heal you if you sustain lethal damage, granting you 15 seconds of Metamorphosis. It has an 8-minute cooldown after saving you. |
Darkglare Boon | DgB | Reduces the cooldown of Fel Devastation after it has finished channeling by 15-30% and refunds 15-30 Fury. |
Down in Flames | DiF | Grants a second charge of Fiery Brand and reduces the cooldown of Fiery Brand by 12 seconds. |
Illuminated Sigils | Illu, Illum | Grants a second charge all of Sigil of Flame and reduces its cooldown by 5 seconds, and when Sigil of Flame is active on a target, you have a 12% higher chance to Parry all of their attacks. |
- 15 Dec. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.7, no changes needed.
- 21 Oct. 2024: Updated with Patch 11.0.5 changes.
- 09 Oct. 2024: Updated after buff to Lesser Soul Fragments.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Fixed a few errors in spell descriptions.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
- 07 May 2024: Updated with changes to spells in Patch 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Fixed a minor error in the description of Sigil of Silence.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Updated for changes to The Hunt and Elysian Decree in Patch 10.2.5.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Updated with new and changed spell descriptions for Patch 10.2.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Updated with some minor corrections for Patch 10.1.5.
- 10 Jul. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.5.
- 19 Jun. 2023: Updated spell description for a spell that was wrong.
- 01 May 2023: Updated with changes to spells and talents in Patch 10.1
- 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
- 08 Mar. 2023: Updated description for talents and passives.
- 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
- 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Pre-Patch.
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This guide is written by Meyra, a Vengeance main with a love for pushing Mythic+ keys and showcasing Proof of Concept keys with 5 tanks or other non-standard group compositions. They are a distinguished member and frequent contributor to Vengeance theory in the Demon Hunter class discord who also occasionally streams Vengeance and other tank content on Twitch.
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