Restoration Shaman Healing Sanctum of Domination Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Restoration Shaman for each boss of the following raid: Sanctum of Domination. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
On this page, you will find Restoration Shaman specific information to deal with each boss in the Sanctum of Domination raid.
This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Restoration Shaman and what you can do to deal with each fight as best as possible.
Most tips should still be relevant but might be contingent on Dragonflight pre-patch changes done by Blizzard to account for the new talent system.
The following talent tree will work on every boss although some adjustments may be valid in some cases. You can also directly import it into the game using the following string:
During the Dragonflight Pre-Patch, Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination, and Sepulcher of the First Ones will be simultaneously featured as Fated Raids. During this time encounters within each specific raid will include an additional mechanic and items will drop at increased item levels. If you would like to learn more general information about the Fated Raids system as a whole, please see our overview below. Otherwise, continue to use this page for specialization-specific tips.
Domination Shards do not work inside the Fated Raids version of Sanctum of Domination, thus you should not worry about getting, using, and upgrading them.
Talent Cheatsheet
The Tarragrue
We advise you to use the following Legendary against The Tarragrue: Primal Tide Core.
Focus healing on targets with Grasp of Death, especially when it overlaps with raid damage mechanics later in the encounter. Also, dispel Predator's Howl whenever it is applied.
Defensive Anima powers, especially the one that protects you against stun effects, allows you to soak Chains of Eternity for your team with impunity if need be. Otherwise, powers that increase your healing or the raid damage, such as Soulward Clasp, are preferred.
In Mythic difficulty, soaking the Remnant of Forgotten Torments void zones is of huge importance, and you can help soak some. Just be ready with defensives if the damage becomes too much later on!
Debuffs to track on Raid Frames
Spell ID | Spell Name |
347668 | Grasp of Death |
347269 | Chains of Eternity |
For more information, please refer to our The Tarragrue guide.
The Eye of the Jailer
We advise you to use the following Legendary against The Eye of the Jailer: Primal Tide Core.
Dispel Slothful Corruption, and focus-heal Spreading Misery targets. Unless you can use Venthyr or Night Fae teleport abilities to jump through it, avoid Annihilating Glare by taking one of the grappling hooks in the room.
Most of the raid damage will come from Deathlink and, especially, Titanic Death Gaze, for which you can rotate raid cooldowns.
The final burn while Immediate Extermination is happening will require extra healing in order to keep everyone alive through the healing reduction, so make sure to save healing cooldowns and, especially, defensive and damage reduction cooldowns for the later parts of it!
In Mythic difficulty, the intermission eyes will cause high amounts of raid damage when applying their unique Scorn and Ire debuffs to nearby players. Be ready to heal through this damage, and to swap adds at 5 stacks, before you get one-shot.
Debuffs to track on Raid Frames
Spell ID | Spell Name |
350713 | Slothful Corruption |
For more information, please refer to our The Eye of the Jailer guide.
The Nine
We advise you to use the following Legendary against The Nine: Primal Tide Core.
Focus-heal targets with Fragments of Destiny and dispel them when they stack up in the assigned position so that all of the debuffs jump into the same person, in a corner of the room.
Song of Dissolution causes high raid damage, and is a good place for you to use healing cooldowns, especially when it is combined with other raid damage happening simultaneously. The final boss causes even more raid damage with some of her abilities, which can be dangerous when overlapping with the other mechanics of the encounter.
In Mythic difficulty, dispelling Fragments of Destiny in the sides of the room is even more important, so make sure to help with dispelling after Mass Dispel is used. There are multiple very dangerous overlaps across the fight, so make sure to have healer cooldowns ready for them!
Debuffs to track on Raid Frames
Spell ID | Spell Name |
350542 | Fragments of Destiny |
For more information, please refer to our The Nine guide.
Remnant of Ner'zhul
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Remnant of Ner'zhul: Primal Tide Core.
Focus-heal Sorrowful Procession and position yourself away from the edges of the platform to avoid falling to your death from the knockback when Malevolence is dispelled, and do it when the rest of the raid is also correctly positioned. A Goblin's Rocket Jump can be used to save yourself, if needed.
Shatter causes high raid damage, and can often occur while other raid damage mechanics are also happening, so make sure to save your healing cooldowns for it.
In Mythic difficulty, there is a lot of movement going on, so make sure to use Spiritwalker's Grace when Malevolence goes off on-cooldown, so that you can keep healing while being knocked around. You should also rotate your personal cooldowns to survive these knocks, especially when they are close to Shatter breakpoints!
Debuffs to track on Raid Frames
Spell ID | Spell Name |
350388 | Sorrowful Procession |
For more information, please refer to our Remnant of Ner'zhul guide.
Soulrender Dormazain
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Soulrender Dormazain: Primal Tide Core.
Use Wind Rush Totem to help your group avoid the Torment waves. If you position it around the middle of the room, it will be able to be used multiple times as you go back and forth as needed.
Stand near adds with Brand of Torment to damage them for free. Also, remember to focus-heal anyone that gets this debuff, as it causes high damage to the affected player as well.
Breaking Warmonger Shackles causes massive raid-wide damage ( Unleashed Tyranny) and is the best time to use healing and damage reduction cooldowns.
In Mythic difficulty, the Warmonger Shackles need to be broken extremely fast, requiring both raid and personal cooldowns to survive. Make sure you do not get hit by swirlies while trying to stand inside the raid cooldown bubbles!
Debuffs to track on Raid Frames
Spell ID | Spell Name |
353429 | Tormented |
For more information, please refer to our Soulrender Dormazain guide.
Painsmith Raznal
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Painsmith Raznal: Primal Tide Core.
This is a movement-heavy fight, so start by learning and focusing on moving around to avoid getting Spiked, hit by Spiked Balls, or by players with Shadowsteel Chains, using Ghost Wolf if need be.
You can also use Goblin Rocket Jump to avoid balls and spike lines entirely, by jumping off the platform at an angle and jumping back to the platform with your Rocket Jump. This is particularly useful if you have Shadowsteel Chains on yourself, preventing you from going through at the same time as other players.
The intermissions are great times to use Wind Rush Totem, which will help you dodge the Shadowsteel Embers swirlies and get into the gap in the spike wall.
Throughout the fight Raznal will use Cruciform Axe on the tank, which causes high raid damage, often at the same time as other mechanics occur. Use healing cooldowns to mitigate any bad overlaps, and in Heroic focus on using cooldowns when this ability overlaps with the Flameclasp Eruptions from the bombs on the ground.
In Mythic difficulty, everything hits much harder and timings are tighter. Make sure to focus heal on Shadowsteel Chains targets, especially during tank explosions, and make liberal use of Astral Shift and Spiritwalker's Grace to survive while continually healing!
Debuffs to track on Raid Frames
Spell ID | Spell Name |
355504 | Shadowsteel Chains |
For more information, please refer to our Painsmith Raznal guide.
Guardian of the First Ones
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Guardian of the First Ones: Primal Tide Core.
Use cooldowns for Purging Protocol and spot heal people targeted by Threat Neutralization, as they will be taking a burst of damage shortly afterward.
There is not much space available for Threat Neutralization explosions while the boss is charging up in the intermission phase, so make sure to position yourself away from the group early on, using Ghost Wolf if needed.
In Mythic difficulty, make sure to explode with Threat Neutralization on top of the next Energy Core that your raid will move the boss to in order to charge it up, using Spiritwalker's Grace to continue healing on the move and Astral Shift to survive the explosion. Ghost Wolf can also be used with Spirit Wolf to gain even more damage reduction!
Debuffs to track on Raid Frames
Spell ID | Spell Name |
350496 | Threat Neutralization |
For more information, please refer to our Guardian of the First Ones guide.
Fatescribe Roh-Kalo
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Fatescribe Roh-Kalo: Primal Tide Core.
The most important thing is to look out for Runic Affinity on yourself when the rings begin to rotate; if you have this buff, you will be one of the few people in the raid able to rotate them and should focus on that while using Spiritwalker's Grace to continue healing.
Invoke Destiny causes a high amount of raid burst damage when it expires on the tank, which should be covered with raid cooldowns and by having Cloudburst Totem and Healing Rain adequately pre-placed.
Focus heal players targeted by Call of Eternity, and make sure to place yours on the sides of the room, away from the raid.
In Mythic difficulty, you might have to soak a rune when the new Grim Portent mechanic happens. Move to it early and stand inside until the explosion goes off, preferably with Spirit Wolf active for the extra damage reduction. While you should ordinarily not be assigned as a primary rune rotator, the people doing so might be very far away from the rest of the raid and require heavy healing to do their job, so try to move around the room and keep them up, making good use of Spiritwalker's Grace in the process.
Raid Frame Setup
Spell ID | Spell Name |
350568 | Call of Eternity |
For more information, please refer to our Fatescribe Roh-Kalo guide.
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Kel'Thuzad: Primal Tide Core.
Glacial Wrath explosions cause most of the raid damage on this boss. Reserve cooldowns, and prepare Healing Rain plus Cloudburst Totem for when the spikes are killed.
Players targeted by Frost Blast will need extra healing, and also cause high raid damage if the resulting Frozen Binds debuffs are not dispelled quickly, so make sure to help out with dispels.
In Mythic difficulty, interrupting every single add ability is extremely important, whether it is the tank adds in Phase One or the banshees in the intermission phase. Make sure to use Wind Shear as much as possible in order to help your group, ideally within a set up interrupt rotation.
Raid Frame Setup
Spell ID | Spell Name |
357298 | Frozen Binds |
For more information, please refer to our Kel'Thuzad guide.
Sylvanas Windrunner
We advise you to use the following Legendary against Sylvanas Windrunner: Primal Tide Core.
In Phases 1 and 3, the primary mechanic you should be targeting with your cooldowns and burst healing is Wailing Arrow. In Phase 3, you will also have to contend with Banshee Scream and Banshee's Bane, both of which will deal heavy raid damage.
In Phase 2, besides moving around and using Wind Rush Totem to help your raid get into position faster, you should look to focus heal and dispel Crushing Dreads when they are at 4 stacks or above, as their damage increases over time.
Healing needs to be focused on players hit by Veil of Darkness, as they will take heavily reduced healing until its absorb is depleted. Shadow Dagger will also cause heavy raid damage when it goes out, and on anyone hit in Phase 3. If there are too many pools lying around, you can quickly pick up some with Ghost Wolf and dispel yourself in the assigned drop-off place before Banshee's Bane's final tick hits.
In Mythic difficulty, be ready to stack on the assigned Veil of Darkness bait spots in all phases, as being positioned wrongly might cause them to appear in unexpected places and wipe your group. Wind Rush Totem and Spiritwalker's Grace are very helpful to quickly reposition once the Veils appear. In the final phase, you are a good candidate for soaking an adjacent platform of its Banshee's Bane pools as you are both fast and durable with Spirit Wolf and Astral Shift, so be ready to jump around and gather the pools as planned by your raid group!
Debuffs to track on Raid Frames
Spell ID | Spell Name |
347670 | Shadow Dagger |
347609 | Wailing Arrow |
For more information, please refer to our Sylvanas Windrunner guide.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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This guide has been written by Seksi, member of Arctic Avengers and healing aficionado. You can find him answering questions and discussing Restoration Shaman gameplay on the Ancestral Guidance and Earthshrine Discords.
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