Arms Warrior DPS Amirdrassil Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.7

Last updated on May 07, 2024 at 11:20 by Archimtiros 59 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Arms Warrior for each boss of the following raid: Amirdrassil. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.7.



Below, you can find class and spec-specific advice for every fight in Amirdrassil. If you are looking for a general overview of the Raid that is not spec-specific, check out our dedicated Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope guides.

On this page, you will find Arms Warrior specific information to deal with each boss in the Amirdrassil raid. These are not complete encounter guides but rather provide specific tips for doing the bosses as a Arms Warrior.

This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Arms Warrior and what you can do to deal with each fight as best as possible.


Talent Cheatsheet

You can easily import the talent tree below into the game by clicking 'Copy Export String.'








  • Gnarlroot is primarily single target, with several periodic large waves of adds to be cleaved down.
  • On normal difficulty, these adds will spawn automatically, but are activated with Controlled Burn Icon Controlled Burn on Heroic and Mythic difficulty. Use Heroic Leap Icon Heroic Leap to quickly position the mechanic if targeted.
  • Upon reaching 100 energy, any remaining adds will activate and can be quickly dispatched, though the main boss will become immune to damage while players use fire to destroy Doom Roots Icon Doom Roots. Feel free to use Defensive Stance Icon Defensive Stance to reduce incoming damage during this time.
  • After the final Doom Roots Icon Doom Roots are destroyed, the boss will take 100% increased damage for 20 seconds, which is a great time to use major cooldowns.

For more information, please refer to our Gnarlroot guide.


Igira the Cruel






  • A mostly single target tank and spank boss on Normal difficulty, the Blistering Spear Icon Blistering Spear become much more important burst AoE targets on Heroic and Mythic difficulty, which cooldowns can be saved for, as needed.
  • Avoid ever standing in front of the boss, as Igira hits the closest player to her target with each swing, which should always be the second tank.
  • If soaking weapons during Marked for Torment Icon Marked for Torment after the boss reaches 100 energy, use Defensive Stance Icon Defensive Stance to reduce the damage, as the boss will be out of melee range anyway.







  • Volcoross is a completely single-target encounter with maximum uptime.
  • Use Heroic Leap Icon Heroic Leap to quickly make room for other players when targeted with Coiling Flames Icon Coiling Flames or to avoid the lava waves caused by tail slams.
  • Save defensives for soaking Flood of the Firelands Icon Flood of the Firelands each time the boss reaches 100 energy.
  • Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection will deflect a single tick of Coiling Flames Icon Coiling Flames, which becomes extremely deadly toward the end of its duration. Take advantage of this to quickly move through players blocking the path.
  • On Mythic difficulty, Coiling Flames Icon Coiling Flames becomes Coiling Eruption Icon Coiling Eruption after it expires. This needs to be soaked by other players, but be extremely cautious of moving in too early, as the final ticks of the first debuff are almost always fatal.
  • The lava surrounding the platform deals damage but is not immemdiately fatal, and may be a temporary safe spot over taking other avoidable raid damage in an emergency.

For more information, please refer to our Volcoross guide.


Council of Dreams






  • Council of Dreams is a very hectic three-target encounter, though often only one or two can be damaged at a time. Avoid putting too much damage into Urctos, as all three must be defeated within 10 seconds.
  • Although there can be a significant amount of two-target damage at the start of the encounter, Fervor of Battle Icon Fervor of Battle is not particularly well suited to uncoordinated groups, as the targets quickly spread out. The single target build with Improved Sweeping Strikes Icon Improved Sweeping Strikes is preferable, as it can better take advantage of the extended Execute phase while switching between targets.
  • Avoid ever being in front of Urctos on Heroic or Mythic difficulty, unless soaking Barreling Charge Icon Barreling Charge, as Agonizing Claws Icon Agonizing Claws becomes a large and deadly cone.
  • Use Charge Icon Charge and Heroic Leap Icon Heroic Leap liberally to move around the room and minimize downtime, as a great deal of the encounter is spent chasing targets as they move around.

Larodar, Keeper of the Flame






  • On the pull, cooldowns can be saved for the first set of Fiery Force of Nature Icon Fiery Force of Nature adds, though they tend to die very quickly after spawning. Each repeat of Phase 1 will spawn their own set, which 90-second cooldowns can also be saved for, until the boss reaches 35%. Because the adds die so quickly, and the second phase is almost entirely single target, Blunt Instruments Icon Blunt Instruments remains the preferred talent over Warbreaker Icon Warbreaker.
  • Try not to use Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash or other short-duration cooldowns right before Larodar casts Furious Charge Icon Furious Charge as it will take him into the fire and out of melee range, thereby wasting uptime.
  • In Phase 1, avoid soaking more than one Blazing Coalescence Icon Blazing Coalescence as it applies a permanent increased damage taken debuff.
  • Save defensive cooldowns for Igniting Growth Icon Igniting Growth in Phase 1 and soaking Falling Embers Icon Falling Embers in Phase 2, and avoid standing in the dark-colored fire patches at all costs.
  • Warriors are not particularly well suited for handling Dream Blossom Icon Dream Blossom, so avoid standing near the seed in the middle of the room unless assigned.

Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle






  • Nyume is completely stationary, while players move around the boss instead of moving the boss itself. Avoid crossing over Verdant Matrix Icon Verdant Matrix too frequently, as the damage quickly stacks up. Track the debuff, and wait for it to fall off before crossing lines whenever possible.
  • The boss also has a fairly small melee range, which can make soaking some Surging Growth Icon Surging Growth and Ephemeral Flora Icon Ephemeral Flora flowers difficult, but be wary of moving too far inside the hitbox either, as it will also trigger Verdant Matrix Icon Verdant Matrix.
  • Avoid being in melee range after the boss reaches 100 energy, as Full Bloom Icon Full Bloom can be fatal without strong defensive cooldowns. Afterward, split to the left or right sides and focus on killing one of the adds instead. On Mythic difficulty, there will also be a third add in the back, which players will have to rotate on to avoid stacking the Lucid Vulnerability Icon Lucid Vulnerability debuff.







  • Move out of the raid with Overheated Icon Overheated and dodge the Flame Waves Icon Flame Waves that spawn when the debuffs expire; on Mythic difficulty, small lines should indicate which way nearby waves are heading.
  • Save defensives for soaking Brand of Damnation Icon Brand of Damnation and spread out slightly with the Cauterizing Wound Icon Cauterizing Wound debuff, though remain within melee range.
  • Soaking Living Flame Icon Living Flame orbs during the intermission after the boss reaches 100 energy will grant a stacking damage buff, which cooldowns should be aligned with. The first set comes out a few seconds earlier than cooldowns refresh, but can be gamed by purposefully dropping the orbs on the outside of the room and letting them move in on their own. Each subsequent intermission should align naturally with 90-second cooldowns.
  • World in Flames Icon World in Flames only deals damage when it explodes, so Charge and Heroic Leap can be used to quickly travel through bad areas, just be mindful of the timing.
  • On Mythic difficulty, Seeking Inferno Icon Seeking Inferno orbs need to be staggered after each application of Inferno Icon Inferno falls. Coordinate with the raid group to ensure proper timing.

Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame






  • Save cooldowns for Mass Entanglement Icon Mass Entanglement, which occurs twice in each phase. Avatar Icon Avatar will immune the root to allow movement, but targets should already be stacked up in melee anyway.
  • While Arms Warriors can spec into increased root damage with the Bladestorm Icon Bladestorm build, this is not advisable, as the roots typically die too fast for the ability duration and single target damage is more important.
  • After each dragonriding phase, Tindral gains a damage absorption shield which Wrecking Throw Icon Wrecking Throw can deal extra damage to, though it does not make up an overall major part of your damage.
  • Second Wind Icon Second Wind is a very useful dragonriding skill when transitioning to the second and third platforms, granting a little bit of extra vigor needed to reach green orbs.
  • On the second and third platforms, be wary of soaking more than one seed spawned by Flaming Germination Icon Flaming Germination without a strong cooldown, as the damage ramps up very quickly.

For more information, please refer to our Tindral guide.


Fyrakk the Blazing






  • Fyrakk is a multiphase encounter which begins and ends with a single boss, featuring two larger targets and spread out adds in between. Because of this, multitarget builds should be used, though the major emphasis is on single target damage, so continue talenting Blunt Instruments Icon Blunt Instruments instead of switching to Warbreaker Icon Warbreaker.
  • Cooldowns should be used on the pull, and on cooldown until the boss phases at 70%. Upon landing again, Fyrakk will gain a large shield, which Wrecking Throw Icon Wrecking Throw can deal extra damage too, though there is only one shield throughout the entire fight, making it an inefficient talent point unless specifically struggling for damage in that phase.
  • In phase 2, save cooldowns until Fyrakk casts Greater Firestorm Icon Greater Firestorm, spawning two large infernals, which are good targets for Sweeping Strikes Icon Sweeping Strikes. This sequence will repeat once more, after which the remainder of the encounter is single target and cooldowns can be used as they become available.
  • Warriors are not particularly good seed carriers in the third and final phase, as it is easier to keep them out of melee, but make sure the Extra Action Button is keybound to quickly drop seeds in case of an emergency.
  • Heroic Leap is a very useful tool for quickly moving out of the raid when targeted with Firestorm Icon Firestorm in Phase 1 or Eternal Firestorm Icon Eternal Firestorm in Phase 2.
  • Spell Reflection can deflect Fyr'alath's Flame Icon Fyr'alath's Flame though the positioning must be very precise, making it a last resort rather than a primary strategy. Try to dodge them instead.

For more information, please refer to our Fyrakk guide.



  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Updated for Awakend raids in Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 12 Dec. 2023: More Mythic tips and updated talent recommendations.
  • 29 Oct. 2023: Page added.
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