Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void Strategy Guide in Crucible of Storms Raid
Welcome to our encounter guide for Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void in the Crucible of Storms raid. Here, you will first find a quick breakdown by role followed by a detailed strategy to defeat Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void.
Fight Overview
After seeing the Relics used in the last fight, it is now time for players to use them against Uu'nat. With varying effects for each role, the relics will change the way you plan your strategy for defeating this boss.
The fight is composed of three phases, during which you will have to fight the boss, as well as a number of adds. Movement and positioning are crucial in this fight.
- Manage the Trident of Deep Ocean relic to shield the raid when necessary.
- Keep the boss and the Undying Guardians more than 10 yards apart to prevent Sightless Bond.
- Switch positions and threat with the other tank when the boss casts Touch of the End to prevent Sightless Bond.
- Keep the boss facing away from the raid due to the frontal damage effect of Touch of the End.
- Manage the Void Stone relic to prevent enemies from healing when you need to soak Oblivion Tears.
- Use a taunt ability to gain threat on the boss in order to quickly break Umbral Shell on yourself, allowing the raid to be healed again.
- Prepare to use raid-wide healing cooldowns for the times the Tempest Caller relic is used.
- Manage the Tempest Caller relic to destroy enemies from 25% health. Using this will prevent enemies from triggering their normal on-death effects.
- Apply DoTs on Undying Guardians, especially if it will allow you to deal increased damage to the boss.
- Interrupt and kill Primordial Mindbenders when they spawn.
- Be careful not to harm allies when they become hostile due to Gift of N'Zoth: Lunacy.
- Do not come into contract with Oblivion Tears until the Void Stone relic is used.
- Attempt to spawn Oblivion Tears near the edges of the play area by standing out of the center.
- When Piercing Gaze of N'Zoth appears, allow one beam to hit you, wait for the debuff this applies to expire, and then let the other beam hit you.
- Stay inside the safe area when Gift of N'Zoth: Obscurity occurs.
- During Phase Two, attempt to kill all of the adds with the Tempest Caller relic before Gift of N'Zoth: Hysteria occurs.
- During Phase Two, beware of Unknowable Terror. The danger zone for this ability is very large.
- During Phase Three, stand near players with Insatiable Torment to allow them to heal from Feed on the Unworthy.
- The boss should be kept more than 10 yards away from Undying Guardians and near the edge of the play area at all times.
- Ranged players and the tank with the Undying Guardians should also be near the edges of the room on opposite sides of the boss from each other.
- Ranged should be positioned close enough to deal damage to the Undying Guardians.
Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
We recommend using Bloodlust/ Heroism/ Time Warp at the start of Phase 3 to prevent your raid becoming overwhelmed by Insatiable Torments.
Relics of Power
The Relics of Power that were previously used by the bosses on the Restless Cabal encounter are now available to the raid, with each one being used by a different role. Once a player picks up a relic, they will be unable to do so again until their debuff wears off.
The relics and their effects are as follows:
- Void Stone — this relic is available to healers and can provide an absorption shield through Umbral Shell. This shield applies to all players and creatures. Once it is removed, it will remove the Embrace of the Void debuff, which reduces all healing received by 100% for hostile and friendly targets.
- Trident of Deep Ocean — this relic will be used by tanks and provides a bubble for the tank that uses it and their allies, which will absorb 75% of the damage taken. Once the bubble, Custody of the Deep, is destroyed or expires, it will deal Frost damage to the raid.
- Tempest Caller — the last relic is used by DPS players and provides access to the Storm of Annihilation ability. This causes Nature damage every second over 15 seconds to both players and lesser adds, while also reducing damage done by 50% for 3 seconds. If the Storm hits a target below 25%, they will instantly die, while also not triggering any "on-death" effect.
Undying Guardian Abilities
The Undying Guardian add is present in all 3 phases of the fight, but still has the same abilities throughout.
Sightless Bond
When within 20 yards of Uu'nat, Sightless Bond causes the Guardian to make the boss take 99% less damage.
Shroud of Whispers
The Guardians cannot be brought below 1 health naturally due to Shroud of Whispers, as well as being given a damage increase based on how high their current health level is.
Unnatural Regeneration
When the Guardians reach 1 health, they will start to heal for 1% of their maximum health every second. This will continue to grow in strength over time until they reach full health, at which point they will stop healing.
Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void Abilities
Phase One
Touch of the End
Uu'nat will deal Shadow damage to the tank and mark them for 24 seconds, with additional damage being dealt every 3 seconds for the duration. While Touch of the End is active, all Undying Guardians will be drawn towards the marked tank.
Oblivion Tear
Uu'nat will summon Oblivion Tear void zones that deal damage to any player that comes into contact with them. Upon touching the zone, the player will also be knocked back and Uu'nat will heal for 1% of its maximum health.
Void Crash
Similar to the Void balls that were summoned on the Restless Cabal encounter, Uu'nat will launch energy at players with a 10-yard explosion radius. If this Void Crash is not soaked, the ball will reduce in size and damage up to 2 times and then bounce again until it is soaked by a player.
Eyes of N'Zoth
There are 2 types of Eyes on the Uu'nat encounter and they are as follows:
- Maddening Eyes — multiple eyes open and send lines of void energy across the room, dealing damage to any players they touch. The lines will also cause any players they touch to become hostile to other players for 8 seconds.
- Piercing Gaze — the gaze will move across the room, dealing damage to any players hit, followed by an additional Shadow-damage DoT, which deals damage every second for 4 seconds. This effect can stack and will increase the duration of the debuff.
Gift of N'Zoth: Obscurity
Once the energy bar of Uu'nat fills, it will cast Gift of N'Zoth: Obscurity, dealing Shadow damage to all players, followed by a ring of Void energy that deals additional Shadow damage every 0.5 seconds.
Phase Two
In Phase Two, Uu'nat will not cast Void Crash, Maddening Eyes of N'Zoth, and Piercing Gaze of N'Zoth. Instead, it will now cast the other abilities from Phase One, with the following new ones.
Gift of N'Zoth: Hysteria
In Phase Two, when reaching full energy, Uu'nat will use Gift of N'Zoth: Hysteria, dealing Shadow damage to all players, followed by buffing all currently living adds to have 50% increased Haste and movement speed, as well as healing them to max health.
Primordial Mindbender
Primordial Mindbender adds will cast Consume Essence, causing Shadow damage to all players and healing them to full health. Once they die, they will summon multiple Swarming Voidspawns. These smaller adds will cause Shadow damage to all players within a 10-yard radius when they die.
Unknowable Terror
The Unknowable Terror causing Shadow damage to all players within 80 yards and fears them for 6 seconds.
Phase Three
The abilities used in Phase Three are a mixture of those from previous phases, with new ones added in. The following abilities are unchanged and used from Phases Ones and Two:
- Touch of the End
- Oblivion Tear
- Piercing Gaze of N'Zoth
The abilities listed below are new to Phase Three.
Insatiable Torment
Insatiable Torment marks a player with a debuff that reduces all healing they receive by 100%. On top of this, they will take Shadow damage every second, as well as triggering Feed on the Unworthy every 2 seconds. This will leech health from nearby allies and heal the afflicted player, with the healing ignoring the 100% reduction that was initially applied by the debuff.
Gift of N'Zoth: Lunacy
When Uu'nat reaches full energy, it cast Gift of N'Zoth: Lunacy, dealing Shadow damage to all players and then cause all players to become hostile to each other for 5 seconds.
The Relics
One of the most influential mechanics of this encounter will be the relics and how you use them. The same 3 relics from the Restless Cabal encounter are present (with differences in how they work, as explained above).
It is worth mentioning that each relic will simply drop on the ground after being used by a player, so it is important that they are not dropped in locations that cannot be accessed easily by the next player to use them.
Trident of Deep Ocean
The Trident of Deep Ocean is used by tanks; after being used it will need to recharge for 2 minutes and will apply Feedback: Ocean to the player that used it. This prevents the player from using it again for 3 minutes. This means that both tanks cycle uses in order to use it more than once every 3 minutes. The relic will absorb 75% of all damage on players within the shield. However, when the shield expires, it will deal damage to the raid based on the remaining health. You should only utilize this relic if you are confident the shield will be destroyed in the process. A good time to use this is along with the Tempest Caller relic.
Void Stone
The Void Stone is used by healers; after being used it will need to recharge for 1 minute and will apply Feedback: Void to the player that used it. This prevents the player from using it again for 2 minutes. This can be used to prevent the boss from healing when players soak Oblivion Tears, or to prevent enemies from healing when Gift of N'Zoth: Hysteria occurs. The enemies will still receive the Haste benefit, so using it for Gift of N'Zoth: Hysteria will risk players dying as well, as the healing absorb also affects players.
Tempest Caller
The Tempest Caller is used by DPS players; after being used it will need to recharge for 30 seconds and will apply Feedback: Storm to the player that used it. This prevents the player from using it again for 4 minutes. This reduces player damage and deals damage to players as well, meaning it will likely only be worth using to kill enemies from 25% health. A special note about this is if it kills an enemy it also prevents the enemy from doing any of its normal on-death effects. For example it will prevent Undying Guardians from surviving at 1 health and beginning to heal themselves. It will also prevent the damage done by Swarming Voidspawns. However, the damage taken by the relic itself will make this benefit negligible.
General Strategy
Touch of the End will deal heavy damage in a frontal cone. Additionally it will apply a debuff to the active tank, causing minor damage over time as well as causing all Undying Guardians to fixate on the player. When this occurs the tank that has received the debuff should quickly move to the location of the Undying Guardians, and the other tank should quickly move to the boss and use their taunt. Ideally the tanks do this quickly enough to prevent Sightless Bond from being applied at any time.
Undying Guardians will never die naturally due to Unnatural Regeneration, and the only way to permanently kill them is by using Tempest Caller when they are below 25% health.
Oblivion Tears will spawn on a player's location. We recommend players attempt to stay near the sides of the play area to keep the center clear of Oblivion Tears. If a player comes into contact with an Oblivion Tear without Void Stone being active, it will heal the boss for 1% of his maximum health. 1% is a very significant heal on a boss with a lot of health, so this must be avoided.
Void Crash should be avoided until it has bounced twice. Once it has bounced twice and reaches its minimum size it should be soaked by a player that is full health by simply standing in the circle.
Phase One
During Phase One, the boss will use Gift of N'Zoth: Obscurity when it reaches 100 Energy. Each time this is used, the play area will become smaller, and moving outside the play area into the void will deal heavy damage to the player. After four uses, the play area will stop becoming smaller; though at this point the play area is very small and will be hard to manage.
During this phase we recommend leaving Undying Guardians alive until the end of the phase. Near the end of the phase or the beginning of Phase Two you can use the Tempest Caller to eliminate them. During this phase, Undying Guardians will generally not be a problem, and if kept in range they will also increase single target damage of many ranged DPS.
Phase One includes two Maddening Eyes of N'Zoth mechanics. Maddening Eyes of N'Zoth should simply be avoided; if a player is struck they will become hostile to the raid for 8 seconds. They will need to be careful not to attack other players during this. Piercing Gaze of N'Zoth will cause two beams to sweep the play area; each beam will apply a DoT. Players should attempt to be struck by one beam then allow the 4-second DoT to expire before being struck by the second beam. If both beams strike the player before the first debuff expires, the debuff will deal twice as much damage per tick.
During Phase One, relics will have minimal practical uses. There is no need to eliminate the Undying Guardians with Tempest Caller. Oblivion Tear will ideally be near the edges of the room which will become a void zone as the phase progresses, and there is unlikely to be enough raid damage to warrant Trident of Deep Ocean.
Phase Two
During Phase Two, the boss will use Gift of N'Zoth: Hysteria when it reaches 100 Energy. Each time this is used it will deal moderate Shadow damage to all players and will heal every living add for 75% of their health, as well as increasing the Haste and movement speed of every living add by 50%.
Phase Two will be primarily about managing the adds that spawn. Primordial Mindbenders will spawn and will need to be interrupted to avoid raid damage and them healing to full health. Swarming Voidspawns will spawn and need to be killed in a staggered fashion to prevent healers from being overwhelmed by Void Eruption. Undying Guardians will also continue to spawn. During this phase we recommend primarily playing around Gift of N'Zoth: Hysteria. You will either want a Void Stone prepared to prevent the heal or you will want the adds to be under 25% health and Tempest Caller to kill them. Void Stone in general will be more risky, as the adds will still receive the 50% haste and movement speed but the tanks will be unable to be healed.
During this phase there will not be any Maddening Eyes of N'Zoth, but there will be Unknowable Terror. Unknowable Terror is a very large void zone that will deal heavy shadow damage and fear any players struck for six seconds.
During this phase there will be many opportunities to use every relic. We suggest using the Trident of Deep Ocean along with Tempest Caller to prevent healers from being overwhelmed. If adds are not low enough health and Gift of N'Zoth: Hysteria is incoming we recommend preventing the heal with Void Stone. The healer that uses it will likely need to taunt the boss or stand in the void briefly in order to remove the healing reduction afterwards.
Phase Three
During Phase Three, the boss will use Gift of N'Zoth: Lunacy when it reaches 100 Energy. Each time this is used it will deal moderate Shadow damage to all players and cause all players to become hostile to allies for 4 seconds. When this occurs, players will need to be very careful not to accidentally damage other players with abilities like Void Eruption or Blade Dance.
We expect this phase to be a fairly simple DPS check, as the mechanics appear quite a bit easier than Phase Two. Piercing Gaze of N'Zoth will occur and should be handled the same as in phase one. Undying Guardians will continue to spawn and should be ignored aside from players applying DoTs to increase their single target damage.
Insatiable Torment will cause one player to become immune to healing. Additionally, this player will take minor Shadow damage every one second and will trigger Feed on the Unworthy every two seconds. This debuff will never expire, effectively acting as a soft enrage. In order to counter the damage over time, the player will need one or two unaffected players to stand nearby for Feed on the Unworthy. As more players receive the debuff, you may end up with large clumps of players stacked together. Simply having a ranged and a melee stack is a much simpler solution if the healers are able to sustain the group.
Relic usage during this phase will be similar to Phase One. If you are running out of play area due to Oblivion Tears you can use Void Stone to clear them out. If healers are low on cooldowns or Mana at this point in the fight you can use Trident of Deep Ocean to prevent 75% of the damage from Piercing Gaze of N'Zoth.
We recommend using Bloodlust/ Heroism/ Time Warp at the start of Phase 3 to prevent your raid becoming overwhelmed by Insatiable Torments.
With the above strategy advice in mind, we strongly suggest using a composition of mostly ranged DPS. Many ranged DPS will benefit from the Undying Guardians being alive, such as Warlocks and Elemental Shamans. In addition to this advantage for ranged, melee DPS will be at high risk of damage each other when hostile during phase three.
We recommend bringing at least two healers that can taunt an enemy to quickly remove the healing reduction of Void Stone. Healers that can taunt include Restoration Druids, Holy Paladins, and Mistweaver Monks. We also recommend at least one Discipline Priest, as the option for large absorbs may come in handy during Void Stone uses, as well as Power Word: Barrier. Outside of this, anything else that you can fit in should be fine.
We recommend bringing high mobility tanks that do not rely on self healing if possible. Tanks such as Blood Death Knights may struggle to survive during Void Stone and will likely be unable to prevent Sightless Bond from being applied briefly during every swap. Tanks such as Brewmaster Monks and Protection Warriors will likely be very proficient on this encounter.
Class-specific Advice for Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void
- 06 May 2019: Adjusted Heroism/Bloodlust advice.
- 13 Apr. 2019: Added TL;DR and Strategy sections.
- 09 Mar. 2019: Updated ability values, names and information based on live information.
- 23 Oct. 2018: Guide added.
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Sham is a high level Elemental Shaman theorycrafter; he raids in Big Dumb Guild on Illidan-US where he competes for world first Mythic kills. You can follow him on Twitter, Twitch, and YouTube.
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