Holy Priest Healing The Eternal Palace Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Holy Priest for each boss of the following raid: The Eternal Palace. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
For the Holy Priest Boss Advice we got together with Shelanne, moderator for Warcraft Priests and author of their popular Quick-Start Holy Priest guide.
In this section, you will find information and guidance for healing Eternal Palace raid as a Holy Priest. These are not complete encounter guides, but rather provide specific tips for healing as a Holy Priest.
Talent and Essence Cheatsheet
For Major essence recommendations, The Ever Rising Tide ( Overcharge Mana) is the strongest potential major to use on most encounters. It can however be the most difficult to use effectively and can run you out of mana if used improperly. Memory of Lucid Dreams ( Lucid Dreams) or Life-Binders Invocation ( Life-Binder's Invocation) are both viable substitutes on virtually all encounters and are easy to use. For encounters with less constant damage, The Well of Existence ( Refreshment) can also be used to assist with spot healing.
To go along with the Minor essence recommendations below, Worldvein Resonance is a very strong looking essence when you have many people in your raid also running it and Lucid Dreams may be a good choice, particularly once Rank 3 is obtained.
Dealing Damage in The Eternal Palace
The Eternal Palace raid has many fights that have high damage requirements, or specific mechanics and phases that are made significantly easier if a certain amount of damage is done in a particular period of time. Because of this and the lower healing requirements on a lot of the encounters we suggest trying to maximise your DPS to help your raid meet those requirements where possible. What this entails depends on the fight but it typically entails trying to do the following where you can.
- Pre-pot with Superior Battle Potion of Intellect if you can afford it and the added DPS is important.
- Equip the Pocket-Sized Computation Device with the Cyclotronic Blast Red punch card. Use this on cooldown on the boss or priority adds.
- Cast Smite as your primary DPS spell. You can cast this a lot in the first 60 seconds of all the encounters, then cast it often throughout the encounter when there is little or no healing required.
- Divine Star is also an option and can result in a reasonable amount of damage over the course of the encounter, especially fights with multiple adds.
Abyssal Commander Sivara
We advise you to use the following essences against Abyssal Commander Sivara.
- Major Slot
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3: Overcharge Mana + The Ever-Rising Tide
- Minor Slots
- The Well of Existence — Rank 3: The Well of Existence
- Life-Binders Invocation — Rank 3: Seed of Eonar
There is a lot of potential movement on this encounter, due to trying to avoid your frost or poison bar filling up. Despite this movement, try to conserve charges of Angelic Feather when you have Frost Mark, allowing you to use it for a burst of speed when you need to move for specific mechanics.
You will likely use Divine Hymn and Holy Word: Salvation to counter the Overwhelming Barrage. Coordinate this with your healing team so your healing cooldowns do not overlap.
Potion of Replenishment timing: If you have the Frost Mark, you need to make sure that your frost bar is empty before channeling your pot. Otherwise, you should be able to pot throughout most of the encounter, making sure to avoid Crushing Reverberation, Overflow, and Overwhelming Barrage.
Heroic: Guardian Spirit can be used to solo Overflow if necessary.
For more information, please refer to our Abyssal Commander Sivara strategy guide.
Blackwater Behemoth
We advise you to use the following essences against Blackwater Behemoth.
- Major Slot
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3: Overcharge Mana + The Ever-Rising Tide
- Minor Slots
- The Well of Existence — Rank 3: The Well of Existence
- Life-Binders Invocation — Rank 3: Seed of Eonar
Due to the issue with some ground-based spells having difficulty with the raid being spread vertically, spells like Halo and Divine Star can be difficult to use efficiently. This leaves Benediction as a good alternative for this encounter if you are having trouble hitting people with Halo.
There is a debuff ( Darkest Depths) that all raid members start with on this encounter. This prevents all healing received by 100% and is counter-acted by obtaining the Bioluminescence buff. Be sure to track either one of these debuffs on your raid frames so you know which targets can receive healing throughout the encounter.
Potion of Replenishment timing: Directly after an intermission, you should be able to channel on the puffer fish that is being killed. This will ensure that you have the buff whenever your pot finishes. If the intermission starts and you still have the Bioluminescence buff, you can drink while you wait for it to fade as well.
Note: Your Angelic Feather will be cast on the floor of the arena, making it tricky to use. Consider instead running Angel's Mercy.
For more information, please refer to our Blackwater Behemoth strategy guide.
Radiance of Azshara
We advise you to use the following essences against Radiance of Azshara.
- Major Slot
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3: Overcharge Mana + The Ever-Rising Tide
- Minor Slots
- The Well of Existence — Rank 3: The Well of Existence
- Life-Binders Invocation — Rank 3: Seed of Eonar
This boss is much like the Wrath of Azshara boss in the Legion 5-man dungeon Eye of Azshara. Your main responsibility on this encounter will be dispelling Arcane Bomb when the target player has reached their safe destination, which you can do with Purify or, if that is on cooldown, Mass Dispel.
It is tempting to use your Angelic Feather during Phase 1 to avoid tornadoes, but keep in mind that you may have to move a large distance during the intermission and that having a feather charge up is very helpful.
Potion of Replenishment timing: The best time would be during the intermission right after the dispel and knockback. It is too difficult to get a full channel off during Phase 1.
Most people want to use their major healing CDs during the intermission — this is also the only time during the fight you can stand still for a longer period of time. While Divine Hymn would be good for this spot, Holy Word: Salvation may be better during Phase 1 to help heal up Unshackled Power, especially if you are about to go into intermission and raid members are low on health.
For more information, please refer to our Radiance of Azshara strategy guide.
Lady Ashvane
We advise you to use the following essences against Lady Ashvane.
- Major Slot
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Conflict + Strife
- Minor Slots
- The Well of Existence — Rank 3: The Well of Existence
- Life-Binders Invocation — Rank 3: Seed of Eonar
The Conflict Major is suggested for Lady Ashvane due to providing the PvP talent Holy Ward. Holy Ward can be cast on players afflicted with Briny Bubble to both prevent them from being incapacitated, and preventing them being encased. This allows the targeted player to immediately resume DPS, and also means the raid does not need to break the player out saving more DPS time. Be careful not to waste this on a target that can use an immunity to prevent Briny Bubble, and instead focus on classes that cannot.
There looks to be a significant amount of raid damage all throughout Phase 1 from Rippling Wave. Large chunks of it can be covered by your healing team staggering raid cooldowns, such as Divine Hymn and Holy Word: Salvation. In between these cooldowns, your regular AoE healing priority should be used. Keep an eye on the health of people tasked with soaking Rippling Wave so they do not perish doing so.
Leap of Faith can be used to avoid the fall damage from raid members afflicted with Upsurge, or to help a raid member position better if they have Arcing Azerite.
Potion of Replenishment timing: You can drink during the "burn" phase of the fight, while Ashvane's shield is down.
For more information, please refer to our Lady Ashvane strategy guide.
We advise you to use the following essences against Orgozoa.
- Major Slot
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3: Overcharge Mana + The Ever-Rising Tide
- Minor Slots
- The Well of Existence — Rank 3: The Well of Existence
- Life-Binders Invocation — Rank 3: Seed of Eonar
Due to tanks not starting the fight with any stacks of Desensitizing Sting, you may want to use Guardian Spirit in the first few seconds each tank is tanking with low stacks, to ensure they stay alive while building more stacks up. Talenting into Guardian Angel will help reduce the cooldown of Guardian Spirit, allowing you to cast it more frequently.
It may be helpful to use a major healing CD to top off your raid before the intermission. The boss phases at 40% so you should be able to have people topped up ready for the run down.
During the intermission, there is a lot of movement and potentially a lot of damage going out. Do not be afraid to cast Holy Nova while on the move if you are grouped up with your raid, or Renew on individual raid members while on the move. You can also use Leap of Faith to save people knocked about while running down, or to speed up slow allies.
Potion of Replenishment timing: You can spend your mana pretty freely in Phase 1, as you will regen a lot of mana during the intermission on the way down to the second room. If you reach the second room quickly, you can use your Potion of Replenishment there before the boss is interrupted.
For more information, please refer to our Orgozoa strategy guide.
The Queen's Court
We advise you to use the following essences against The Queen's Court.
- Major Slot
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3: Overcharge Mana + The Ever-Rising Tide
- Minor Slots
- The Well of Existence — Rank 3: The Well of Existence
- Life-Binders Invocation — Rank 3: Seed of Eonar
Keep track of the Potent Spark's health. When they die, they explode, causing raidwide damage. The overlap of the Sparks and Form Ranks is a great time to use either Holy Word: Salvation or Divine Hymn.
Leap of Faith can be used to help raid members who are poorly positioned for Zealous Eruption or Violent Outburst.
Repeat Performance can be tricky as we spend a lot of our time casting our fillers- Prayer of Healing, Heal or Smite. Outside of your minor CDs, do not be afraid to weave in Holy Fire to avoid getting locked. If you need to heal, try weaving in Flash Heal between your spells if mana allows.
When a player is damaged, Obey or Suffer causes Suffering on the target, preventing all healing received for 5 seconds. Tracking this debuff is essential to prevent wasted healing on targets that are afflicted by it.
Heroic: Guardian Spirit can safely solo a Frenetic Charge if necessary.
Potion of Replenishment timing: Once everyone is safely inside Zealous Eruption, you have a good amount of time to get off a mana pot.
For more information, please refer to our The Queen's Court strategy guide.
Za'qul, Harbinger of Ny'alotha
We advise you to use the following essences against Za'qul, Harbinger of Ny'alotha.
- Major Slot
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3: Overcharge Mana + The Ever-Rising Tide
- Minor Slots
- The Well of Existence — Rank 3: The Well of Existence
- Life-Binders Invocation — Rank 3: Seed of Eonar
Players affected by Dread will run around in fear, and due to dispels being staggered and the debuff not always being removed immediately, these targets can be good candidates for Leap of Faith if needed to keep them in the correct location. Leap of Faith can also be used for players who are poorly positioned and may be hit by the Crushing Grasp, or on the tanks when they need to reposition the boss.
Due to not being able to heal players inside Delirium Realm, you should focus on mechanics and DPS while inside this realm. Outside of it, try to top people up and keep on top of dispels of Shattered Psyche.
Fade is helpful to prevent the adds attacking you just after they've spawned.
Potion of Replenishment timing: If your raid group is able to easily break Za'qul's shield during Dark Pulse, this seems to be a good time to pot as nothing else is going on. If they need the dps assistance, you will need to time your mana pot around Dread casts and Crushing Grasp. It would be best to do this earlier on in the fight, maybe right after entering the Fear Realm, before Hysteria stacks up.
For more information, please refer to our Za'qul, Harbinger of Ny'alotha strategy guide.
Queen Azshara
We advise you to use the following essences against Queen Azshara.
- Major Slot
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3: Overcharge Mana + The Ever-Rising Tide
- Minor Slots
- The Well of Existence — Rank 3: The Well of Existence
- Life-Binders Invocation — Rank 3: Seed of Eonar
Phase 1 — Drained Soul can be dangerous, especially at high stacks. This debuff should be tracked so you can apply special attention to keeping these soaking targets healthy. Beckon targets need to avoid reaching their destination and getting enclosed in a bubble, you can assist out of position raid members by casting Leap of Faith to buy them more time.
Phase 2 — Arcane Burst is a debuff that will do significant damage to anyone in line of sight when it expires. Players affected by this should line of sight the raid and Queen Azshara, then be dispelled.
Phase 3 — Beckon targets now gain Jealousy making them move even faster and are again excellent targets for Leap of Faith
Phase 4 — Void Touched will stack up on the tanks, reducing healing done to them. Guardian Spirit can be used in an emergency to help a tank survive until the other tank can take over.
Healing CDs like Divine Hymn and Holy Word: Salvation should be used during the Controlled Burst — this is a mechanic that gets triggered by a player, so communication will be needed to know whenever the console is going to be overloaded. Because of the high stacks of Drained Soul, this has the potential to cause massive damage.Potion of Replenishment timing: There is a short amount of time between transitions where you should be able to get a mana pot off — especially whenever you see that Aethanel and Cyranus are about to die.
For more information, please refer to our Queen Azshara strategy guide.
- 14 Jan. 2020: This page has been reviewed for Patch 8.3 and no changes are necessary.
- 21 Sep. 2019: Added more boss tips and updated talent suggestions.
- 28 Jul. 2019: Updated various recommendations after the first Mythic week.
- 09 Jul. 2019: Page added.
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This guide has been written by Niphyr, a generally knowledgeable, long-time healing Priest and theorycrafter. You can follow him on Twitter.
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