How To Improve As Augmentation Evoker — The War Within Pre-Patch

Last updated on Jul 23, 2024 at 00:30 by Saeldur 18 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find out how you can improve at playing Augmentation Evoker in World of Warcraft — The War Within Pre-Patch. We list the common mistakes that you should try to avoid and the small details that can greatly improve your performance.


Using Breath of Eons on Cooldown.

Both Interwoven Threads Icon Interwoven Threads and Time Skip Icon Time Skip cause Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons to drift from being a two-minute cooldown.

As Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons is a multiplier to other players' damage, you want to time it when other players are doing the most damage. Other players do the most damage during their own cooldowns; hence we want to use it at the same time as their cooldowns. For the classes that synergize best with Augmentation this is every two minutes. This means you need to hold your Breath of Eons for a short duration to let them line back up.


Not using Breath of Eons enough.

As with all cooldowns, if you are holding them for too long you are wasting them. Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons is no exception to this, despite the previous point.

Whilst there is an incentive to hold Breath of Eons Icon Breath of Eons to line up with other players' cooldowns, as just mentioned, it isn't efficient to wait too long. This is why we suggest using it every 2 minutes every time and choosing players with Prescience Icon Prescience and Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might to match a 2-minute cadence.


Using Hover without a GCD being used before

Hover Icon Hover is not on the GCD and only has an animation lockout. This means that you can cast an instant cast spell and during the GCD of that spell use Hover Icon Hover to not lose any GCDs in your rotation. This should be used for when you need to do movement to not lose DPS.


Charging Your Empowered Spells too Much

Upheaval Icon Upheaval should only be charged so that its AOE covers every mob you are fighting. Charging this spell further than it needs to does not deal any additional damage and just wastes time.

Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath should be charged to the maximum rank possible with Leaping Flames Icon Leaping Flames but should only be charged to Rank 1 without as there is no gain to spending more time casting. Leaping Flames is a recommended talent for every Augmentation build due to power, so most of the time you will want to use a high-rank Fire Breath.


Casting Empowered Spells outside of Ebon Might

Most of the value of your Empowered Spells comes from Sands of Time Icon Sands of Time and Empowered Spells have similar cooldowns to Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might.

Because of this, you want to never cast an Empower outside of Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might preferring to sit on them until Ebon Might is back up. This should never be long because Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath has the same cooldown as Ebon Might, and Upheaval Icon Upheaval gets reduced by Accretion Icon Accretion, which is a recommended talent in all builds.


Casting Eruption outside of Ebon Might

Most of the value of your Eruption Icon Eruption comes from Sands of Time Icon Sands of Time incentivizing you to make sure all casts happen within Ebon Might, however if you're flooded with resources, it can still sometimes be correct to cast outside.

When Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might falls off, you want to stop using Eruption Icon Eruption unless you are about to cap on Essence or have capped on Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst to make sure you have as much resources for your next Ebon Might to extend it as long as possible.


Overcapping on Essence

Sometimes this will happen, and it is out of your control, such as when you get a lot of Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst or Hoarded Power Icon Hoarded Power procs in a row. It can also happen when you are pooling resources for your next Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might. Outside of that, you should not be experiencing this and see Essence as more of a Combo Point system; if it is full, it needs to be spent.


Casting Prescience on a Tank or Healer in Raid

As Ebon Might Icon Ebon Might prefers to go on targets with Prescience Icon Prescience ignoring what role they have, it is not recommended to ever cast Prescience on a Tank or Healer due to both having lower damage throughput than DPS classes. It is correct to cast Prescience Icon Prescience on Tanks in Mythic+ content.



  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Prepatch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 4.
  • 19 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6
  • 19 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for patch 10.2.5
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Reviewed for patch 10.2
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Page added.
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