Preservation Evoker Healing Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities — The War Within Pre-Patch

Last updated on Jul 23, 2024 at 00:30 by Mytholxgy 23 comments
General Information

On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Preservation Evoker, depending on the type of damage your group is receiving. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. in order to minmax your healing output and your mana efficiency. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within Pre-Patch.



Welcome to our Rotation page for Preservation Evokers. On this page, you will find everything you need to know about playing the spec in Raiding and Mythic+ scenarios.


Easy Mode

If the rotations below seem overwhelming to you, you might benefit from visiting our Easy Mode page, which outlines a close-to-optimal rotation in simpler terms.


Rotation / Playstyle for Preservation Evokers

Healing as an Evoker will take a lot of practice no matter which type of content you find yourself doing. While other classes have powerful abilities that can help you the moment a situation turns dire, Evoker lacks these, making it really suffer when things get tough. The key to this class is to stay ahead of these moments by having a plan for every major damage event that your party or raid will encounter. This will allow you to save your few emergency abilities, such as Verdant Embrace Icon Verdant Embrace and Rewind Icon Rewind for the moments you did not anticipate.

Evoker has a lack of strong single-target spells as well as emergency buttons, making it difficult to actively keep individual targets alive during moments of danger. You must rotate through your cooldown abilities as much as possible to help ease this pain and make active use of Time Dilation Icon Time Dilation on anyone in significant danger to help make the situation more manageable.

When casting Dream Breath Icon Dream Breath, you would naturally assume that a higher empower means more healing, but this is not the case. This ability always does the same amount of total healing, regardless of empower level. What changes depending on the empower level is how much of that healing is upfront vs. how much comes in the form of a HoT. Higher upfront healing can result in more overhealing, meaning that you will benefit more from the high-duration HoT provided by Rank 1. Rank 2 is a nice balance between upfront healing and the HoT effect that could be good situationally.


Echo Raid Build Rotation

Your goal is to generate as many Echo Icon Echos as possible through both spending essence and casting Temporal Anomaly Icon Temporal Anomaly with Resonating Sphere Icon Resonating Sphere. Once you have your Echo Icon Echos out, you will then consume them with one of the four following spells: Spiritbloom Icon Spiritbloom, Dream Breath Icon Dream Breath, Verdant Embrace Icon Verdant Embrace and Reversion Icon Reversion. Here is how you can decide which spell to use:

  • Spiritbloom Icon Spiritbloom is the best way to consume Echo Icon Echos when you have access to the Evoker Preservation 10.1 Class Set 2pc Icon Evoker Preservation 10.1 Class Set 2pc. This offers extremerly strong burst healing assuming that you are ramping correctly for the damage. When you know raid damage is coming and you aren't going to use Verdant Embrace Icon Verdant Embrace, you can prep many Echo Icon Echos and then time your Spiritbloom Icon Spiritbloom to land right as the damage hits.
  • Reversion Icon Reversion is a solid choice for consuming Echo Icon Echos when you have Grace Period Icon Grace Period selected and aren't using Echo for Spiritbloom Icon Spiritbloom. Even without high critical strike, it is relatively easy for the duration to be extended to the max, and it also gives you Grace Period Icon Grace Period value and extra Essence Burst Icon Essence Bursts.
  • Verdant Embrace Icon Verdant Embrace is another decent choice for spending Echo Icon Echos. While it may offer slightly less burst healing than Spiritbloom Icon Spiritbloom, it will proc Lifebind Icon Lifebind, which at the very worst can put it on par and, when significantly playing into it, makes it the best choice for echo consumption. Not to mention the potential to combine with Emerald Communion Icon Emerald Communion with as many echos as possible for a massive raid cooldown.
  • Dream Breath Icon Dream Breath is a fairly weak choice and only really usable when the raid is taking passive damage. Even then, it remains weaker than Reversion Icon Reversion and also much more difficult to pull off since Verdant Embrace Icon Verdant Embrace will consume the Echo Icon Echos when you attempt to proc Call of Ysera Icon Call of Ysera before casting Dream Breath.

In general your priority list should look like the following:

  • Do not overcap on Essence or waste Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst procs (Cast Echo Icon Echo as much as possible).
  • Cast Temporal Anomaly Icon Temporal Anomaly as mana allows to generate Echo Icon Echos through Resonating Sphere Icon Resonating Sphere, consume these Echo Icon Echos with Reversion Icon Reversion in order to gain Grace Period Icon Grace Period and generate Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst.
  • Use Verdant Embrace Icon Verdant Embrace before casting Dream Breath Icon Dream Breath in order to get the bonus healing increase from Call of Ysera Icon Call of Ysera.
  • Cast Dream Breath Icon Dream Breath as frequently as possible and only empower it to Rank 1 (sometimes Rank 2).
  • Cast Spiritbloom Icon Spiritbloom, Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath and of course Dream Breath Icon Dream Breath as much as possible to proc the tier set bonus.
  • Cast Living Flame Icon Living Flame to generate Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst procs.

It is important to consider that Call of Ysera Icon Call of Ysera has a 15-second long duration. Even when using Verdant Embrace Icon Verdant Embrace for Echo Icon Echo, you should have plently of time to still cast Dream Breath Icon Dream Breath. When you are also attempting to play into the Verdant Embrace Icon Verdant Embrace and Lifebind Icon Lifebind interaction, there are a few things you should do to maximize your healing output. Generally, casting a few Living Flame Icon Living Flames on yourself will be the most consistent way to get good value out of Lifebind. However, you can also choose to simply cast Spiritbloom Icon Spiritbloom on yourself at Rank 3/4 to transfer all of the healing to your Lifebind targets. If you aren't directly trying to maximize your Lifebind window then it will fall behind to Spiritbloom Icon Spiritbloom or Reversion Icon Reversion, but with a bit of effort it is extremely powerful. For more information on how this interaction works, you can scroll further down the page to our "Using Lifebind" section.

Normal Temporal Anomaly Icon Temporal Anomaly casts will be consumed with Reversion Icon Reversion as this will give you 5 chances at proccing Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst, giving you more total echos to play with, not to mention that it will provide allies with the Grace Period Icon Grace Period buff. When you are attempting to have a lot of Echo Icon Echos out at one moment for a Emerald Communion Icon Emerald Communion or a very spikey damage window, then it makes sense to not consume the Echo Icon Echos after the Temporal Anomaly Icon Temporal Anomaly cast with reversion and instead use them on another ability.


Emerald Blossom Raid Build Rotation

The key to the Emerald Blossom Icon Emerald Blossom build is generating as much Essence Burst Icon Essence Bursts as possible. It is important that you are making an effort to cast Living Flame Icon Living Flame as well as Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath in order to help generate more procs. This will not only increase your overall output but also help your mana costs.

  • Use Verdant Embrace Icon Verdant Embrace before casting Dream Breath Icon Dream Breath in order to get the bonus healing increase from Call of Ysera Icon Call of Ysera.
  • Cast Dream Breath Icon Dream Breath as frequently as possible and only empower it to Rank 1 (sometimes Rank 2).
  • Cast Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath on cooldown to proc Leaping Flames Icon Leaping Flames.
  • Use Spiritbloom Icon Spiritbloom on cooldown.
  • Use Emerald Blossom Icon Emerald Blossom as damage demands it and prioritize casting it on clumps of allies to prevent it from healing only one ally.
  • Cast Temporal Anomaly Icon Temporal Anomaly as mana permits, consume the Echo Icon Echos with Reversion Icon Reversion.
  • DPS with Living Flame Icon Living Flame to generate Essence Burst Icon Essence Bursts that you can then spend on Emerald Blossom Icon Emerald Blossom.

When using Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath, we want to cast it at max rank in order to generate the max possible Living Flame Icon Living Flames from Leaping Flames Icon Leaping Flames. It does not matter if you then consume the Living Flames for damage or healing; we only care about having extra chances to generate Essence Burst Icon Essence Bursts. It is also important that you are rotating casts of Emerald Blossom Icon Emerald Blossom and Living Flame Icon Living Flame. By rotating casts, you will be able to make use of the Ancient Flame Icon Ancient Flame talent, giving you quicker casts of Living Flame.

To really minmax the Emerald Blossom Icon Emerald Blossom rotation, you will ideally want to rotate between casting Emerald Blossom Icon Emerald Blossom and Living Flame Icon Living Flame. By doing this, you will be able to make full use of Ancient Flame Icon Ancient Flame, reducing the cast time of Living Flame by 40%, allowing you to generate quicker Essence Burst Icon Essence Bursts. When facing heavy damage, it may be better to just fully spend essence as soon as you get it rather than rotating between the two casts.

Cycle of Life Icon Cycle of Life will transfer ALL healing. This includes both Rewind Icon Rewind and Dream Flight Icon Dream Flight. For that reason, you will want to make sure that you have an active Cycle of Life Icon Cycle of Life buff before casting either of your cooldowns, that way you can transfer the healing your cooldowns do to the entire group.

Choosing to consume the Temporal Anomaly Icon Temporal Anomaly Echo Icon Echos with Reversion Icon Reversion will not only give you multiple chances to proc Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst, but will also allow you to gain the Grace Period Icon Grace Period healing bonus.


5-Man Healing

5-man healing can be quite difficult as an Evoker. In general, you should be trying to heal through the hardest moments by rotating casts of Dream Breath Icon Dream Breath and Spiritbloom Icon Spiritbloom at max rank. Between these two cooldowns, you will want to ensure your allies have Reversion Icon Reversion on them so they are constantly being healed. Given there is no rotation you can follow in M+, it is important that you understand how you can fully use your abilities to their max effectiveness in Mythic+. Your overall priority will look somewhat like this:

  • Cast Echo Icon Echo to prepare for damage.
  • Keep Reversion Icon Reversion on your party members when damage is going out.
  • Cast Dream Breath Icon Dream Breath at either Rank 1 (small passive healing) or max rank (large burst healing) depending on what the situation demands.
  • Cast Spiritbloom Icon Spiritbloom at max rank during difficult moments.
  • Use Verdant Embrace Icon Verdant Embrace to deal with single-target damage.

In order to further understand the Mythic+ rotation, you should also understand the three main ways that you will be consuming Echo Icon Echo:

  • Reversion Icon Reversion -- This will be your most used ability to consume Echo Icon Echo. Keeping the passive healing on your will make every pack more manageable, as well as providing the Grace Period Icon Grace Period buff.
  • Verdant Embrace Icon Verdant Embrace -- Using this ability to consume your Echo Icon Echo will allow you to do quick burst healing, as well as give you and everyone with the echo buff Lifebind Icon Lifebind, which then gives you the option to press Emerald Communion Icon Emerald Communion during very dangerous moments, making your group nearly invincible.
  • Dream Breath Icon Dream Breath -- Out of all your options for consuming echo, this will be one of the least frequent choices. When facing heavy tank damage, it can be beneficial to apply 2x Reversion Icon Reversions and 2x Dream Breath Icon Dream Breath, just to ensure that the tanks have as much healing as possible.

For more information on how the class changes both rotationally and talent wise in Mythic+, please visit our dedicated page below:


DPS Rotation

Dealing with damage as a Preservation Evoker is extremely simple. The only major change comes from Energy Loop Icon Energy Loop and Disintegrate Icon Disintegrate. With these two talents, you will be casting Disintegrate Icon Disintegrate; without these two abilities, you will not be. Assuming you are taking these talents, your rotation will look like:

  • Cast Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath on cooldown and at max rank.
  • Consume the Leaping Flames Icon Leaping Flames buff by casting Living Flame Icon Living Flame.
  • Cast Azure Strike Icon Azure Strike on 3+ targets.
  • Spend Essence on Disintegrate Icon Disintegrate.
  • Cast Living Flame Icon Living Flame.

Using Lifebind

Lifebind Icon Lifebind is an extremely powerful tool in the Evoker kit. Whenever you cast Verdant Embrace Icon Verdant Embrace on an ally, you both will gain the Lifebind buff. When you have a lot of Echo Icon Echos out, every player with an Echo will also get a Lifebind buff. There are two main ways to abuse this for massive healing. The very first involves Emerald Communion Icon Emerald Communion. This cooldown causes you to heal for 20% of your health per tick, but it also transfers healing to every player we had Lifebind Icon Lifebind on. This means that every 3 minutes we should aim to get as many Echo Icon Echos out as possible, cast Verdant Embrace Icon Verdant Embrace and then cast Emerald Communion Icon Emerald Communion. This will provide you with a massive amount of healing over the 5-second window and should be treated as a major raid cooldown as long as you can execute it properly. Outside of this, Lifebind Icon Lifebind serves as a large part of our rotational healing. In order to maximize the healing it does during a fight you will obviously want to cast Verdant Embrace Icon Verdant Embrace right after large damage spikes (with as many Echo Icon Echos out as possible), followed by one of two abilities: Living Flame Icon Living Flame or Spiritbloom Icon Spiritbloom. When possible, you can cast Spiritbloom Icon Spiritbloom on yourself at Rank 3/4 for quick healing that fits within the Lifebind duration, followed by a Living Flame Icon Living Flame cast. Given the long cast time of Spiritbloom, you should always ensure the cast finishes before your Lifebind ends, otherwise it is ok to cast it at a lower rank just to ensure it fits within the window. When Spiritbloom is on cooldown, you can simply spam heal yourself with Living Flame Icon Living Flame until the Lifebind buff falls off. Both will result in very powerful healing as long as you are able to get Echo Icon Echos out beforehand.


Using Essence Burst

Essence Burst Icon Essence Burst should be used on the best Essence-spending ability for your content type and your build. In situations where absolutely no one could benefit from healing, you can instead choose to use Essence Burst on Disintegrate Icon Disintegrate. This will increase your damage output by a small margin. That being said, in many raiding situations, you will want to sit on your Essence Burst buff for when damage is coming out.


Cooldown Usage for Preservation Evokers

One of the largest differences between a strong healer and a weaker one is how cooldowns are used and managed. Preservation Evoker has many options available through both the spec tree and class tree.

  • Dream Flight Icon Dream Flight is a powerful cooldown located in the spec tree. With only a two-minute cooldown, you will want to be making use of this ability frequently and you will want to hit as many allies as possible with it. You should aim to use this as soon as damage comes out and, ideally, when the HoT effect will have good value.
  • Stasis Icon Stasis is a very strong ability, allowing you to essentially store three heals for later use. Only on a 1:30 cooldown, this ability should be used often, especially when you consider that once you collect 3 heals, they will stay with you for the next 30 seconds. You should prioritize powerful heals in your stasis such as Dream Breath Icon Dream Breath, Spiritbloom Icon Spiritbloom, and Temporal Anomaly Icon Temporal Anomaly. If you need to get three spells into it quickly, it is also acceptable to use a Emerald Blossom Icon Emerald Blossom in the stasis just to fill it up quickly, allowing you to return to casting weaker healing spells without them taking up space in your stasis.
  • Rewind Icon Rewind should be used after an extremely heavy damage window. Its healing is determined by how much damage you have taken in the last 5 seconds, meaning the more that your raid or party took, the more it will heal. This cooldown is one of the few true emergency buttons that Preservation Evokers have; you should use it as best you can in truly dire situations.
  • Tip the Scales Icon Tip the Scales is the other emergency button for Preservation Evokers. In most cases, you should save this cooldown for when your party takes damage that you did not anticipate. Once this happens, you can easily press this button followed by Spiritbloom Icon Spiritbloom or Dream Breath Icon Dream Breath to get a quick but powerful heal off to save your party members or raid's life.
  • Zephyr Icon Zephyr causes you and your 4 closet allies to take 20% reduced Area-of-Effect damage for 8 seconds. Given that this only targets your 4 closest allies, it will be easier to use in Mythic+ than raid, but you will still want to make active use of it when you know that you are going to take a large AoE hit in the next few seconds. Not every damage event is considered AoE, so you must have a good understanding of what type of damage you will be taking to ensure you do not waste the effects of the ability.
  • Emerald Communion Icon Emerald Communion is a great way to regenerate mana, and for that reason, you will want to cast it as much as possible. There are some things you can do with Lifebind Icon Lifebind, but they require you to talent into some choices that you may not normally. If you do end up talenting into those options, then you will want to pair this cooldown with the full combination every time you can to maximize your healing. Otherwise, using it on cooldown to maximize your mana return will be your best decision.

Where Evoker struggles in consistent healing, it makes up for in cooldowns. Every ability listed, as well as Spiritbloom Icon Spiritbloom and Dream Breath Icon Dream Breath are very powerful in helping you manage difficult and dangerous situations. The biggest mistake you can ever make on Evoker is not rotating through these cooldowns appropriately and trying to save them for too long. Use them as you feel the need to help ease some of the weaknesses in Evoker's healing kit.



  • 23 Jul. 2024: Page Updated for War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Page updated for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 16 Jan. 2024: Rotation changes.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Rotations updated for 10.2.5.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for 10.2.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
  • 08 Aug. 2023: Extra information added for Emerald Blossom rotations.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.5.
  • 01 May 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Rotation updated for 10.0.5.
  • 28 Dec. 2022: Rotation updated to include differences between emerald blossom and reversion builds.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 15 Nov. 2022: Page added.
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