Brewmaster Monk Tank Sanctum of Domination Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Brewmaster Monk for each boss of the following raid: Sanctum of Domination. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
On this page, you will find Brewmaster-Monk-specific information to deal with each boss in the Sanctum of Domination raid.
This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Brewmaster Monks and what you can do to deal with each fight as best as possible.
During the Dragonflight Pre-Patch, Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination, and Sepulcher of the First Ones will be simultaneously featured as Fated Raids. During this time encounters within each specific raid will include an additional mechanic and items will drop at increased item levels. If you would like to learn more general information about the Fated Raids system as a whole, please see our overview below. Otherwise, continue to use this page for specialization-specific tips.
Resetting Encounters with Transcendence
All Monk specializations — but especially Brewmasters — are capable of resetting most boss encounters with the use of Transcendence and Transcendence: Transfer. This can be especially useful in a progression environment to save on both repair costs and allow players to keep their consumable buffs, such as food from a Feast of Gluttonous Hedonism. All you have to do as a Monk is place your Transcendence spirit beyond the area that will normally be closed off after engaging the boss. Then, if you would like to reset the encounter, simply get the attention of the boss with Provoke and teleport outside of the encounter area with Transcendence: Transfer. If done successfully, the boss will follow you outside and despawn.
Unless otherwise used during an encounter or mentioned in its tips section, it is highly recommended to get into the habit of setting up this form of fight reset. However, you should never feel forced to do so if there is a point in an encounter that you prefer having access to one of your most powerful mobility tools.
Talent Cheatsheet
The following talent tree is recommended for general use in raid encounters. Be aware that you may wish to switch some points around to gain specific utility against certain mechanics. It can be easily imported directly into the game using the following string:
The Tarragrue
We advise you to use the following Legendary against The Tarragrue: Stormstout's Last Keg.
- Before beginning this encounter, you will have slain four Infused Goliaths in the surrounding area. Each of these Goliaths dropped an Anima Orb, giving you access to a variety of unique Anima Powers to make use of in this encounter. Your Anima Powers can also be "rerolled" through the use of the pillars next to the encounter's arena.
- It is only the responsibility of players with immunities or specific Anima Powers to stand in the path of Chains of Eternity. You do not get to be a hero here.
- Be wary of the Fury of the Ages Enrage effect. The Disembodied Mystic Hands can steal this effect, but you must otherwise be prepared to use an extra Purifying Brew until a fellow raid member removes this buff.
- At 10% health, your Anima Powers will be removed. At this time, you must kite the boss rather than attempt to directly tank his attacks unless you have access to both Fortifying Brew and Dampen Harm and use them simultaneously.
For more information, please refer to our The Tarragrue guide.
The Eye of the Jailer
We advise you to use the following Legendary against The Eye of the Jailer: Stormstout's Last Keg.
- You can use your Transcendence to avoid having to use the Grapple! and evade the deadly Annihilating Glare.
- Your Stagger is uniquely suited to reducing the damage the raid takes from Deathlink, as is the absorb from Celestial Brew.
- At every threshold of 33% health lost, you will have to tank one of two Deathseeker Eyes. Bear in mind that they must remain at least 30 yards apart and die at roughly the same time to avoid triggering their Suffering mechanic.
- The pools of Jailer's Misery created by Spreading Misery are permanent in the encounter area; make the most of your mobility to place them far away if you receive this mechanic.
- For the final 33% of the Eye's health, you will suffer from an ever-increasing reduction in healing taken thanks to Immediate Extermination. Be ready to more aggressively use Purifying Brew.
- Note that the only attacks you can dodge with Mastery: Elusive Brawler on this encounter are the autoattacks and Assailing Lances from the Stygian Abductors that appear in Heroic and Mythic difficulties.
- In Mythic difficulty: Deathseeker Eyes must now remain at least 55 yards apart from one another, with each eye also applying either Scorn or Ire. Coming into contact with players of the opposing debuff will trigger a wipe. As a tank, you will still be tanking the same Deathseeker Eye each intermission.
For more information, please refer to our The Eye of the Jailer guide.
The Nine
We advise you to use the following Legendary against The Nine: Stormstout's Last Keg.
- Alternate who is tanking Kyra, The Unending after 3 stacks of Unending Strike. Do the same for Skyja, The First's Pierce Soul.
- Your mobility makes it easy to run away from Kyra, The Unending's Wings of Rage or to the Reverberating Refrain of Signe, The Voice.
- Clash can be a useful tool to reposition the Formless Mass spawns.
- Be ready to move your current boss out of Annhylde's Bright Aegis when it appears.
For more information, please refer to our The Nine guide.
Remnant of Ner'zhul
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Remnant of Ner'zhul: Stormstout's Last Keg.
- You must aim your Suffering toward the Orbs of Torment to remove their Eternal Torment shield. You will also be swapping tanking duties after every cast of Suffering.
- Position yourself and the boss near the edge of the room where players afflicted with Malevolence are standing at. You will be knocked away from their location and must be careful to not fall off the platform. However, your Transcendence can be used in a pinch to save yourself.
- Consider making use of Tiger's Lust or your own mobility with Roll to help with quickly disposing of defeated Orbs of Torment.
- In Mythic difficulty, each Shatter will cause certain mechanics to be replicated for the remainder of the encounter. For tanking, this means that the Helm of Suffering will fire an addditional cast of Suffering toward the location of the boss from 80% health onward. You can creatively use this extra beam to remove Eternal Torment from the increased numbers of Orbs of Torment in this difficulty.
For more information, please refer to our Remnant of Ner'zhul guide.
Soulrender Dormazain
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Soulrender Dormazain: Stormstout's Last Keg.
- Keep the boss positioned near the front of the room, by Garrosh Hellscream, when there are no additional enemies present. This will make it easier to dodge Tormented Eruptions.
- Swap tanking duties after every Ruinblade cast.
- Mawsworn Agonizers that are within the Tormented circles take 50% additional damage. However, be aware that any players within these circles receive pulses of Shadow damage. Position yourself accordingly.
- Both Clash and Ring of Peace can assist in grouping up or repositioning the Mawsworn Agonizers in this encounter.
- Make use of your mobility with Roll and Transcendence to quickly shatter one of the Warmonger Shackles throughout this fight. Be aware that you may only do this once in Heroic and Mythic difficulties due to the permanent Soul Manacles debuff applied to you afterward.
For more information, please refer to our Soulrender Dormazain guide.
Painsmith Raznal
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Painsmith Raznal: Stormstout's Last Keg.
- When targeted by Cruciform Axe, Reverberating Hammer, or Dualblade Scythe, run to the corner of the room as you will be generating spikes along the floor based on your position. DO NOT attempt to use Transcendence to drop your weapon throw off of the platform entirely, as this will instead cause the entire platform to erupt in spikes!
- Swap tanking duties after each weapon throw, as the victim will receive Blackened Armor.
- In an emergency, you can use Transcendence to avoid getting crushed by the Spiked Balls.
For more information, please refer to our Painsmith Raznal guide.
Guardian of the First Ones
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Guardian of the First Ones: Stormstout's Last Keg.
- In Normal difficulty, swap tanking duties after the first of the two Sunder casts the boss will perform.
- In Heroic and Mythic difficulties, tanking duty swaps during a a combination of abilities; The boss will cast Sunder, followed by two casts of Obliterate, and ending with a second cast of Sunder. One tank will keep the attention of the boss for the first Sunder and Obliterate, with the second tank taunting immediately afterward to take the second Obliterate and Sunder.
- In Heroic and Mythic difficulties you must have a group of players soak each Obliterate with you, but the same players cannot soak two Obliterates in a row.
- The debuff from Sunder only increases damage taken by further Sunders for a short time. You may safely tank the boss with this debuff after the combo has ended.
- Avoid being in the erratic path of Sentry Orbs to reduce your damage taken.
- Allow the boss's Energy to reach 0 and for it to channel at least one tick of its Purging Protocol cast before dragging it to a nearby Energy Core to destroy any Sentry Orbs that are present.
For more information, please refer to our Guardian of the First Ones guide.
Fatescribe Roh-Kalo
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Fatescribe Roh-Kalo: Stormstout's Last Keg.
- Keep the boss away from the center of the room to more easily avoid Fated Conjunctions.
- Swap tanking duties with every Invoke Destiny. Be aware that you will suffer additional damage from Diviner's Probe for a bit when initially gaining the boss's attention.
- Make use of your mobility to run far away when afflicted with Invoke Destiny. Afterward, avoid making contact with the Shade of Destiny that is fixated upon you. You will also be taking 75% increased damage until it is defeated.
- During the intermissions ( Realign Fate), be ready to gather up any Fatespawn Anomalies and the Fatespawn Monstrosities. The Monstrosities will deal more damage the longer they survive.
For more information, please refer to our Fatescribe Roh-Kalo guide.
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Kel'Thuzad: Stormstout's Last Keg.
- Swap tanking duties with each cast of Soul Fracture. If you were the victim of this ability, be ready to collect your Soul Shards as the adds created from them are defeated to remove your stacks of Soul Exhaustion.
- Each time the boss's health reaches 0, the phylactery in the room will open. As a tank, you will remain "outside" to gather up the numerous adds that will be spawning in, including Unstoppable Abominations. Avoid standing in their Demolish.
- In the final phase of the fight, additional Unstoppable Abominations will be spawning. Be prepared to get their attention.
- Even though you are a tank, you can still be fixated by a Frostbound Devoted's Relentless Haunt. While it is very risky, you may wish to safely "detonate" your Devoted if it is far away from the group, as the explosion only occurs within a 5-yard radius of it.
- Frostbound Devoted and the adds created by Soul Fracture are susceptible to all forms of crowd control, including your Paralysis and Leg Sweep. Frostbound Devoted may also be repositioned with Ring of Peace.
For more information, please refer to our Kel'Thuzad guide.
Sylvanas Windrunner
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Sylvanas Windrunner: Stormstout's Last Keg.
- In Phase 1:
- swap tanking duties with every Wailing Arrow, but be aware that this means you may occasionally experience two Ranger's Heartseeker in quick succession.
- Take advantage of your Roll and Transcendence to stay near your healers until Wailing Arrow is about to be cast on you to maximize your own survival against stacks of Banshee's Mark.
- Although the boss appears to be moving erratically during Windrunner, her hitbox remains in the place where she first activated this ability. Do not be deceived!
- Run out of Veil of Darkness.
- While you are affected by Domination Chains during the intermission, focus on defeating the chains of others rather than your own; Transcendence and your other mobility can allow you to avoid being dragged into your Arrow for longer than most players. Touch of Death can also be used to quickly free yourself or another player during this time.
- During Phase 2:
- avoid being knocked off of the narrow platforms by Haunting Wave and be ready to tank a variety of enemies. In particular, you will have to swap tanking duties when fighting the Mawforged Souljudge and Mawforged Goliath due to their Lashing Wound and Fury, respectively.
- Pay attention to when Sylvanas gains or loses Banshee Shroud. She is effectively immune to damage when this buff is present.
- In Phase 3:
- Be aware that the fight will end once Sylvanas reaches 50% health, or 45% health on Mythic.
- As a mobile tank, your duties in this Phase will involve running into pools of Banshee's Bane created by Bane Arrows while you do not have the boss, running into a corner of the current platform, and calling for a dispel to keep the area clean.
- You will once again swap tanking duties on every Wailing Arrow. Be aware that Ranger's Heartseeker has now become Banshee's Heartseeker and will apply 3 stacks of Banshee's Bane to the victim with every cast.
- When targeted by Wailing Arrow, move to another platform and run into the Banshee's Bane puddles while you are there before returning afterward.
- Stay away from other players during each Veil of Darkness cast. Even though you are a tank this ability can still target you as well.
- In Heroic and Mythic difficulties, Sylvanas will gain access to the Banshee's Fury ability. If any player has the Banshee's Bane debuff at the end of this cast, your group will most likely wipe. Make sure you have been dispelled beforehand!
- Vacate the platform you are on before a cast of Raze finishes, or you will be stranded and die.
For more information, please refer to our Sylvanas Windrunner guide.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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This guide has been written by Sinzhu, a Mythic raider on US-Kil'jaeden who has passionately played Brewmaster for the past nine years. He also contributes to the Peak of Serenity and is a Moderator of the Monk Class Discord.
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