Holy Priest Healing Uldir Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Holy Priest for each boss of the following raid: Uldir. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
For the Holy Priest Boss Advice we got together with Shelanne, moderator for Warcraft Priests and author of their popular Quick-Start Holy Priest guide.
Talent Cheatsheet for Holy Priest in Uldir
Holy Priest Boss Advice: Uldir, Halls of Control
As Uldir is an upcoming raid, the current information is based on Beta testing and theorycrafting using Warcraft Logs and will be updated over time. As each boss is hardest on its Mythic difficulty mode, we will first explain the healing strategy for Mythic, followed by a short explanation on what changes in this strategy, if anything, for Heroic.
Keep in mind that although your cooldowns may be mentioned in specific parts
of this guide, you should always try to coordinate with your healing team and
raid leader where possible to find the optimal place to cast these for your
chosen strategy. While this primarily applies to Divine Hymn,
Holy Word: Salvation, and
Guardian Spirit, you may sometimes be
asked to use
Apotheosis or
Symbol of Hope at specific times as
All talent choices made for each boss are suggestions intended on best dealing with the specific mechanics of that encounter. Due to Holy Priest having quite balanced talents, for the Level 40, Level 45, and Level 50 talents there will be multiple viable talent options for many of the encounters.
While not boss-specific, aim to obtain and equip at least one Uldir Azerite
item at all times while raiding in Uldir. The powerful buff
Reorigination Array which increases in power each week you are
killing bosses in Uldir, is gained from having one of the Uldir Azerite traits
More Taloc Guides on Icy Veins

Taloc is a boss that will require strong spot healing to multiple targets
throughout the encounter. The suggested talent choices below give us some versatility
between the strong single target damage on players with
Plasma Discharge, and the spiky damage caused by
Cudgel of Gore
Hardened Arteries.
For healing the damage from Cudgel of Gore, aim to cast
Circle of Healing as often as it will do healing and spot
heal with
Flash Heal with
Heal for low damage. Both of these
styles are supplemented by regular use of
Holy Word: Serenity. Be aware
that due to the size of the room and your raid spreading out that
Prayer of Mending may fall off targets that run too far from the rest of
the group so for maximum benefit try to cast it primarily on the melee
To deal with the raid-wide damage caused by Hardened Arteries and
Cudgel of Gore you should prepare with
Prayer of Mending, then aim
to cast
Halo just after the raid damage goes out. This can be followed
up with
Holy Word: Sanctify and
Prayer of Healing until your raid
is mostly topped off.
Apotheosis or
Holy Word: Salvation are both
great tools for helping your raid catch back up either from the expected Cudgel
of Gore damage, or any unexpected damage.
Heroic: The mechanics in Heroic are largely similar, with the main
difference being a decrease in damage spikes due to additional time between
Cudgel of Gore casts.
Suggested Talent Choice:
More M.O.T.H.E.R. Guides on Icy Veins

M.O.T.H.E.R. has very spiky damage patterns caused by her main mechanic,
Defense Grid. How you heal will depend on your raid group's strategy
— every person that crosses the grid will deal damage to all players. The Defense
Grid itself is a line of sight mechanic, so you are only able to heal your side
of the grid unless using area of effect abilities such as
Holy Word: Sanctify.
If the strategy involves large groups going through at a time with major
cooldowns planned, you have a few choices; Divine Hymn can be used,
however with
Wind Tunnel and
Purifying Flame, it may not always
be the best choice as you are rooted during the channel. Both
Apotheosis or
Holy Word: Salvation could be used for Grid
crossings during this encounter, though it depends on how many people you want
to send through at a time and how your raid group wants to assign healing
cooldowns. If you do not have a cooldown up for a grid crosses, you will cast
Prayer of Healing and
Circle of Healing on your side of the grid
as players are crossing, and use
Holy Word: Sanctify on whichever side
that needs it.
Both Shining Force or
Censure can be used on the Resistant
Bacterium and Viral Contagion. Be mindful of other planned crowd control
abilities before casting Shining Force as you can potentially knock the enemies
into a bad position for your allies to lock them down.
Heroic: In Heroic the damage from crossing Defense Grid is
decreased, which increases the chances of the raid group moving through together
in larger groups. This will increase the chances of using
Holy Word: Salvation.
Suggested Talent Choice:
Fetid Devourer
More Fetid Devourer Guides on Icy Veins

For healers, a majority of Fetid Devourer is focused on spot healing to a few
targets afflicted by Malodorous Miasma and
Putrid Paroxysm.
Light damage to the afflicted players can be countered with
Binding Heal, as well as
Prayer of Mending. After the debuff has
evolved to
Putrid Paroxysm then
Flash Heal and
Holy Word: Serenity will need to be incorporated to keep targeted raid
members healthy.
After positioning yourself correctly for the knock-back, use Halo
Shockwave Stomp, followed by
Holy Word: Sanctify and
Prayer of Healing as needed.
Heroic: In Heroic the debuffs do not spread to other close players, which makes the positioning requirements more relaxed but does not change anything about our healing.
Suggested Talent Choice:
Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth
More Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth Guides on Icy Veins

Surging Darkness will deal raid-wide damage while also requiring the
group to move to certain locations. Use
Holy Word: Sanctify,
Holy Word: Serenity, and
Circle of Healing if talented during
movement to keep the group healthy, and use
Prayer of Healing and
whenever you can be stationary.
Leap of Faith can be used to assist
slow-moving raid members in avoiding being hit by Surging Darkness.
Large raid cooldowns will most likely be used during
Surging Darkness, especially when it overlaps with other mechanics.
Given that we likely cannot stand still long enough for a full channel of
Divine Hymn, using
Apotheosis or
Holy Word: Salvation may
be more ideal.
If done correctly, Eye Beam and
Roiling Deceit will require
single target healing. Use
Heal or
Flash Heal to keep them
topped off, with
Holy Word: Serenity as necessary. If these mechanics are
not done effectively the rotation used for
Surging Darkness will be
required for the raid-wide damage.
Heroic: In Heroic Eye Beam and
Roiling Deceit will not
happen at the same time, but this does not change much about our healing.
Suggested Talent Choice:
More Vectis Guides on Icy Veins

Vectis is our Patchwerk fight for the tier, this encounter is focused on
Lingering Infection,
Contagion, and
The damage dealt to the raid will ramp up as the fight continues due to
Lingering Infection stacking throughout the encounter.
Use Binding Heal as your filler, while weaving in your
Holy Word: Sanctify and
Holy Word: Serenity as needed.
can be a great tool to use against
Immunosuppression in addition to the
rest of your kit if talented.
Healing cooldowns will be planned to combat the strong ticking damage towards
the end of the fight. Given the fight length you will probably be able to fit a
second Divine Hymn and
Holy Word: Salvation, which will be more
important towards the end of the fight.
Heroic: In Heroic Lingering Infection does not stack as high
as it would in Mythic, which makes for easier positioning and healing overall.
It also does not cause the extra mechanics caused by a high number of stacks to
Suggested Talent Choice:
Zul, Reborn
More Zul, Reborn Guides on Icy Veins

There is a lot going on in the Zul, Reborn encounter. For
Dark Revelation and
Erupting Darkness prepare with
Prayer of Mending. This can be followed up with
Holy Word: Sanctify
Prayer of Healing until your raid is mostly topped off. For
Absorbed in Darkness, possible targets for missed interrupts of
Bloodshard, and
Shadow Barrage use
Heal or
Flash Heal to keep them topped off, with
Holy Word: Serenity as
Finally, a fight that makes use of some of our utility! When
Dark Revelation expires, Minions of Zul will appear and fixate on a
target. They will die if they are dispelled, which can be done by our
Mass Dispel or
Dispel Magic. In addition to this,
Death Wish causes two targets to run to the edge of the platform and
jump off, killing themselves. This causes raid damage when dispelled. If you
want to stagger the damage caused by this ability, you can
Leap of Faith
one target back into the group to give you more time to dispel them.
If talented into Halo be mindful of enemies that are being
crowd-controlled, as Halo can damage them and break it.
Heroic: In Heroic the healing requirements are greatly reduced as
Dark Revelation happens less often, and Corrupted Blood only
happens in the last half of the encounter.
Suggested Talent Choice:
Mythrax the Unraveler
More Mythrax the Unraveler Guides on Icy Veins

Our awareness during Mythrax the Unraveler will need to be spot on given the
health debuff players will receive from Annihilation. Do not panic as the health
pool of your entire raid decreases from Annihilation and focus on
continuing to put out strong raid-wide heals where possible, with emergency
triage as required.
For Imminent Ruin and
Crashing Oblivion prepare with
Prayer of Mending, then aim to cast
Halo just after the raid
damage goes out. This can be followed up with
Holy Word: Sanctify and
Prayer of Healing until your raid is mostly topped off. Players will need
to be slightly spread which will make Holy Word: Sanctify difficult, make sure
to place it with care. Use
Binding Heal as filler while utilizing
Flash Heal when players drop low.
Heroic: Heroic is very similar to Mythic and no healing rotations differ.
Suggested Talent Choice:
More G'huun Guides on Icy Veins

This fight is long and Mana intensive. A majority of the damage will be
caused by Reorigination Blast,
Putrid Blood, and
Explosive Corruption. Prepare for these with
Prayer of Mending,
then aim to cast
Halo just after the raid damage goes out. This can be
followed up with
Holy Word: Sanctify and
Prayer of Healing until
your raid is mostly topped off. Due to Mana constraints you will want to avoid
using Prayer of Healing too much and instead fall back to using
Binding Heal as a filler spell for non-critical raid-wide damage.
Since this fight is so long you will be able to use your cooldowns early and
often to save Mana. Be sure to coordinate these with your co-healers so you are
collectively conserving Mana and not overlapping cooldowns where not required.
Although it should be used in every fight, there is a special mention to
Symbol of Hope, which should be used towards the end of the fight to
grant you and your allies the most Mana possible.
Though we will most likely not be a chosen class to help shuttle orbs up top,
the use of Leap of Faith and
Angelic Feather may be helpful to
get players across the platform quickly.
Heroic: Heroic will be less intense overall, allowing us to cast a bit more freely than we would in Mythic.
Suggested Talent Choice:
- 14 Jan. 2020: This page has been reviewed for Patch 8.3 and no changes are necessary.
- 24 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary.
- 15 Apr. 2019: This page has been reviewed and no changes are necessary for the release of the Crucible of Storms raid.
- 10 Dec. 2018: Updated for Patch 8.1.
- 25 Sep. 2018: Updated some talent suggestions.
- 31 Aug. 2018: Page added.
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This guide has been written by Niphyr, a generally knowledgeable, long-time healing Priest and theorycrafter. You can follow him on Twitter.
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