Demon Hunter Covenant Abilities in Shadowlands
Here, you will find all class-specific Covenant abilities available to Demon Hunters in Shadowlands.
Welcome to our guide that covers Demon Hunter Covenant Abilities in Shadowlands. We first present you a summary of all the abilities before going over the individual Signature and Covenant Class Abilities in more detail.
Summary of Abilities Granted to Demon Hunters by Each Covenant
- Kyrian
- Signature Ability —
Summon Steward calls your steward to bring you a
Phial of Serenity.
- Demon Hunter Ability —
Elysian Decree makes you carve runes into the ground, which detonate to deal damage and shatter Lesser Soul Fragments from foes.
- Signature Ability —
- Night Fae
- Signature Ability —
Soulshape transforms you into a Vulpin, instantly teleporting you forward, increasing your movement speed for a short time.
- Demon Hunter Ability —
The Hunt makes you charge to your target, inflicts Nature damage, roots enemies, and heals you.
- Signature Ability —
- Necrolord
- Signature Ability —
Fleshcraft provides an absorption shield and increases damage taken.
- Demon Hunter Ability —
Fodder to the Flame makes your damaging abilities call forth a demon.
Throw Glaive makes the demon explode, healing you for 25% of your maximum health.
- Signature Ability —
- Venthyr
- Signature Ability —
Door of Shadows teleports you to a targeted location.
- Demon Hunter Ability —
Sinful Brand reduces enemy melee and casting speeds and inflicts Shadow damage over time.
- Signature Ability —
Best Covenants for Demon Hunters
For more information regarding the best Covenants for each Demon Hunter spec, please refer to our spec-specific pages:
Kyrian Demon Hunter Covenant Ability
Elysian Decree: Place a Kyrian Sigil at the target location that
activates after 2 seconds. Detonates to deal (350% of Attack Power) Arcane damage
and shatter up to 3 Lesser Soul Fragments from enemies affected by the sigil.
Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
(Instant, 30-yard range, 60-second cooldown)
Night Fae Demon Hunter Covenant Ability
The Hunt: Charge to your target, striking them for (455% of Attack
Power) Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 seconds and inflicting
(227.7% of Attack Power) Nature damage over 6 seconds to any enemy in your path.
The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 25% of the damage you deal to
your Hunt targets for 30 seconds.
(1-second cast, 50-yard range, 1.5-minute cooldown)
Necrolord Demon Hunter Covenant Ability
Fodder to the Flame: Your damaging abilities have a chance to call forth
a demon from the Theater of Pain for 25 seconds.
Throw Glaive deals
lethal damage to the demon, which explodes on death, dealing (175% of Attack Power)
damage to nearby enemies and healing you for 25% of your maximum health. The
explosion deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. (Instant, 2-minute cooldown)
Here is how the summoned demon looks like.
Venthyr Demon Hunter Covenant Ability
Sinful Brand: Brand an enemy with the mark of the Venthyr, reducing
their melee attack speed by 30%, their casting speed by 30%, and inflicting
(338% of Attack Power) Shadow damage over 8 seconds. Activating
Metamorphosis applies Sinful Brand to all nearby enemies.
(Instant, 30-yard range, 45-second cooldown)
Other Covenant Class Abilities
You can find all class-specific Covenant abilities available for other classes linked below.
- 30 Oct. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.1.5 release.
- 27 Jun. 2021: Page updated for Chains of Domination.
- 09 Mar. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.0.5.
- 20 Nov. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands launch.
- 27 Sep. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35978.
- 22 Sep. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35938.
- 16 Sep. 2020: Elysian Decree, Sinful Brand and The Hunt updated.
- 05 Sep. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35755.
- 15 Jul. 2020: Fodder to the Flame pool now lasts for 30 seconds.
- 26 Jun. 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34902.
- 20 Jun. 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34821.
- 15 Jun. 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34714.
- 09 Jun. 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34615.
- 25 May 2020: Updated for Alpha Build 34490.
- 17 May 2020: Page added.
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