Windwalker Monk DPS Crucible of Storms Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Windwalker Monk for each boss of the following raid: Crucible of Storms. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
This page will be a talent cheatsheet and Windwalker Monk-specific tips page for Crucible of Storms. For an actual strategy on the encounters, you should check the raid guide.
Talent Cheatsheet
The Restless Cabal
During Embrace of the Void, you will not be able to receive
any healing. You should save
Touch of Karma for it, if you can afford to.
Keep Transcendence up next to the Void Stone relic to be able to
efficiently move back to it during
Umbral Shell casts. This will
allow you to take down the shield quickly.
Cooldown usage can be optimized with slight delays in this fight.
Touch of Death does not benefit from it, however, and you should use it on
cooldown. Delays are unlikely to gain anything and will potentially lose you
a cast.
On the other hand, wait for 45 seconds to use
Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
and then proceed to use it on cooldown. This should grant you maximum damage
increase stacks for every cast. Use your two stacks of
Storm, Earth, and Fire to line up one cast of it with each Xuen timing.
Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void
If your strategy involves killing several waves of minions,
Hit Combo can outshine
Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger; however,
Xuen is still the go to for boss damage.
Ring of Peace can be used to interrupt the
Primordial Mindbender casts.
Keep Transcendence up near the middle of the room to be able to
quickly reposition from abilities such as
Piercing Gaze of N'Zoth,
allowing you to dodge all of its damage.
- 14 Jan. 2020: This page has been reviewed for Patch 8.3 and no changes are necessary.
- 24 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary.
- 17 May 2019: Guide updated with further tips.
- 15 Apr. 2019: Guide added.
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This guide has been written by Pandanaconda, one of the main theorycrafters of the spec. He is a co-founder of the Monk resource site Peak of Serenity, in charge of the Windwalker pages.
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