Prophet Skitra Tactics and Strategy guide
Welcome to our strategy and tactics guide for Prophet Skitra in Ny'alotha. Here, we tell you all you need to know to defeat this boss. We also include a role by role breakdown of the strategy, so that you can quickly see what you need to do depending on your role: DPS, tanks, or healers.
Read Before
Before you start reading the strategy, we advise you to look at the abilities of Prophet Skitra, in our encounter journal pages.
Fight Overview
- This is a two-phase encounter, with the two phases alternating back and forth until the boss is killed.
- During Phase One, the raid needs to fight Prophet Skitra himself as well as a few adds, and this is mostly about positioning.
- During Phase Two, the raid is split into two groups that are phased into different realms, and the two groups will need to communicate in order to identify one enemy that needs to be killed.
Fight Summary / TL;DR
- During Phase One
- Tank the boss in the center of the room, moving him close to any Shred Psyche images after their Psychic Outburst casts end, enable cleaving damage.
- Perform a tank swap to deal with the debuff applied by the boss's Shadow Shock.
- During Phase Two
- Stack with the rest of the raid and DPS the real illusion of Prophet Skitra.
- During Phase One
- Beware of the raid-wide damage from Psychic Outburst, although this should not be high if raid members are far enough away from the Shred Psyche adds when it is cast.
- During Phase Two
- Beware of the high damage in this phase, which increases as the fight goes on.
- The raid should be stacked together, allowing you to use AoE healing. Coordinate with other healers to properly chain cooldowns.
- During Phase One
- DPS Prophet Skitra, the Shred Psyche adds, and quickly kill off the adds from Images of Absolution once they become attackable.
- During Phase Two
- DPS the real illusion of Prophet Skitra and kill it as quickly as possible.
- During Phase One
- If affected by Shred Psyche, move to a location far from the rest of the raid and drop the Shred Psyche add there, and then move away from it before it casts Psychic Outburst.
- On Heroic mode, when Images of Absolution is cast, use crowd control
to create a sufficient gap in the wall of enemies to allow players to avoid
coming into contact with any adds.
- Kill the adds once they become vulnerable, after 30 seconds.
- During Phase Two
- Stack up to make healing easier, and identify the real illusion of Prophet Skitra as quickly as possible.
Phase One
The first Phase One lasts until the boss reaches 80% health, and each subsequent Phase One after that lasts for 20% of the boss's health (down to 60%, 40%, 20%, and then 0%).
For a full list of the abilities used in this phase, check out our dedicated Prophet Skitra Encounter Journal page.
Note that even though the Shadow Shock tank-swap ability also damages two other random raid members in addition to the active tank, these players are not debuffed to to take increased Shadow damage.
The way the Images of Absolution ability works is this:
- A continuous wall of enemies will appear on one side of the arena, and they will begin moving forward across the arena. They will keep moving from one side to the other.
- For 30 seconds, these adds are immune to damage but they can be crowd-controlled in a variety of ways.
- After 30 seconds, they can be damaged and killed (they have very little health and so will die instantly).
- Any raid members who enter a small radius around these adds will take huge damage and likely die.
The only way for the raid to survive this ability is to use crowd control to create a gap in the wall while the adds are immune to damage.
Finally, it is worth noting that the raid will take increased Shadow damage in each subsequent Phase One, due to the accumulation of Dark Ritual stacks from each Phase Two. This will make each Phase One more difficult.
Phase One strategy is simple.
- Prophet Skitra should be tanked in the relative center of the arena, and the tanks should perform regular tank swaps to deal with the debuff applied by Shadow Shock.
- The raid should stack on one side of the boss, while any players debuffed by Shred Psyche should move to the opposite side, relatively far from the raid, to drop off the add that spawns when the 5-second debuff expires.
- The raid should immediately begin DPSing the Shred Psyche add, but melee players should not approach it until after its Psychic Outburst cast has completed.
- On Heroic mode, when Images of Absolution is cast, crowd control
some of the adds in a designated location in the wall (typically, around the
area where the boss is being tanked) in order to form a gap. For example,
you could root some adds, knock them back, grip to another location, etc.
- After the adds become vulnerable, kill them off quickly.
To maximize damage during this phase, you should ideally move the boss to within cleaving range of the Shred Psyche adds, but only after their cast of Psychic Outburst finishes.
Phase One is the ideal time to use Heroism/ Bloodlust/ Time Warp. Given that stacks of Dark Ritual will make the fight more difficult in each subsequent Phase One, we believe that the final 20% is the ideal time to burst the boss.
Phase Two
For a full list of the abilities used in this phase, check out our dedicated Prophet Skitra Encounter Journal page.
If not clear from the ability descriptions above, the main mechanics of this phase are the fact the realm is split into two, with each half being phased into a different realm (half of the raid is debuffed with Clouded Mind and half with Twisted Mind). Each half will see 5 illusions of Prophet Skitra, who stand in various locations around the room and damage the raid with uninterruptible Illusionary Bolts.
4 of the illusions are "fake", while one is the real illusion that the raid must kill in order to move back to Phase One. The real illusion is the one that is in the same location for both halves of the raid.
Killing any of the "fake" illusions will cause the raid to take extreme damage from Mindquake, and probably wipe.
During this phase, no tanking is required, and there are no abilities to avoid. Instead, the entire focus of the raid should be to quickly identify the real illusion of the boss and kill it.
The current best way to identify which illusion is in the same location in both realms is to place world raid markers at the location of each illusion in a given realm, and have the players in the other realm attack whichever illusion has a raid marker on top of it in their realm. Note that target markers are not visible cross-realm.
Debuffs applied by players are also visible cross-realm, so another possibility is to have a player in a given realm apply a specific debuff to all the illusions they see, and then have the players in the other realm attack the illusion that they see as having the debuff. This strategy relies on discipline from the players in the second realm, ensuring that they do not start randomly applying debuffs to illusions themselves, as this could complicate the process.
The raid should stack up to make healing easier, as there is a fair amount of damage in this phase from all the Illusionary Bolts fired by the illusions, as well as from the increasing stacks of Dark Ritual.
Spec by Spec Advice for Ny'alotha
Death Knight | Demon Hunter | Druid |
Hunter | Mage | Monk |
Paladin | Priest | Rogue |
Shaman | Warlock | Warrior |
- 19 Jan. 2020: Guide added.
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