Elemental Shaman Best Legendaries in Shadowlands — Dragonflight 10.2.5

Last updated on Jan 15, 2024 at 15:00 by Stormy 88 comments
General Information

Legendary Powers are targetable, unique effects that you can imbue certain base items with through the Runecarving system. In Shadowlands, these enable you to customize your Elemental Shaman, drastically improving your performance, and are arguably the most important aspect of your gear.

The purpose of this page is to help you pick the right legendary powers (and item slots for them) for your character, depending on the content you are interested in.


Introduction: Legendaries in Shadowlands

Torghast is a fun activity which will, among other things, allow you to create gear with Legendary Powers via Runecarving. These powers give you unique perks that can be game-changing, although you can only ever use one at a time. In this guide, we will list and rank all those powers so you can understand which ones you should be using in different situations.


Covenant Legendaries for Elemental Shaman

Patch 9.1 introduced Covenant Legendaries, one for each Covenant:

  1. Seeds of Rampant Growth Icon Seeds of Rampant Growth is the Night Fae Covenant legendary. It gives a sizable cooldown reduction for Fire Elemental Icon Fire Elemental and grants a short, but significant, Critical Strike chance buff. This legendary is the only new legendary that you should craft. If you joined the Night Fae covenant, it is probably superior to Skybreaker's Fiery Demise Icon Skybreaker's Fiery Demise for organized high-end Mythic+.
  2. Raging Vesper Vortex Icon Raging Vesper Vortex is the Kyrian Covenant legendary. Its damage is currently lackluster. With the final new Renown trait from Forgelite Prime Mikanikos, it might just become viable.
  3. Splintered Elements Icon Splintered Elements is the Necrolord Covenant legendary and is never going to give you enough power to be worth having over better legendaries. There is no reason to craft this at the moment.
  4. Elemental Conduit Icon Elemental Conduit is the Venthyr Covenant legendary. It is too situational to be useful. There is no reason to craft this at the moment.

Once you obtain Unity Icon Unity you will always be able to use your Covenant's Legendary power in addition to a regular Legendary of your choice. For a variety of reasons, we recommend joining the Night Fae Covenant and using Seeds of Rampant Growth Icon Seeds of Rampant Growth


Best Legendaries for Elemental Shaman

Bolded slots are best for single-target scenarios. This is not that big of a deal and you should not feel obligated to recraft your Legendaries.

Focus Legendary Slots Source
Raiding Windspeaker's Lava Resurgence Icon Windspeaker's Lava Resurgence Back or Feet Valinor, World Boss
Mythic+ Echoes of Great Sundering Icon Echoes of Great Sundering Hands or Shoulder Mueh'Zala, Dungeon Boss, De Other Side
Torghast Echoes of Great Sundering Icon Echoes of Great Sundering Hands or Shoulder Mueh'Zala, Dungeon Boss, De Other Side

You want Haste on all those legendaries, then Versatility or Mastery for Windspeaker's Lava Resurgence Icon Windspeaker's Lava Resurgence, Critical Strike for Echoes of Great Sundering Icon Echoes of Great Sundering, and either Critical Strike or Versatility (single-target funneling) on Skybreaker's Fiery Demise Icon Skybreaker's Fiery Demise.


Best Overall Legendary for Elemental Shaman

Overall, Windspeaker's Lava Resurgence Icon Windspeaker's Lava Resurgence is going to be the pick for most raiders, although Echoes of Great Sundering Icon Echoes of Great Sundering is not too far behind and overtakes it when there is some stacked AoE involved.

Skybreaker's Fiery Demise Icon Skybreaker's Fiery Demise is also fairly close and shines in split multi-DoTting situations. Nothing else realistically competes across the board, although some other Legendaries have strong niches.


Best Raiding Legendaries for Elemental Shaman

Raiding is largely about single-target damage, so this ranking will primarily be about how much added single-target damage Legendaries grant you.

Legendaries not in this list are not worth considering.

  1. Windspeaker's Lava Resurgence Icon Windspeaker's Lava Resurgence is by far the strongest single-target Legendary for Elemental. For the majority of raid fights this is your Legendary of choice, especially since it also makes you more mobile.
  2. Echoes of Great Sundering Icon Echoes of Great Sundering is second-best in pure single-target and as soon as you can stack multiple targets regularly, its value skyrockets. It is a great pick on fights with any kind of AoE.
  3. Skybreaker's Fiery Demise Icon Skybreaker's Fiery Demise is right behind the two previous Legendaries for single-target purposes, and its value increases significantly whenever multidotting is involved. For fights where you will have multiple split targets to DoT regularly, this becomes the strongest Legendary.
  4. Deeptremor Stone Icon Deeptremor Stone's overall single-target value is surprisingly decent, and it brings incredible AoE for 60 seconds, which could lead it to being the strongest Legendary on some fights.
  5. Deeply Rooted Elements Icon Deeply Rooted Elements forces you to actively change your rotation and constantly pay attention to the possibility of it proccing. It is possibly usable with the new tier set if you enjoy the playstyle. It is hard to recommend.
  6. Elemental Equilibrium Icon Elemental Equilibrium has a niche if you need high damage for a few seconds after twice as much downtime, or to do massive damage right as you pull. For general use, it is decent at everything but most likely not worth picking over better Legendary powers.
  7. Ancestral Reminder Icon Ancestral Reminder brings a potentially strong niche for very specific circumstances, but unless you really want that minute-long damage phase once in a fight, the overall DPS gain is mediocre.
  8. Judgment of the Arbiter Icon Judgment of the Arbiter could have some use for heavy AoE encounters if your tank also uses it and makes the enemies stand between you both, but this is very niche and a dubious reason to choose this Legendary for raiding.
  9. Echo of Eonar Icon Echo of Eonar has the advantage of being usable in Restoration spec, and is a decent damage boost in group settings, but overall just does not do enough. It is a conceivable pick if you intend to switch back and forth between both specs a lot and are okay with a Legendary power that is mediocre for both.

Best Mythic+ Legendaries for Elemental Shaman

Mythic+ emphasizes area of effect damage, so this ranking will primarily be about how much added AoE damage Legendaries grant you.

Legendaries not in this list are not worth considering.

  1. Echoes of Great Sundering Icon Echoes of Great Sundering is overall the best Legendary for low-mid level Mythic+. It allows you to focus down a priority target while doing strong AoE damage. Possibly best for Tyrannical weeks for high level Mythic+ as well.
  2. Windspeaker's Lava Resurgence Icon Windspeaker's Lava Resurgence is not good at dealing with packs, but if you believe boss DPS to be a potential wall, this will be the best Legendary to deal with that.
  3. Seeds of Rampant Growth Icon Seeds of Rampant Growth (note that for Elemental it reduces the cooldown of Fire Elemental Icon Fire Elemental) could see some use in organized Mythic+, as the Critical Strike buff is not insignificant.
  4. Skybreaker's Fiery Demise Icon Skybreaker's Fiery Demise is a bit of an in between and has a strong emphasis on multi-DoTting, which is likely the way to go for higher level Mythic+ and dungeons without swarms of mobs but strong elite mobs instead.
  5. Elemental Equilibrium Icon Elemental Equilibrium allows you to start pulls with a significant burst, although Elemental would ideally want some time to ramp up depending on the pack. Overall, it is decent but probably not worth picking over stronger Legendary Powers.
  6. Chains of Devastation Icon Chains of Devastation enables a potential hybrid playstyle, which can help on dungeons where your party will constantly take a lot of damage on packs. Combined with other things and in a set group with a strong tank, this might even allow you to run with 4 DPS, especially on lower-end dungeons. It is something to keep an eye on. As a bonus, picking this Legendary is a great idea if you play Restoration a lot, because it is a good Legendary for them, especially in Mythic+.
  7. Ancestral Reminder Icon Ancestral Reminder brings a strong niche if a specific pull or boss is particularly tricky. This should allow you to make that pull significantly easier, at the cost of gimping you for the rest of the dungeon.
  8. Deeptremor Stone Icon Deeptremor Stone is an extremely strong cooldown in Mythic+, and is a massive help on big pulls, assuming the Earth Elemental Icon Earth Elemental actually survives for most of the pull. This is similar to Ancestral Reminder, but less reliable if the Elemental can die, and with half the cooldown.
  9. Judgment of the Arbiter Icon Judgment of the Arbiter could be pretty good IF your tank also uses it and makes the enemies stand between you both, especially on larger packs.
  10. Echo of Eonar Icon Echo of Eonar has the advantage of being usable in Restoration spec, but overall just does not do enough. It is a conceivable pick if you intend to switch back and forth between both specs a lot and are okay with a Legendary Power that is mediocre for both. If that is the case, however, and you do not care about raids, pick Chains of Devastation Icon Chains of Devastation instead.

Best Torghast Legendaries for Elemental Shaman

If you plan on running Torghast with a group of people, consider referring to the Mythic+ recommendations. Otherwise, the recommendations below assume you are running solo.

Legendaries not in this list are not worth considering.

  1. Echoes of Great Sundering Icon Echoes of Great Sundering is a bit slow, but will overall give you the best bang for your buck on packs.
  2. Windspeaker's Lava Resurgence Icon Windspeaker's Lava Resurgence is not good at dealing with groups of enemies, but single-target DPS is still important in Torghast, and this is the best Legendary for that.
  3. Skybreaker's Fiery Demise Icon Skybreaker's Fiery Demise is a bit of an in-between and has a strong emphasis on multi-DoTting, which will be quite strong on some Torghast pulls.
  4. Seeds of Rampant Growth Icon Seeds of Rampant Growth (note that for Elemental it reduces the cooldown of Fire Elemental Icon Fire Elemental) could see some use in organized Mythic+, as the Critical Strike buff is not insignificant.
  5. Elemental Equilibrium Icon Elemental Equilibrium allows you to start pulls with a significant burst, although Elemental would ideally want some time to ramp up depending on the pack. Overall a decent choice.
  6. Stable Phantasma Lure Icon Stable Phantasma Lure is a special Legendary that increases the Torghast-only currency you get by a significant amount. While the value of this currency can vary wildly between runs, depending on your build and what is available from the vendors, buying powers is still one of the best ways to complete a synergistic build on a Torghast run, and this Legendary will help you get there faster.
  7. Chains of Devastation Icon Chains of Devastation could be usable (mostly if you do not have anything better), but the damage of its "playstyle" can be lackluster.
  8. Deeptremor Stone Icon Deeptremor Stone / Ancestral Reminder Icon Ancestral Reminder give you very powerful cooldowns every 5 or 10 minutes. If you are okay with waiting around for them to come back, these are probably the strongest Legendaries you can pick. If you want to pull continuously, however, their value decreases.


  • 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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