Opulence Strategy Guide in Battle of Dazar'alor Raid
Welcome to our guide for Opulence, an Alliance-only encounter in the Battle of Dazar'alor raid. Here, you will first find a quick breakdown by role following by a detailed strategy to defeat Opulence.
Long ago, King Dazar had his golden treasury enchanted so that it would rise against anyone except its rightful owner. Many an unsuspecting thief has been slain by the very riches they coveted, serving as an important lesson to those who would steal from the throne.
Fight Overview
Opulence is a two-phase encounter that requires significant pre-planning, organization of smaller groups, and excellent coordination among healers and DPS.
- Keep The Hand of In'zashi away from Expelled Charges to allow melee DPS to deal damage.
- Pick up the Diamond of the Unshakeable Protector when available.
- During Phase Two, each tank should take turns using their Diamond of the Unshakeable Protector absorption on Coin Sweep.
- When your Construct is between 70% and 60% health, the group will require significant AoE healing.
- When your Construct is between 60% and 50% health, prepare to quickly dispel Hex of Lethargy.
- One healer in each Construct group needs to pick up the Amethyst of the Shadow King when available. The remaining healers should pick up the Tailwind Sapphire.
- Healers with the Amethyst need to apply Shadow-Touched the raid before Thief's Bane expires and before Wail of Greed is cast.
- When in the jewel room, pick up the jewel designated for you or your class.
- Coordinate with the rest of your raid to make sure the two Constructs die at the same time.
- During Phase Two, kill Spirits of Gold as quickly as possible.
- If you have the Ruby of Focused Animus, be sure to keep full uptime on the boss so the stacks never drop.
- If you have the Topaz of Brilliant Sunlight, stay away from other players until you reach 100 stacks, then move into the raid so they can benefit from the Critical Strike buff as well.
- If you have the Emerald of Earthen Roots, try to stand still as much as possible to stack the buff.
- If you have the Opal of Unleashed Rage, tag the Spirits of Gold as quickly as possible to immediately benefit from the damage increase.
- During Phase One, split the raid as evenly as possible for each side.
- Avoid Flame Jets when in rooms with them.
- Attempt to overlap Ruby Beams with other Scorching Ground when able to.
- Try not to move much with Hex of Lethargy.
- Stand close to Yalat's Bulwark to easily avoid Flames of Punishment.
- Allow Volatile Charge to expire while standing near the edge of the room, and avoid standing near the entrance to the next room.
- Run to the edge of the room with Liquid Gold to drop Molten Gold away from other players.
- Constructs should generally be close to the entrance to the next room, while players use the back of the current room to drop mechanics.
- During Phase Two, Opulence should be tanked near the center of the room to allow more time to kill Spirits of Gold.
Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
Due to the consistent ramping of damage output from the raid, we suggest you use Bloodlust/ Heroism/ Time Warp when 3-minute cooldowns are ready to use towards the end of the fight, or when the boss reaches 20% health, for Execute classes.
Abilities in Phase One: Raiding the Vault
During Phase One, the raid will face two Constructs simultaneously, The Hand of In'zashi and Yalat's Bulwark. Each Construct will be fought separately by part of the raid, so the raid must split into two groups. Phase One ends when both Constructs are dead.
Fighting Area/Layout
The way fighting the Constructs works is that each of the two Constructs will progressively travel along a set path, through a series of rooms. The Construct will move from one room to the next in the order whenever it loses 10% of its health.
When a Construct moves to a new room, it uses Consuming Flame in the previous room, which deals massive Fire damage to anyone still in it, in effect forcing your raid to move with the Construct.
In addition to the abilities that the Constructs use (detailed below), some of the rooms also have mechanics your raid must deal with. We will go through each type of room in the sub-sections that follow, but first we will list the order of the rooms through which the Constructs travel.
- First room: no mechanics.
- Second room: Flame Jet.
- Third room: Ruby Beam.
- Fourth room: Pulse-quickening Toxin.
- Fifth room: Ruby Beam + Hex of Lethargy.
- Sixth room: Flame Jet + Ruby Beam.
- Seventh room: no mechanics.
- Eighth and final room: no mechanics, but Constructs Overload.
Room Mechanics
Flame Jet rooms have multiple locations on the walls from which jets of Flame occur fire out occasionally. The flames will generally cover just over half of the room. Players standing in the flames will take moderate Fire damage every 2 seconds.
Ruby Beam rooms have a beam of fire that fixates on a player, leaving a trail of Scorching Ground in its wake. Scorching Ground inflicts moderate damage every 2 seconds to players standing within it. Scorching Ground areas persist indefinitely.
Pulse-quickening Toxin rooms inflict constant damage over time, the damage increasing with every tick. If a player is below 50% health when afflicted by Pulse-quickening Toxin, they will gain 246 of all secondary stats for 10 seconds. The damage of this ability ramps very quickly.
Hex of Lethargy applies a magic debuff to 2 players, causing them to take moderate damage while moving. This debuff can be dispelled.
In the seventh room where the raid fights the Constructs (between 40% and 30% of the Constructs' health), there are a number of jewels that the raid can interact with. These jewels provide the player that interacts with them a buff that lasts until the end of the fight; having raid members pick up jewel buffs is integral to your raid's success.
There is no limit to how many players can take the same jewel buff, but any player can only have one jewel buff for the entire fight. Furthermore, the jewels are divided into role categories (tank, healer, and DPS), and players cannot take jewels that are not appropriate for their role.
Upon selecting a jewel, the player receives a debuff called Thief's Bane. This debuff causes the player to take lethal Shadow damage after 30 seconds. This is countered by the Amethyst of the Shadow King jewel, which is explained below.
Tank Jewel
Tanks only have access to a single jewel, the Diamond of the Unshakeable Protector. This jewel provides the tank with an absorb shield that absorbs 50% of the incoming damage, up to 300% of the player's maximum health. Once the buff expires, it takes 30 seconds to recharge, at which point it is once again active.
Healer Jewels
Amethyst of the Shadow King increases the Haste of the player by 50% and causes all healing spells to apply Shadow-Touched, reducing Shadow damage taken by 90% for 60 seconds. If a player affected by Shadow Touched player takes Shadow damage, they will restore 1% Mana to all players within 10 yards.
Tailwind Sapphire causes all healing spells of the player to apply Tailwinds to the target, increasing damage done by 5% for 30 seconds, which stacks. Upon applying 5 stacks to a target, the player holding the jewel gains Soothing Breeze, increasing healing and damage done by 100% for 12 seconds.
DPS Jewels
Ruby of Focused Animus causes the player's damage dealt to apply a stack of Focused Animus to the target, increasing damage taken by all sources (including other players) by 1% for 6 seconds. This effect stacks. This effect has a 1 second internal cooldown on each target.
Topaz of Brilliant Sunlight applies a stack of Incandescence every 0.95 seconds while the player is standing alone (we are not sure how far away from other players they must be to be considered "alone"). When the player reaches 100 stacks of Incandescence, the buff becomes Grossly Incandescent!. This buff increases the Critical Strike chance of all nearby players by 100% for 20 seconds.
Emerald of Earthen Roots grants the player a stacking 1% damage buff every 1 second while standing still. Moving will cause the buff to rapidly diminish.
Opal of Unleashed Rage grants the player a stack of Unleashed Rage for every new enemy attacked. Unleashed Rage increases all damage done by 2%, and this effect stacks. This effect has an unlimited duration, so it will continue to stack throughout the encounter, as new targets are being attacked.
Shared Construct Abilities
Crush is an ability the Construct uses regularly. The Construct lifts up one arm (either left or right), and then smashes the ground on the side of the arm that was raised. Players struck by the Crush will take heavy damage and be stunned for 4 seconds, but the entire group of players in the Construct's room will take a moderate amount of Physical damage even if they avoid the Crush.
Sometimes, the Construct will lift up both arms, which means that it will smash in front of it.
Upon reaching 30% health (which coincides with entering the final room), the Construct will Overload, periodically dealing minor damage to random players and empowering the Construct's special ability (listed below).
The Hand of In'zashi
Volatile Charge is the special ability of The Hand of In'zashi. Volatile Charge applies a debuff to 3 random players, dealing minor damage over 8 seconds. Additionally, when the debuff expires, it will deal moderate damage to all players within 6 yards. It will also leave an Expelled Charge void zone in the location the debuff expired at, which will periodically inflict heavy damage to players within 6 yards. These Expelled Charge void zones last indefinitely.
When this Construct is empowered by Overload, the Expelled Charge void zones are significantly larger in size.
Yalat's Bulwark
Flames of Punishment is the special ability of Yalat's Bulwark. Flames of Punishment is a 6.5-second channel, during which the Construct will spin clockwise, repeatedly shooting fire in a frontal cone. Players struck by the cone will take heavy Fire damage, as well as a moderate 8 second DoT. When empowered by Overload, Flames of Punishment becomes a significantly larger cone.
Abilities in Phase Two: Toppling the Guardian
Phase Two begins when the raid has killed both Guardians. During this Phase, the raid will merge and face the final boss, Opulence.
Hoard Power
Upon being engaged, Opulence will attempt to Hoard Power from the Constructs. If the Constructs are alive when the cast finishes, Opulence will gain 100% increased damage and health per Construct. This is meant to punish the raid if you attempt to to engage the boss before dealing with the Constructs.
The upside is that this ability takes 5 seconds for Opulence to cast, even if both Constructs are dead, so this is a grace period at the start of the fight.
Note that the boss begins casting Hoard Power as soon as one of the two Constructs is dead, meaning that if you do not kill them at the same time, the boss could gain a stack of Hoard Power from the living Construct.
Liquid Gold
Opulence applies Liquid Gold to multiple players, inflicting moderate damage every 3 seconds for 12 seconds. When Liquid Gold expires, it creates a patch of Molten Gold at the location of the targets. Molten Gold deals moderate damage to any player who stands within it. The Molten Gold void zones last until the end of the fight.
Spirits of Gold
Opulence will regularly create 8 Spirits of Gold; these are add that spawn on top of Opulence, and slowly move towards the edges of the room. If a Spirit of Gold reaches the edge of the room, it will begin to Channel Gold, launching several Gold Bursts around the room. Gold Burst are piles of gold that deal moderate damage to any players in a 5-yard radius of where they land. These adds will spawn about 30 seconds after the start of Phase Two, and approximately every 60 seconds after that.
Spirits of Gold are susceptible to crowd control.
Coin Shower
Opulence regularly marks a player with Coin Shower. After 10 seconds, that player takes massive Physical damage. The damage is split between all players within a 7-yard radius.
Wail of Greed
Opulence also uses Wail of Greed. This deals massive raid-wide Shadow damage every 2 seconds. When Wail of Greed finishes, Opulence gains a stack of Greed, increasing all damage done by 15% until the end of the fight. Since this effect stacks, it acts as a soft enrage for the fight. This ability is used about every 60 seconds after the start of Phase Two.
Coin Sweep
Coin Sweep is an ability that Opulence uses against the tank, which deals massive Physical damage to them. This ability's damage is so high that tanks require the absorb shield from Diamond of the Unshakeable Protector to survive it (assuming heavy cooldowns are not used), which makes it a tank swap ability in effect.
Phase One
For Phase One, you will want to split your raid into 2 even groups. Ideally, both groups will have similar DPS so they reach the end at nearly the same time. Yalat's Bulwark group should include classes that can handle movement well, such as melee and Beast Mastery Hunters. The reason for this is that Flames of Punishment is very movement-heavy compared to The Hand of In'zashi's Volatile Charge.
When one Construct dies, Opulence will immediately enter combat. After about 5 seconds it will begin to cast Hoard Power. This means you will need to kill both Constructs within 10 seconds of each other to avoid Hoard Power from applying a buff to the boss.
Yalat's Bulwark
The best way to avoid Flames of Punishment is to have all players stand very close to Yalat's Bulwark. As the cast is starting, stand behind the Construct, then move clockwise with the Construct's movement. However, Flames of Punishment can align with Flame Jet (the room ability), which can make the movement challenging. Flame Jet does significantly less damage than Flames of Punishment, so if possible players should use a defensive cooldown and move around the Construct as normal, taking the Flame Jet damage.
The Hand of In'zashi
Volatile Charges should be placed near the back or sides of the room as much as possible. The tick rate of Expelled Charges is fairly slow, so occasionally players will be able to stack them safely. Avoid placing this in the center of the room or near the entrance to the next room, if possible.
Room Mechanics
The room mechanics alone are generally not terribly punishing unless they align with the Construct special abilities. However, there are still ideal ways to handle them.
Flame Jet gives very little warning before appearing; it is likely many players will take a tick as they come out. Because of this, healers should try to keep all players at high health before Flame Jet comes out.
Ruby Beam is very slow and easy to kite. However, Ruby Beam does not clearly fixate a target; if players are stacked, it may take a few seconds to determine who the Ruby Beam is following. Under ideal circumstances, the fixated player realizes immediately, and can run the beam in a circle, significantly reducing the area denial affect.
Pulse-quickening Toxin starts out fairly easy, but ramps up to be quite painful later in the phase. Quickening Pulse may sound tempting, but we suggest against attempting to maximize the uptime of the buff, as you may end up losing a player to an overlapping mechanic or healers falling behind. Do not be afraid to use healing cooldowns to survive this phase, as they should not be needed in other Construct phases.
Players affected by Hex of Lethargy should avoid movement until healers can dispel them. Healers should make it a priority to dispel the debuff as quickly as possible.
The jewels are what will make or break this fight for most groups. Jewels should be set up before pulling the boss; ideally every player will know which jewel they will be taking and what it does for them or for the group.
Diamond of the Unshakeable Protector allows tanks to safely take Coin Sweep, with the 30-second debuff essentially being the taunt swap mechanic. This is the only jewel tanks can take, so assigning this is not necessary.
The Amethyst of the Shadow King can be used to save players from Thief's Bane and Wail of Greed. You will need one healer from each Construct group to take one of these and make sure to apply the buff to all players so they can survive Thief's Bane.
The Tailwind Sapphire is a sizeable damage and healing increase for the raid, and every healer that is not taking the Amethyst of the Shadow King should be taking this.
The Ruby of Focused Animus does not stack with other Rubies, so ideally this is only used on one player with high uptime on the boss. You will likely want this on a ranged to prevent the buff from dropping. If the group has a specific ranged DPS doing less damage than others during Phase Two, that player is an ideal candidate to take the Ruby.
The Topaz of Brilliant Sunlight could theoretically have 100% uptime for the group if given to 5 players. However, we do not think this will be worth the investment. We suggest assigning the Topaz to 1 or 2 players and attempting to line up the Critical Strike bonus with Spirits of Gold spawns, DPS cooldowns, or even Wail of Greed to allow healers to Critically heal during their cooldowns as well.
The Emerald of Earthen Roots is an excellent stacking damage increase for DPS that can stand still most of the fight. Unless you find the group is able to kill Spirits of Gold before they leave melee range, we would generally suggest against giving this to melee as they will likely need to move to chase the Spirits of Gold. This buff will be best on classes with displacement abilities that do not involve walking, such as Mages with Shimmer/ Blink.
The Opal of Unleashed Rage is similar to Emerald of Earthen Roots; it is a massive DPS increase later in the fight but starts quite small. However, the benefit of the Opal is you will never lose the stacks, and as Spirits of Gold spawn it may surpass the Emerald. The Opal of Unleashed Rage will be very good on classes with increased damage on low health enemies (Warriors with Execute, etc.) and on classes that can quickly and easily tag every Spirit of Gold. In general, we suggest you give this jewel to melee players, and ranged players that lack burst mobility but are able to quickly tag Spirits of Gold (such as Elemental Shamans and Shadow Priests).
Phase Two
Phase Two will mostly be an endurance race while players stack up their damage increases from the jewels. Wail of Greed acts as a soft enrage, increasing the damage of the boss over time until it becomes too much to handle.
Players with Liquid Gold should attempt to drop Molten Gold as close to the edge of the room as possible to avoid causing unnecessary movement for other players.
Spirits of Gold need to die as soon as possible to avoid them reaching the edge of the room. Spirits of Gold can be crowd controlled in a variety of ways, such as stuns, knockbacks, death grips and even roots.
Players should attempt to save personal defensive cooldowns, as well as raid-wide healing cooldowns for Wail of Greed. The healers with Amethyst of the Shadow King will need to ensure every member of the raid has Shadow-Touched on them before Wail of Greed occurs. If Wail of Greed is becoming too much to handle, players with Topaz of Brilliant Sunlight should attempt to align Grossly Incandescent! with it to allow healers to heal for significantly more.
DPS will need to minimize their movement and maximize their damage output, as this will likely be a tight DPS check. Healers with Tailwind Sapphire may even attempt to align Soothing Breeze with DPS who have cooldowns.
Tanks should taunt for every Coin Sweep, taking turns using their Diamond of the Unshakeable Protector.
Healers with Tailwind Sapphire should attempt to maintain 5 stacks of Tailwinds on DPS using the Emerald of Earthen Roots and the Opal of Unleashed Rage.
Tank Concerns
During Phase One, the tank on The Hand of In'zashi will be responsible for ensuring the melee are safe from Expelled Charges. Both tanks should be prepared to quickly move to the next room every 10% health, down to 30%.
During Phase Two, the primary concerns for the tanks will be keeping the boss in the center of the room, and taunt swapping for every Coin Sweep. After taking a Coin Sweep, that tank should maintain aggro on the boss to avoid the other tank from using up their Diamond of the Unshakeable Protector absorb before the next Coin Sweep.
Healing Concerns
The majority of the damage early in the fight is avoidable. However, healers will need to be prepared for attrition healing in rooms with Pulse-quickening Toxin. Additionally, healers will need to be prepared to quickly dispel Hex of Lethargy.
After players pick up their gems, the healers with Amethyst of the Shadow King should immediately start applying Shadow-Touched to the players in their group to ensure no one dies to Thief's Bane.
During Phase Two, healers will need to spot heal players with Liquid Gold. Healers with the Amethyst of the Shadow King should apply Shadow-Touched to all members of the raid before Wail of Greed begins. Ideally the two healers with the Amethyst work together and communicate when applying Shadow Touched to avoid overlapping and wasting Mana.
If there is an excess of Mana in Phase Two, healers with Tailwind Sapphire could attempt to align Soothing Breeze on multiple players with Grossly Incandescent! to massively increase damage done by the raid.
If there is an excess of Mana in Phase Two, healers with Tailwind Sapphire should attempt to maintain Tailwinds on as many DPS as possible; DPS using Emerald of Earthen Roots and Opal of Unleashed Rage in particular, as they will be doing the most damage during the phase.
Mythic Mode
Mythic introduces two new mechanics to the Opulence encounter.
Surging Gold
Surging Gold happens during Phase Two, and causes all gold in the area to increase in size for 30 seconds. The size increase is very significant. This ability is used approximately every 45 seconds.
Chaotic Displacement
During Phase One, two players on each side will receive the Chaotic Displacement debuff. After 6 seconds, players with the debuff will swap locations with the debuffed players from the other side. This happens every 30 seconds, starting 30 seconds into the fight. After swapping, players will deal and take 99% less damage for 10 seconds or until they move.
The general strategy is very similar to Heroic.
Phase One
You will be unable to assign every jewel ahead of time due to Chaotic Displacement; one healer on each side will need the Amethyst of the Shadow King and one DPS on each side will need the Ruby of Focused Animus. If necessary, you can wait in the jewel room and hope for ideal players to get swapped, but eventually Volatile Charges will fill the room with The Hand of In'zashi, so you may need to improvise. Additionally, we recommend players with Chaotic Displacement try to get out of melee before they displace, as players can be displaced with Volatile Charge on them. If Chaotic Displacement aligns with Flames of Punishment, players who are swapped to Yalat's Bulwark's side should try to stay still and take advantage of the damage reduction to prevent immediately dying to Flames of Punishment.
Phase Two
Due to Surging Gold, Liquid Gold placements are crucial. All players will need to drop their Liquid Gold on the edges of the room or in the hallways. This can get tricky when Surging Gold is active, as most of the edges will be taken. If Liquid Gold is placed poorly, the next Surging Gold will make it increasingly hard to place Liquid Gold correctly, and this can quickly spiral out of control and cause a wipe. While Surging Gold is the only additional mechanic in this phase, we also suggest sacrificing players targeted by Coin Shower aside from the first one. Healers simply do not have the cooldowns to prevent players from dying to Coin Showers, and if a player dies with Liquid Gold, it immediately drops in the raid and will cause a wipe. Players with immunities can survive Coin Shower on their own, and Hand of Protection can also save them.
Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
We suggest you still use Bloodlust/ Heroism/ Time Warp in Phase Two towards the end to burn the boss quickly with the increased damage. Using it during the second set of Spirits of Gold may allow you to skip the third set.
Class-specific Advice for Opulence
- 19 Feb. 2019: Added Mythic section.
- 23 Jan. 2019: Made a few updates based on our experience on live realms.
- 20 Jan. 2019: Added TL;DR and Strategy sections.
- 23 Oct. 2018: Guide added.
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Patch 8.3 Profession Changes
Sham is a high level Elemental Shaman theorycrafter; he raids in Big Dumb Guild on Illidan-US where he competes for world first Mythic kills. You can follow him on Twitter, Twitch, and YouTube.
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