Discipline Priest Healing Nerub-ar Palace Raid Guide — The War Within (11.0.7)
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Discipline Priest for each boss of the following raid: Nerub-ar Palace. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.0.7).
Below, you can find class and spec-specific advice for every fight in Nerub-ar Palace. If you are looking for a general overview of the Raid that is not spec-specific, check out our dedicated Nerub-ar Palace guides.
This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Discipline Priest and how you can deal with each fight as best as possible.
Nerub'ar Palace Boss Guides for Discipline Priest
Nerub'ar Palace Raid Builds, Tips, and Tricks for Discipline Priest
Raid Difficulty | |
Heroic Raid | Mythic Raid |
Tips for Ulgrax the Devourer for Discipline Priest
Note that it is early days and that this section will be far more fleshed out as the Season progresses and cool tricks and tips are found.
Damage Pattern

Ulgrax's primary damage is going to come from two abilities, Venomous Lash during phase one and
Juggernaut Charge during phase two. Venomous Lash is focused burst damage during small windows on a set interval throughout phase one leaving them prime targets for discipline ramps. During intermission, Juggernaut Charge provides some passive damage constantly while in the phase.
What to Ramp for
Venomous Lash will be your primary ramp targets on this fight.
Example Cooldowns
Ulgrax Heroic Icy-Veins Example Discipline Priest Timings Talents: Standard Voidweaver Mindbender {time:0:07}0:07{spell:435136}|cffB65552Venomous Lash|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} {time:1:00}1:00{spell:435136}|cffB65552Venomous Lash|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} {time:1:50}1:50 - PLAYER {spell:47536} {time:2:33}2:33 - PLAYER {spell:246287} {time:0:06,SAR:440177:1}3:47 - PLAYER {spell:47536} {time:0:37,SAR:440177:1}4:18{spell:435136}|cffB65552Venomous Lash|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} {time:1:56,SAR:440177:1}5:37{spell:436200}|cffc2ca49Juggernaut Charge|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} {time:2:37,SAR:440177:1}6:18{spell:438012}|cffc2ca49Hungering Bellows|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} {time:0:12,SAR:440177:2}7:47{spell:435136}|cffB65552Venomous Lash|r - PLAYER {spell:47536}
To utilize the above example cooldowns in the game, you will need both the Method Raid Tools and WeakAuras addons. The note above is pasted into a personal note via Method Raid Tools and read out using the Kaze Weakaura. The Kaze Weakaura is set to warn you of a timer 8 seconds in advance by default. It is highly recommended to go into the custom settings of the WA and adjust the "warn duration" to 20 seconds.
Defensive Usage
There is nothing unique about this fight from a defensive perspective. Try to be utilizing Fade during each
Venomous Lash and use
Desperate Prayer at any moment where you feel your health is low before any damaging mechanic.
Raid Frame Setup
Ensure you are tracking the following buffs/debuffs on whatever raid frames you are using so you can react accordingly during the encounter:
Digestive Acid - 435138
Best Talents
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!
Tips for Bloodbound Horror for Discipline Priest
Note that it is early days and that this section will be far more fleshed out as the Season progresses and cool tricks and tips are found.
Damage Pattern

There are really only 3 primary mechanics that are relevant on this fight from an incoming damage/heal absorb perspective. Gruesome Disgorge is the tank frontal that you stand in to go to the other realm. This mechanic deals a large amount of up front damage and then deals constant ticking damage to you for the entire duration you spend in the other realm.
Goresplatter is a large damage over time effect that follows being forced to run away from the boss. This happens infrequently, requires a lot of movement, and often results in limited people being in range. As a result, it's often better to leave handling this to your cohealers. The final mechanic is a large heal absorb on a 30 second cadence called
Crimson Rain. With discipline being able to hit a 30 second cadence easily with
Bright Pupil allowing double
Power Word: Radiance every 30 seconds, this is where you'll want to focus most of your healing.
What to Ramp for
Crimson Rain will be your primary ramp targets for this encounter.
Example Cooldowns
Bloodbound Horror Heroic Icy-Veins Example Discipline Priest Timings Talents: Standard Voidweaver Mindbender {time:0:11}0:11{spell:443203}|cffB65552Crimson Rain|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} PLAYER {spell:194509} {time:0:41}0:41{spell:443203}|cffB65552Crimson Rain|r - PLAYER {spell:194509} {time:1:11}1:11{spell:443203}|cffB65552Crimson Rain|r - PLAYER {spell:194509} PLAYER {spell:451234} PLAYER {spell:47536} {time:1:41}1:41{spell:443203}|cffB65552Crimson Rain|r - PLAYER {spell:194509} {time:2:19}2:19{spell:443203}|cffB65552Crimson Rain|r - PLAYER {spell:194509} PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:2:49}2:49{spell:443203}|cffB65552Crimson Rain|r - PLAYER {spell:194509} {time:3:19}3:19{spell:443203}|cffB65552Crimson Rain|r - PLAYER {spell:194509} PLAYER {spell:451234} PLAYER {spell:47536} {time:3:49}3:49{spell:443203}|cffB65552Crimson Rain|r - PLAYER {spell:194509} {time:4:27}4:27{spell:443203}|cffB65552Crimson Rain|r - PLAYER {spell:194509} PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:4:57}4:57{spell:443203}|cffB65552Crimson Rain|r - PLAYER {spell:194509} {time:5:27}5:27{spell:443203}|cffB65552Crimson Rain|r - PLAYER {spell:194509} PLAYER {spell:451234} PLAYER {spell:47536} {time:5:57}5:57{spell:443203}|cffB65552Crimson Rain|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
To utilize the above example cooldowns in the game, you will need both the Method Raid Tools and WeakAuras addons. The note above is pasted into a personal note via Method Raid Tools and read out using the Kaze Weakaura. The Kaze Weakaura is set to warn you of a timer 8 seconds in advance by default. It is highly recommended to go into the custom settings of the WA and adjust the "warn duration" to 20 seconds.
Defensive Usage
There is nothing unique about this fight from a defensive perspective. Try to be utilizing Fade during each
Goresplatter or
Gruesome Disgorge and use
Desperate Prayer at any moment where you feel your health is low before any damaging mechanic.
Best Talents
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!
Tips for Sikran for Discipline Priest
Note that it is early days and that this section will be far more fleshed out as the Season progresses and cool tricks and tips are found.
Damage Pattern

The primary incoming damage on this fight revolves around the core Cosmic Simulacrum mechanic. The boss will summon Simulacrum's of various players targeted by a mechanic, which will pulse damage while alive. These Simulacrum's need to be shattered by
Decimate, causing significant raid damage via
Cosmic Shards. If any Simulacrum's are still alive, the boss will destroy them all themselves with
Shattering Sweep. While there is a decent amount of damage taken just from the Simulacrum's being alive, your primary ramp targets will be when the Simulacrum's are destroyed via
Decimate as this will be significant damage over a short period of time.
Shattering Sweep itself also does significant damage on its own even when not destroying any Simulacrum's.
What to Ramp for
Decimate and
Shattering Sweep be your primary ramp targets for this encounter.
Example Cooldowns
Sikran Heroic Icy-Veins Example Discipline Priest Timings Talents: Voidweaver Mindbender + EL {time:00:46}{spell:442428}|cff8B4513Decimate|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:01:26}{spell:442428}|cff8B4513Decimate|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:00:46,SCC:456420:1}{spell:442428}|cff8B4513Decimate|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:01:25,SCC:456420:1}{spell:442428}|cff8B4513Decimate|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:00:45,SCC:456420:2}{spell:442428}|cff8B4513Decimate|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:01:26,SCC:456420:2}{spell:442428}|cff8B4513Decimate|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:00:46,SCC:456420:3}{spell:442428}|cff8B4513Decimate|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:01:26,SCC:456420:3}{spell:442428}|cff8B4513Decimate|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:00:45,SCC:456420:4}{spell:442428}|cff8B4513Decimate|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:01:25,SCC:456420:4}{spell:442428}|cff8B4513Decimate|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234}
To utilize the above example cooldowns in the game, you will need both the Method Raid Tools and WeakAuras addons. The note above is pasted into a personal note via Method Raid Tools and read out using the Kaze Weakaura. The Kaze Weakaura is set to warn you of a timer 8 seconds in advance by default. It is highly recommended to go into the custom settings of the WA and adjust the "warn duration" to 20 seconds.
Defensive Usage
There is nothing unique about this fight from a defensive perspective. Try to be utilizing Fade during each
Decimate or
Shattering Sweep and use
Desperate Prayer at any moment where you feel your health is low before any damaging mechanic.
Keep an eye out for good Pain Suppression usages on players targeted by
Decimate if they're low prior to the mechanic going off.
Best Talents
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!
Tips for Rasha'nan for Discipline Priest
Note that it is early days and that this section will be far more fleshed out as the Season progresses and cool tricks and tips are found.
Damage Pattern

While there is a variety of mechanics causing damage on this fight, the primary mechanic you will care about as a discipline priest is the Erosive Spray cast with the
Lingering Erosion DoT after the fact. There will also be the occasional web mechanic called
Spinneret's Websnap that is caused by players snapping their web strands, but while this is raid wide damage, the timing is a bit inconsistent due to being player driven.
What to Ramp for
Erosive Spray and
Spinneret's Websnap will be your primary ramp targets for this encounter.
Example Cooldowns
Rasha'nan Heroic Icy-Veins Example Discipline Priest Timings Talents: Voidweaver Mindbender + EL {time:00:03}{spell:439811}|cffCC0000Erosive Spray|r - PLAYER {spell:194509} {time:00:33}{spell:439811}|cffCC0000Erosive Spray|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:01:17}{spell:439811}|cffCC0000Erosive Spray|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:00:29,SCS:439795:1}{spell:439811}|cffCC0000Erosive Spray|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:01:14,SCS:439795:1}{spell:439811}|cffCC0000Erosive Spray|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:00:30,SCS:439795:2}{spell:439811}|cffCC0000Erosive Spray|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:01:14,SCS:439795:2}{spell:439811}|cffCC0000Erosive Spray|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:00:30,SCS:439795:3}{spell:439811}|cffCC0000Erosive Spray|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:01:15,SCS:439795:3}{spell:439811}|cffCC0000Erosive Spray|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:00:30,SCS:439795:4}{spell:439811}|cffCC0000Erosive Spray|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234}
To utilize the above example cooldowns in the game, you will need both the Method Raid Tools and WeakAuras addons. The note above is pasted into a personal note via Method Raid Tools and read out using the Kaze Weakaura. The Kaze Weakaura is set to warn you of a timer 8 seconds in advance by default. It is highly recommended to go into the custom settings of the WA and adjust the "warn duration" to 20 seconds.
Defensive Usage
There is nothing unique about this fight from a defensive perspective. Try to be utilizing Fade during each
Erosive Spray and use
Desperate Prayer at any moment where you feel your health is low before any damaging mechanic.
Raid Frame Setup
Ensure you are tracking the following buffs/debuffs on whatever raid frames you are using so you can react accordingly during the encounter:
Spinneret's Strands - 439784
Best Talents
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!
Tips for Broodtwister Ovi'nax for Discipline Priest
Note that it is early days and that this section will be far more fleshed out as the Season progresses and cool tricks and tips are found.
Damage Pattern

The primary damage on this fight is from a few locations. Volatile Concoction deals Raid wide damage when it expires from the tank and happens very often. Attempting to time your ramps to occur when one of these is expiring will be a large gain.
Unstable Infusion is a heal absorb placed on the entire raid constantly throughout the encounter. As a result, using your ramps basically on cooldown will have huge value in this encounter as there is almost always something to heal.
Ingest Black Blood happens 3 times a fight and is a large amount of damage for a short period. It is not, however, worth delaying cooldowns to specifically target Ingest Black Blood due to the general high damage during the entire encounter.
Note: Be sure when utilizing Ultimate Penitence on this fight to slightly delay your cast if you get assigned to break an egg as Ultimate Penitence will lift you over the egg and prevent you from breaking it. You must ramp slightly later so that you are casting Ultimate Penitence AFTER the egg has already broken.
What to Ramp for
Ramp for the first Ingest Black Blood and then mostly on cooldown for
Volatile Concoction and
Unstable Infusion damage. This fight is mostly near-constant damage.
Example Cooldowns
Broodtwister Ovi'nax Heroic Icy-Veins Example Discipline Priest Timings Talents: Voidweaver Mindbender + EL {time:00:18}{spell:442432}|cff8B4513Ingest Black Blood|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:00:46,SCS:442432:1}{spell:441362}|cff9370DBVolatile Concoction|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:01:26,SCS:442432:1}{spell:441362}|cff9370DBVolatile Concoction|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:02:06,SCS:442432:1}{spell:441362}|cff9370DBVolatile Concoction|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:02:52,SCS:442432:1}{spell:442432}|cff8B4513Ingest Black Blood|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:00:46,SCS:442432:2}{spell:441362}|cff9370DBVolatile Concoction|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:01:47,SCS:442432:2}{spell:441362}|cff9370DBVolatile Concoction|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:02:27,SCS:442432:2}{spell:441362}|cff9370DBVolatile Concoction|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:00:26,SCS:442432:3}{spell:441362}|cff9370DBVolatile Concoction|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234}
To utilize the above example cooldowns in the game, you will need both the Method Raid Tools and WeakAuras addons. The note above is pasted into a personal note via Method Raid Tools and read out using the Kaze Weakaura. The Kaze Weakaura is set to warn you of a timer 8 seconds in advance by default. It is highly recommended to go into the custom settings of the WA and adjust the "warn duration" to 20 seconds.
Defensive Usage
There is nothing unique about this fight from a defensive perspective. Fade needs to be held for utilizing
Phantasm to break the slow, so you are often left with just
Desperate Prayer or
Pain Suppression charges to utilize as a personal when needed.
Raid Frame Setup
Ensure you are tracking the following buffs/debuffs on whatever raid frames you are using so you can react accordingly during the encounter:
Volatile Concoction - 441362
Sticky Web - 446349
Best Talents
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!
Tips for Nexus-Princess Ky'veza for Discipline Priest
Note that it is early days and that this section will be far more fleshed out as the Season progresses and cool tricks and tips are found.
Damage Pattern

The primary damage on this fight will come from 2 mechanics. Nether Rift does significant raid wide damage while active and the intermission mechanic,
Starless Night, also does a good amount of damage. Targeting either of those mechanics for ramps will be solid. There is not much complexity damage pattern wise on this fight as it is almost entirely a movement/positioning encounter. Managing your movement and positioning properly will be the most important factor to success.
What to Ramp for
Nether Rift and
Starless Night will be your primary ramp targets for this encounter.
Example Cooldowns
Ky'veza Heroic Icy-Veins Example Discipline Priest Timings Talents: Standard Voidweaver Mindbender {time:00:26}{spell:437620}|cff8B4513Nether Rift|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:00:56}{spell:437620}|cff8B4513Nether Rift|r - PLAYER {spell:194509} PLAYER {spell:194509} {time:01:31}{spell:435405}|cffF88379Starless Night|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:01:47}{spell:435405}|cffF88379Starless Night|r - PLAYER {spell:194509} {time:01:55}{spell:435405}|cffC0C0C0Starless Night End|r - PLAYER {spell:194509} {time:02:26}{spell:437620}|cff8B4513Nether Rift|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:02:57}{spell:437620}|cff8B4513Nether Rift|r - PLAYER {spell:194509} PLAYER {spell:194509} {time:03:31}{spell:435405}|cffF88379Starless Night|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:03:47}{spell:435405}|cffF88379Starless Night|r - PLAYER {spell:194509} {time:03:55}{spell:435405}|cffC0C0C0Starless Night End|r - PLAYER {spell:194509} {time:04:26}{spell:437620}|cff8B4513Nether Rift|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:04:56}{spell:437620}|cff8B4513Nether Rift|r - PLAYER {spell:194509} PLAYER {spell:194509} {time:05:31}{spell:435405}|cffF88379Starless Night|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:05:47}{spell:435405}|cffF88379Starless Night|r - PLAYER {spell:194509} {time:05:55}{spell:435405}|cffC0C0C0Starless Night End|r - PLAYER {spell:194509}
To utilize the above example cooldowns in the game, you will need both the Method Raid Tools and WeakAuras addons. The note above is pasted into a personal note via Method Raid Tools and read out using the Kaze Weakaura. The Kaze Weakaura is set to warn you of a timer 8 seconds in advance by default. It is highly recommended to go into the custom settings of the WA and adjust the "warn duration" to 20 seconds.
Defensive Usage
There is nothing unique about this fight from a defensive perspective. Try to be utilizing Fade and
Desperate Prayer as often as possible during either
Nether Rift or
Starless Night. Players targeted by
Queensbane are good targets for
Pain Suppression.
Raid Frame Setup
Ensure you are tracking the following buffs/debuffs on whatever raid frames you are using so you can react accordingly during the encounter:
Queensbane - 437343
Best Talents
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!
Tips for The Silken Court for Discipline Priest
Note that it is early days and that this section will be far more fleshed out as the Season progresses and cool tricks and tips are found.
Damage Pattern

This fight is broken up into 3 phases with 2 intermissions between said phase. Each phase has a variety of different mechanics that deal significant damage. In phase 1, Venomous Rain occurs every so often dealing solid damage to a select number of players.
Burrowed Eruption deals a large amount of damage as the boss prepares to charge across the room. This is a very good ramp target. As you transition out of Phase 1, you'll enter the first intermission where
Entropic Barrage will be the primary damage source until the boss' absorb shield is broken.
Once into phase 2, Web Vortex and
Stinging Burst become the primary sources of damage. Web Vortex is when the boss grips everyone across the room towards the boss and webs them together. This involves a large burst of damage when it occurs. As this involves a large amount of movement from both the pull and the movement afterwards to break your web, it is not an easy mechanic to target with a ramp unless you have access to a
Spatial Paradox. The other primary mechanic in this phase is
Stinging Burst which occurs whenever a debuff is dispelled. While this can be slightly annoying to time a ramp around due to the player controlled nature of the timing, it is still your best option in Phase 2.
Moving into the next intermission, Seismic Upheaval provides constant damage throughout the phase until the bosses absorb shield is broken. In Phase 3 of the fight,
Unleashed Swarm is a large AoE channeled by the boss for a short duration. This is an incredible ramp target.
What to Ramp for
Burrowed Eruption,
Entropic Barrage,
Stinging Burst,
Seismic Upheaval, and
Unleashed Swarm are your primary ramp targets for this encounter.
Example Cooldowns
The Silken Court Heroic Icy-Veins Example Discipline Priest Timings Talents: Standard Voidweaver Mindbender {time:0:34}0:34{spell:460360}|cffB65552Burrowed Eruption|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} {time:1:32}1:32{spell:460360}|cffB65552Burrowed Eruption|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} {time:2:13}2:13{spell:450980}|cffB65552Shatter Existence|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} {time:0:22,SAR:450980:1}3:17{spell:441626}|cffB65552Web Vortex|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} {time:1:17,SAR:450980:1}4:12{spell:441626}|cffB65552Web Vortex|r -{spell:438801}|cffFFFFFFCall of the Swarm|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} {time:2:16,SAR:450980:1}5:11{spell:451277}|cffB65552Spike Storm|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} {time:0:26,SAR:451277:1}6:24{spell:441782}|cff75bc5fStrands of Reality|r -{spell:442994}|cffB65552Unleashed Swarm|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} {time:1:23,SAR:451277:1}7:21{spell:438677}|cffB65552Stinging Swarm|r - PLAYER {spell:47536}
To utilize the above example cooldowns in the game, you will need both the Method Raid Tools and WeakAuras addons. The note above is pasted into a personal note via Method Raid Tools and read out using the Kaze Weakaura. The Kaze Weakaura is set to warn you of a timer 8 seconds in advance by default. It is highly recommended to go into the custom settings of the WA and adjust the "warn duration" to 20 seconds.
Defensive Usage
There is nothing unique about this fight from a defensive perspective. Try to be utilizing Fade and
Desperate Prayer as often as possible on any damage event. Players holding the web tether to stop the boss charge are good targets for
Pain Suppression.
Raid Frame Setup
Ensure you are tracking the following buffs/debuffs on whatever raid frames you are using so you can react accordingly during the encounter:
Stinging Swarm - 438677
Best Talents
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!
Tips for Queen Ansurek for Discipline Priest
Note that it is early days and that this section will be far more fleshed out as the Season progresses and cool tricks and tips are found.
Damage Pattern

In Phase 1, Ansurek has a variety of damaging mechanics, but the Frothy Toxin damage will be the most dangerous. This is a large burst of damage shortly after jumping the
Venom Nova.
Silken Tomb can also be quite dangerous and a good
Power Word: Barrier target as it expects the raid to stack up fairly tight. After leaving Phase 1, both the small intermission and the platform phase you'll be dealing with the
Wrest mechanic as the Queen attempts to pull you into her or off the platform with her webs. Each time she does so, it deals a significant amount of damage and is a good target for your ramps. On the middle platform there will be a dispel mechanic called
Gloom Blast. This deals a very large amount of damage on dispel and is by far the most dangerous part of the platform phase.
Once entering Phase 3, the primary damage is going to come from three mechanics, Gorge,
Royal Condemnation, and
Queen's Summons. Each of these results in a large amount of damage during a fairly high damage phase in general.
What to Ramp for
For P1, target ramping for the Frothy Toxin explosion. Plan to cast your
Power Word: Radiance casts after you land from the
Venom Nova jump.
During the Platform phase, you'll ramp for the Predation Threads and
Gloom Blast. The exact timers for these depends on the group you are in as the boss alternates pulling each side.
In the final phase, your primary ramps will be focused on the Gorge casts, but mini/
Rapture ramps can be focused on
Royal Condemnation or
Queen's Summons as well.
Example Cooldowns
Queen Ansurek Heroic Icy-Veins Example Discipline Priest Timings Talents: Standard Voidweaver Mindbender {time:0:44}0:44{spell:437632}|cffB65552Frothy Toxin|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:1:40}1:40{spell:437632}|cffB65552Frothy Toxin|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:2:36}2:36{spell:437632}|cffB65552Frothy Toxin|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:0:45,SAR:447207:1}4:01{spell:447411}|cffB65552Top Group Wrest|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} {time:1:07,SAR:447207:1}4:23{spell:447965}|cff494dcaGloom Touch|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} {time:1:12,SAR:447207:1}4:28{spell:447411}|cffB65552Top Group Wrest|r - PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:0:34,SCS:449986:1}5:53{spell:443336}|cffB65552Gorge|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:1:40,SCS:449986:1}6:59{spell:443336}|cffB65552Gorge|r - PLAYER {spell:47536} PLAYER {spell:451234} {time:3:02,SCS:449986:1}8:21{spell:443336}|cffB65552Gorge|r - PLAYER {spell:246287} PLAYER {spell:451234}
To utilize the above example cooldowns in the game, you will need both the Method Raid Tools and WeakAuras addons. The note above is pasted into a personal note via Method Raid Tools and read out using the Kaze Weakaura. The Kaze Weakaura is set to warn you of a timer 8 seconds in advance by default. It is highly recommended to go into the custom settings of the WA and adjust the "warn duration" to 20 seconds.
Defensive Usage
There is nothing unique about this fight from a defensive perspective. Try to be utilizing Fade and
Desperate Prayer as often as possible on any damage event. Players targeted by
Abyssal Infusion in Phase 3 are good targets for
Pain Suppression.
Best Talents
Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!
- 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
- 21 Oct. 2024: Added additional Mythic boss tips.
- 17 Sep. 2024: Updated raid guide post heroic week
- 14 Sep. 2024: Added example timers for Heroic Queen Ansurek
- 09 Sep. 2024: Guide added.
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This guide is written and maintained by Clandon, Healer in Vindicatum and Owner of Warcraft Priests (join them on Discord. This guide is peer reviewed by other staff at Warcraft Priests and other notable members of the healing community.
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