Outlaw Rogue DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities — The War Within (Season 1)
On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Outlaw Rogue in both single-target and multiple-target situations. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. in order to minmax your DPS. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (Season 1).
If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Combat Rogue rotation.
Outlaw Rogue Rotation in The War Within
Welcome to our Rotation page for Outlaw Rogues. Here you will find out more about your rotational priorities in both single-target and multi-target situations, which you will apply in both Raiding and Mythic+ scenarios.
Easy Mode
If you are just starting, you might want to get more comfortable with your Outlaw Rogue by using a more simplified yet still effective build and rotation. You can find out more about it in our Easy Mode section.
Hero Talents
If you want to find out more about the addition of Hero Talents, you can find more information on our dedicated Hero Talents page.
Mythic+ Rotation
For information about Mythic+ as an Outlaw Rogue and the rotation you need to use in this game mode, please refer to our Mythic+ page.
The content on this page is purely PvE-related. If you are looking for PvP Rotation Tips, please visit our PvP page below.
Outlaw Rogue Rotations
Each of the sections below explain the rotation for different environments. Click the boxes to switch to the desired situation.
Simplified Outlaw Rotation
- Use Roll the Bones, Adrenaline Rush, and Slice and Dice before the pull, in that order. Refresh them, if they ever drop off.
- Use Sinister Strike as your main builder. Use Ambush when it is available to cast, and Pistol Shot when you have an Opportunity proc and cannot cast Ambush.
- Use Dispatch as your main finisher.
- Only use Between the Eyes when you have a Stealth effect active, like Vanish, or Subterfuge.
- Use Roll the Bones to maintain at least one buff.
- Use Adrenaline Rush, Vanish, and Ghostly Strike on cooldown. Ensure you have 6+ Combo Points when using Vanish to then cast Between the Eyes, and only use Vanish when Adrenaline Rush is active.
You will want to use finishing moves at 6+ Combo Points or higher, or 5+ if you are in Subterfuge or have an Opportunity or Audacity proc available.
Do not use Between the Eyes unless the cooldown on your Vanish is over 45 seconds. Since you should only use Vanish when AR is up, you can use BTE if the cooldown of AR is over 45 seconds, even if Vanish is ready sooner.
Fatebound Single-Target Ability Priority List for Outlaw Rogue
This is the general priority list on how to use your abilities. This is NOT a list that should be followed step by step; it simply serves as a good idea of which things to prioritize in your moment-to-moment gameplay, as you will often be faced with multiple choices on which buttons to press. The priority list simply highlights which buttons are more important than others. You can find a sample opener sequence further below on this page.
- Use Roll the Bones on cooldown unless you have any of the desired buffs (see dedicated Roll the Bones section for details).
- Maintain Slice and Dice. Cut to the Chase will maintain this for you for large parts of the fight.
- Use Adrenaline Rush on cooldown, at low Combo Points.
- Cast Vanish at 6+ Combo Points, followed up by Between the Eyes. Only use Vanish while Adrenaline Rush is active.
- Cast Between the Eyes on cooldown. Do not use it if the cooldown of Vanish is below 45 seconds, or when Vanish is <45sec but AR is >45sec. This is due to Crackshot, to ensure BtE will be ready to cast, and because you only Vanish during Adrenaline Rush.
- Cast Ghostly Strike on cooldown as if it were a regular builder.
- Cast Dispatch as your main finisher.
- During Subterfuge, use Ambush if you do not have Opportunity procs, or are at 2 CP after finishing.
- During Subterfuge, use Pistol Shot if you do have Opportunity procs, have Broadside, and are at 0 or 1 CP after finishing.
- Use Ambush instead of Sinister Strike whenever it is available to cast from any of the procs or cooldowns.
- Cast Pistol Shot if you have an Opportunity proc.
- Cast Sinister Strike to generate Combo Points.
Trickster Single-Target Ability Priority List for Outlaw Rogue
This is the general priority list on how to use your abilities. This is NOT a list that should be followed step by step; it simply serves as a good idea of which things to prioritize in your moment-to-moment gameplay, as you will often be faced with multiple choices on which buttons to press. The priority list simply highlights which buttons are more important than others. You can find a sample opener sequence further below on this page.
- Use Roll the Bones on cooldown unless you have any of the desired buffs (see dedicated Roll the Bones section for details).
- Maintain Slice and Dice. Cut to the Chase will maintain this for you for large parts of the fight.
- Use Adrenaline Rush on cooldown, at low Combo Points.
- Cast Vanish at 6+ Combo Points, followed up by Between the Eyes. Only use Vanish while Adrenaline Rush is active.
- Cast Between the Eyes on cooldown. Do not use it if the cooldown of Vanish is below 45 seconds, or when Vanish is <45sec but AR is >45sec. This is due to Crackshot, to ensure BtE will be ready to cast, and because you only Vanish during Adrenaline Rush.
- Cast Ghostly Strike on cooldown as if it were a regular builder.
- Cast Dispatch as your main finisher.
- During Subterfuge, use Ambush if you do not have Opportunity procs, or are at 2 CP after finishing.
- During Subterfuge, use Pistol Shot if you do have Opportunity procs, have Broadside, and are at 0 or 1 CP after finishing.
- Use Ambush instead of Sinister Strike whenever it is available to cast from any of the procs or cooldowns.
- Cast Pistol Shot if you have an Opportunity proc.
- Cast Sinister Strike to generate Combo Points.
Fatebound Multi-Target Ability Priority List for Outlaw Rogue
- Use Roll the Bones on cooldown unless you have any of the desired buffs (see dedicated Roll the Bones section for details).
- Maintain Blade Flurry.
- Maintain Slice and Dice. Cut to the Chase will maintain this for you for large parts of the fight.
- If talented: Use Keep It Rolling when you have 4+ buffs already. If you are still missing Broadside, wait until the last second of your lowest duration RtB buff to use KIR in the hopes of getting Broadside as well.
- Use Adrenaline Rush on cooldown, at low Combo Points.
- Cast Vanish at 6+ Combo Points, followed up by Between the Eyes. Only use Vanish while Adrenaline Rush is active.
- Cast Between the Eyes on cooldown. Do not use it if the cooldown of Vanish is below 45 seconds, or when Vanish is <45sec but AR is >45sec. This is due to Crackshot, to ensure BtE will be ready to cast, and because you only Vanish during Adrenaline Rush.
- Cast Ghostly Strike on cooldown as if it were a regular builder.
- Cast Dispatch as your main finisher.
- During Subterfuge, use Ambush if you do not have Opportunity procs, or are at 2 CP after finishing.
- During Subterfuge, use Pistol Shot if you do have Opportunity procs, have Broadside, and are at 0 or 1 CP after finishing.
- Use Ambush instead of Sinister Strike whenever it is available to cast from any of the procs or cooldowns.
- Cast Pistol Shot if you have an Opportunity proc.
- Cast Sinister Strike to generate Combo Points.
Trickster Multi-Target Ability Priority List for Outlaw Rogue
- Use Roll the Bones on cooldown unless you have any of the desired buffs (see dedicated Roll the Bones section for details).
- Maintain Blade Flurry.
- Maintain Slice and Dice. Cut to the Chase will maintain this for you for large parts of the fight.
- If talented: Use Keep It Rolling when you have 4+ buffs already. If you are still missing Broadside, wait until the last second of your lowest duration RtB buff to use KIR in the hopes of getting Broadside as well.
- Use Adrenaline Rush on cooldown, at low Combo Points.
- Cast Vanish at 6+ Combo Points, followed up by Between the Eyes. Only use Vanish while Adrenaline Rush is active.
- Cast Between the Eyes on cooldown. Do not use it if the cooldown of Vanish is below 45 seconds, or when Vanish is <45sec but AR is >45sec. This is due to Crackshot, to ensure BtE will be ready to cast, and because you only Vanish during Adrenaline Rush.
- Cast Ghostly Strike on cooldown as if it were a regular builder.
- Cast Dispatch as your main finisher.
- During Subterfuge, use Ambush if you do not have Opportunity procs, or are at 2 CP after finishing.
- During Subterfuge, use Pistol Shot if you do have Opportunity procs, have Broadside, and are at 0 or 1 CP after finishing.
- Use Ambush instead of Sinister Strike whenever it is available to cast from any of the procs or cooldowns.
- Cast Pistol Shot if you have an Opportunity proc.
- Cast Sinister Strike to generate Combo Points.
Opener Sequence for Outlaw Rogue
This is your prepull opener:
- Cast Stealth.
- Cast Roll the Bones 3 seconds before the pull.
- Cast Adrenaline Rush 2 seconds before the pull.
- Cast Slice and Dice 1 seconds before the pull.
This is your actual in-combat opener.
- Use Ghostly Strike from Stealth.
- Cast Ambush.
- Build with Ambush during Subterfuge, or a free proc.
- Finish with Between the Eyes during Subterfuge with 5+ CP.
- Build to 6+ instead once Subterfuge drops.
- Use Vanish followed by Between the Eyes, then repeat the Subterfuge playstyle of 5+ CP BTEs.
- When Subterfuge drops again, go back to building to 6+.
- Use your second Vanish charge and repeat again.
- Once you have expanded your Stealth cooldowns, follow the regular priority rules.
You will want to ensure that Between the Eyes is off cooldown whenever you get your Vanish back up again. Do not use BtE if Vanish still has ~45 seconds of CD left. If Vanish is <45sec but AR is >45sec, hold onto BTE as well, as you will only use Vanish while AR is active.
Important Notes for Outlaw Rogue
How to Roll the Bones
The basic rule to satisfy regarding Roll the Bones is to keep any one buff, and immediately reroll when Loaded Dice is active.
You will also want to reroll RtB if you are about to use Vanish, and your buffs would run out during the duration of Subterfuge. Never let your RtB drop off entirely.
Keep It Rolling
Keep It Rolling is mostly played in Mythic+ environments, and the actual gameplay priority for it is fairly straightforward. You simply use Roll the Bones after acquiring 4 or more buffs through either RtB or Count the Odds. If none of those 4 buffs is Broadside, you can opt to wait until the last second of one of those 4 buffs before using KIR, in the hopes of getting a CTO proc that grants Broadside, at which point you'd be using KIR.
You will also want to use Roll the Bones once after KIR if you don't already have all six buffs, you have Loaded Dice, and your buff duration is below 39 seconds, as this will extend the duration of any buffs it rolls to their full pandemic value again. KIR essentially locks in your current RtB buffs, making it so that your next cast of RtB does not remove buffs you didn't roll, increasing your chance of getting a fifth or even sixth buff.
Roll the Bones Academic Information
Roll the Bones is a cooldown that grants one or more random buffs. The duration of the Roll the Bones (and the buffs it gives you) is affected by Pandemic (meaning you can safely refresh when Roll the Bones has less than 30% of its duration remaining). There are 6 different buffs you can potentially receive, and it is possible to receive multiple buffs from a single cast, although the chance to receive extra buffs is lessened per extra buff. The buffs are as follows:
- True Bearing causes finishing moves to reduce the remaining cooldown of some of your abilities (including Adrenaline Rush) by 0.5 second per Combo Point;
- Ruthless Precision increases your Critical Strike chance by 15% and the Critical Strike chance of Between the Eyes by 60%;
- Skull and Crossbones boosts Sinister Strike's chance to strike an additional time by 25%;
- Grand Melee now causes your Blade Flurry to deal 10% additional damage to nearby enemies, and 5% more damage for all your skills.
- Broadside causes your Combo Point-generating abilities to generate 1 additional Combo Point and increases their damage by 15%;
- Buried Treasure increases your Energy regeneration by 5 per second.
The chance of receiving multiple buffs is as follows:
- 1 Roll the Bones buff: 100.0% chance;
- 2 Roll the Bones buffs: 20% chance;
- 5 Roll the Bones buffs: 1% chance.
Combo Points and Energy
As a Rogue, most of your abilities need Energy to be used. Your Energy bar has a capacity of 100 Energy (200 with Vigor chosen as a talent, and 250 during Adrenaline Rush) and refills at a base rate of 10 Energy per second. Your Energy regeneration is increased by:
- Melee haste (Haste + Haste-enhancing buffs);
- the Combat Potency passive, which increases your Energy regen by 25%;
- your Adrenaline Rush cooldown, which temporarily increases your Energy regeneration by 60%;
- Vigor, if talented.
The faster you regenerate Energy, the more finishers you can cast, which (via True Bearing and Restless Blades) will result in higher Adrenaline Rush uptimes.
Letting your Energy reach its maximum is something you want to avoid. You should always try to spend your Energy by (literally) spamming your buttons. Unlike Subtlety and Assassination Rogues, Outlaw Rogues generally do not benefit from Energy pooling. There are many situations when you will generate more Energy than you can spend (Haste trinket procs, Bloodlust / Heroism / Time Warp, etc.), and you should spam your buttons even harder than usual during such times.
Combo Point generation is increased by a variety of factors, such as:
- Opportunity procs when talented into Quick Draw;
- Improved Ambush or Fan the Hammer, if talented.
- Sinister Strike striking twice;
- Roll the Bones buffs such as Broadside;
- your Ruthlessness passive ability, which grants your finishers a 20% chance per Combo Point consumed to grant a Combo Point;
- Energy regeneration, allowing you to cast more generators.
You should never waste Combo Points. Never cast a Combo Point-generating ability when you are at maximum Combo Points. Be aware of situations where you are guaranteed to generate 2 Combo Points with your generators, for example, during Broadside or when using Pistol Shot with an Opportunity proc when talented into Quick Draw.
Adrenaline Rush
Adrenaline Rush increases your Energy regeneration by 60%, maximum Energy by 50 and your attack speed by 20% for 20 seconds. It should be used on cooldown. Do not hesitate to stack it with Bloodlust, Heroism, or Time Warp as you will still benefit from the increased attack speed, though you will likely Energy cap (this is not a problem). Adrenaline Rush has a 3-minute cooldown, but this can be reduced by the True Bearing buff and Restless Blades.
It also reduces your global cooldown based on your Haste value, capped at a 0.8second GCD.
Outlaw Cooldown Reduction
Restless Blades reduces the cooldowns of the following abilities by 1 second per Combo Point consumed by a finisher ( True Bearing adds an additional 0.5 seconds):
- Adrenaline Rush
- Between the Eyes
- Blade Flurry
- Blade Rush
- Ghostly Strike
- Grappling Hook
- Keep It Rolling
- Killing Spree
- Roll the Bones
- Sprint
- Vanish
Blade Flurry
It is worth reiterating that the source of Blade Flurry cleave is you, not the target. Therefore, you can stand with one mob in front and another one behind you, and your Blade Flurry will still hit behind you, even if the mobs are further than 8y apart, as you are the source of the cleave.
Defensive Utility
All Rogues come ready-made with a dizzying phalanx of defensive cooldowns, which make them the best candidate for soaking required mechanics and dealing with heavy incoming damage.
- Feint reduces AoE damage taken by 40% for 6 seconds for only 35 Energy. When talented into Elusiveness, it also reduces all other damage by 20% and grants Evasion a 10% damage mitigation. This is one of the most overpowered abilities in the game and a huge asset in fights with heavy raid damage.
- Cloak of Shadows provides magic immunity for a second, followed by 4 seconds where all spells will miss. This spell is mostly used for clearing debuffs that might otherwise force you out of melee range. Cloak of Shadows is also a fantastic tool for soaking abilities that do not pierce immunities.
- Cheat Death is a talent that allows you to escape lethal damage once every 6 minutes. The damage cannot exceed more than twice your maximum health. Cheat Death is great for soaking mechanics that pierce immunities and damage reductions, as it guarantees your survival. It is also great for encounters with bursty damage that might take you by surprise, as you get a get-out-of-jail-free card once every 6 minutes.
- Crimson Vial provides a respectable amount of healing on a very short cooldown. Use this often in boss encounters.
- Evasion provides a 100% increased chance to dodge enemy attacks as long as you are facing them. This can sometimes be used to avoid physical spells as well.
Your Lethal Poison should always be Instant Poison.
You have two choices for your non-lethal Poison, Crippling Poison and Numbing Poison or Atrophic Poison. For raiding, you will generally use Atrophic Poison unless your raid wants you to slow a specific group of targets. For Mythic+, you will want to use the Poison that best suits your tank or groups needs. Crippling Poison allows your tank to more easily kite enemies, whereas Numbing Poison slows their attack speed instead. Atrophic Poison reduces damage to the group, not just the tank, albeit at significantly lower values.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Page has been reviewed and updated for Dragonflight Season 4.
- 21 Mar. 2024: Page has been reviewed for Patch 10.2.6, no changes were necessary.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Page has been reviewed and updated for Patch 10.2.5.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Page updated for the Patch 10.2 Rogue rework.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Page was reviewed for Patch 10.1.7 and no changes were necessary.
- 16 Jul. 2023: Updated RtB priorities.
- 10 Jul. 2023: Added BF conditional while GM is active.
- 01 May 2023: No rotational changes are required for Patch 10.1. Added Rotation Quick Guide.
- 20 Mar. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.7.
- 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
- 18 Jan. 2023: Updated rotational priorities for HO build and RtB priority.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Season 1.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
More Rogue Guides
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This guide has been written and reviewed by Seliathan, who has been playing Rogue since the first day of Classic. He currently raids in Familiar with Drama, and is one of the foremost Mythic+ Rogue players. You can often find him streaming on Twitch, or follow him on his personal Discord server.
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