World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.2 Content Overview
Find out what's coming in the latest Dragonflight Guardians of the Dream content update!
When Will Dragonflight Patch 10.2 Go Live?
Guardians of the Dream will release on November 7 in North America and on November 8 in Europe.
Here is the current Dragonflight roadmap updated for Patch 10.2.
What is Coming in Dragonflight Patch 10.2?
Here is Blizzard's infographic with the most essential patch features introduced in Guardians of the Dream:
We briefly cover the main patch features below:
- Class Changes — Many classes received tuning and talent changes.
- New Zone: Emerald Dream — Venture into the Emerald Dream, an all-new max-level zone located to the west of Ohn'ahran Plains.
- New Faction and Rewards: The Dream Wardens — Gain Renown and unlock new rewards with the Emerald Dream faction.
- Dragonriding Updates: New Races, Mounts, and Glyphs — Collect new Dragonriding Glyphs and Dragonriding mounts.
- Dragon Isles Pathfinder — Unlock regular flying in the Dragon Isles!
- Character Customizations: Blood Elf and Druid — New hair colors are available for Blood Elves and Druids can earn and customize their forms.
- New Public Events: Superbloom, Emerald Frenzy, Emerald Bounty — Within the Emerald Dream, you will find multiple events that grant you gear, Renown, pets, mounts, and more.
- New World Boss: Aurostor the Hibernator — A new world boss spawns in the Emerald Dream!
- New Raid: Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope — Put an end to Fyrakk and his allies and save the World Tree Amirdrassil.
- New Legendary Weapon: Fyr'alath — A new Strength Legendary Two-Handed Axe can be earned in the new raid.
- New Class Tier Sets — All classes can unlock new class sets with powerful bonuses.
- Great Vault Updates — Heroic and Timewalking Dungeons now give Great Vault credit.
- New PvP Brawl: Battleground Blitz — Participate in a new 8v8 solo queue Battleground experience with the goal of 10-to-12-minute average match lengths.
- Conquer the Challenges of Dragonflight Season 2 — Dragonflight Mythic and PvP Season 2 start on November 14.
- Official Guardians of the Dream Patch Notes — Read the full list of updates in the Content Update Notes.
Patch 10.2 Class Changes
Multiple classes received big talent updates. We are highlighting them separately.
The Emerald Dream Zone
The Emerald Dream is a new max-level zone located to the west of Ohn'ahran Plains. It is the home to the Green Dragonflight, who must put an end to Fyrakk and the Druids of the Flame before they burn down Amirdrassil. In the Emerald Dream, you will complete a new campaign, defeat various foes for rewards, and help the Dream Wardens by grinding Renown.
The Dream Wardens Faction
The Dream Wardens are various races ready to defend the Emerald Dream
against any threats. The new Renown faction in Patch 10.2 is required to
unlock the Dragon Isles Pathfinder.
Dragonriding Updates
Earn new Dragonriding mounts, collect Dragonriding Glyphs to spend them on Dragonriding talents, and complete new courses.
Players will unlock the Flourishing Whimsydrake (Faerie Dragon) mount
in the initial chapters of Patch 10.2. The Grotto Netherwing Drake can
also be obtained again from the Dragon Keeping quest in the Emerald Dream.
Dragon Isles Pathfinder
Dragon Isles Pathfinder has been added in the Patch 10.2 update, allowing players to unlock flying on regular flying mounts in the Dragon Isles.
We have a guide covering the requirements you must complete to earn the achievement.
Character Customization Updates
Blood Elves will receive new hair colors, and Druids can earn many unique customization options for their forms and customize them separately in the Barber Shop.
New Public Events
The Guardians of the Dream update ushers in a new cycle of public events. Superbloom is the primary event, alongside the Emerald Bounty, which has a series of micro-events triggered across the zone. Exercise your green thumb and help things grow, beat up baddies, and receive Emerald Dewdrops, event currency, to get rewards.
New World Boss: Aurostor the Hibernator
Aurostor the Hibernator is a new world boss found in the Emerald Dream. Do not forget to kill him every week for a chance at 460 (Champion 3/7) Item Level loot.
Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Raid
Gather your allies and join the Dream Wardens as they stand against the machinations of Fyrakk and his allies, the Druids of the Flame! The nine-boss raid opens on all difficulties on November 14 on all difficulties.
Having been carefully nurtured within the Emerald Dream, Amirdrassil prepares to bloom and cross into Azeroth. But the fate of the new World Tree cannot be secured until Azeroth's champions come together to face Fyrakk and his molten allies before he devours the heart of Amirdrassil and bathes the world in flame.New Legendary Weapon
Fyr'alath, the Dream Render is a Legendary Strength Two-Hand Axe that players can earn by ending Fyrakk's chaos. Most content, including the stats and the weapon's effect, remains encrypted until the raid opens on live servers. Shortly after the raid is cleared, we will have a full-fledged guide on how to get the weapon.
Amirdrassil Class Tier Sets
All classes can unlock class sets with powerful bonuses in Guardians of the Dream. During the first patch week, you will have your first Revival Catalyst charge ready to create a set piece.
Great Vault Updates
Great Vault has seen many changes in Guardians of the Dream, with the raid boss kill requirements lowered to 2/4/7 (down from 3/5/7). Heroic and Timewalking Dungeons will now grant progress in the Dungeons category and more.
Battleground Blitz PvP Brawl
Battleground Blitz is a new 8v8 format that can be queued solo or as a duo if there is a healer in the pair. Map mechanics and pacing are adjusted to be quicker, to finish matches in about 10-12 minutes.
The map pool will be that of the Rated Battlegrounds pool: Warsong Gulch, Twin Peaks, Temple of Kotmogu, Eye of the Storm, Silvershard Mines, Arathi Basin, and Deepwind Gorge.
Dragonflight Mythic+ and PvP Season 3
The third Dragonflight Season begins on November 14 with a new dungeon rotation for Mythic+ rewards. Find out more about the season by visiting our guides linked below.
Official Guardians of the Dream Content Update Notes
Read the complete list of updates and changes coming in Patch 10.2 in the official Content Update Notes.
- 23 Oct. 2023: Guide added.
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