Blood Death Knight Tank Sepulcher of the First Ones Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5

Last updated on Jan 15, 2024 at 15:00 by Mandl and Panthea 41 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Blood Death Knight for each boss of the following raid: Sepulcher of the First Ones. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.



During the Dragonflight Pre-Patch, Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination, and Sepulcher of the First Ones will be simultaneously featured as Fated Raids. During this time encounters within each specific raid will include an additional mechanic and items will drop at increased item levels. If you would like to learn more general information about the Fated Raids system as a whole, please see our overview below. Otherwise, continue to use this page for specialization-specific tips.

On this page, you will find Blood Death Knight-specific information to deal with each boss in the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid.

This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Blood Death Knight and what you can do to deal with each fight as best as possible.

A note on Level 50 talents: The recommendations will show either Purgatory Icon Purgatory or Red Thirst Icon Red Thirst for all bosses. Purgatory Icon Purgatory will be used when learning the encounter and the tank damage patterns. Once you are comfortable with those, Red Thirst Icon Red Thirst will yield better results.


Talent Cheatsheet

You can easily import the talent tree below into the game with the following string:


Vigilant Guardian

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Vigilant Guardian.

  1. Superstrain Icon Superstrain
  2. Unity Icon Unity

Recommended Covenant:Necrolord



  • Phase 1: Swap after 3-4 stacks of Dissonance Icon Dissonance.
  • Save Death Grip Icon Death Grip / Abomination Limb Icon Abomination Limb to pull Point Defense Drones when they start to cast Searing Ablation Icon Searing Ablation as it will interrupt the cast.
  • Tank mobs near the Automated Defense Matrix you intend to activate.
  • When the boss is at full Energy on the secondary resource bar move inside the barrier created by the Automated Defense Matrix to mitigate damage taken from Exposed Core Icon Exposed Core.
  • Phase 2: Swap after 1 stack of Pneumatic Impact Icon Pneumatic Impact.
  • Anti-Magic Zone Icon Anti-Magic Zone is useful during the Exposed Core Icon Exposed Cores in Phase 1 and Core Overload Icon Core Overload in Phase 3.

For more information, please refer to our Vigilant Guardian guide.


Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener.

  1. Superstrain Icon Superstrain
  2. Unity Icon Unity

Recommended Covenant:Kyrian / Night Fae



  • Both tanks should be stacked on each other as the boss will hit the closest target in 10 yards to the main tank. If no other player is within 10 yards the main tank will be hit twice.
  • At 100 Energy Skolex will cast Riftmaw Icon Riftmaw and Rend Icon Rend.
  • Both Riftmaw Icon Riftmaw and Rend Icon Rend hit all players in a cone in front of the boss so the tanks should stand 10 yards apart and swap after each differing attack.
  • Use Rune Tap Icon Rune Tap and Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell for Riftmaw Icon Riftmaw.
  • At designated points in the encounter (after the second Retch Icon Retch usually) the Entire raid, including tanks & melee must stack to move the boss. This will remove all Ephemera Dust Icon Ephemera Dust stacks, move the boss and make the boss deal 5% more damage.

For more information, please refer to our Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener guide.


Artificer Xy'Mox

We advise you to use the following Legendary against Artificer Xy'mox.

  1. Superstrain Icon Superstrain
  2. Unity Icon Unity

Recommended Covenant:Necrolord has a slight advantage



  • During Phase 1 and 2 there will be 1 Genesis Rings Icon Genesis Rings, in Phase 3 there will be 2 per cast, and during the final 30% there will be 3 per cast.
  • Swap on each Glyph of Relocation Icon Glyph of Relocation.
  • Glyph of Relocation Icon Glyph of Relocation will grip the entire raid to your location. This will also trigger anything that players get dragged through (Traps/Portals/Rings).
  • Use Rune Tap Icon Rune Tap to mitigate damage for Glyph of Relocation Icon Glyph of Relocation as you will be out of melee range and unable to mitigate otherwise.
  • You can run through a Genesis Rings Icon Genesis Rings with Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell active and not die. This can be useful where the tank debuff happens at the same time as Genesis Rings Icon Genesis Rings.
  • During intermissions the tank add will cast Massive Blast Icon Massive Blast. This is a conal attack in the direction the add is facing at the time of casting. Move out of it and ensure that you do not point it toward the raid. This cast can also be stopped with stuns.

Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle.

  1. Superstrain Icon Superstrain
  2. Unity Icon Unity

Recommended Covenant: Any



  • Swap when Infused Strikes Icon Infused Strikes expires and your co-tank has more than 4-6 stacks.
  • When Infused Strikes Icon Infused Strikes expires it will explode dealing raid damage based on the number of stacks you had.
  • If you are not tanking the boss, tank the Domination Core.
  • The Domination Core should be placed away from positions the raid will want to move to as Encroaching Dominion Icon Encroaching Dominion pools spawned from it last for two minutes.
  • If Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell is active when you run through a Disintegration Halo Icon Disintegration Halo you will not receive a debuff.
  • Save Anti-Magic Zone Icon Anti-Magic Zone for when the boss teleports away at 0 Energy as it will deal pulsing raid damage.
  • Mythic: When running through Disintegration Halo Icon Disintegration Halo if you are within 1 yard of another player, you will both take a lethal amount of damage.

For more information, please refer to our Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle guide.


Prototype Pantheon

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Prototype Pantheon.

  1. Superstrain Icon Superstrain
  2. Unity Icon Unity

Recommended Covenant: Any



  • Phase 1: Swap on each stack of Humbling Strikes Icon Humbling Strikes from the Prototype of Duty. Each hit deals damage to the raid based on 30% of the damage taken, and each stack of the debuff increases damage taken from further Humbling Strikes by 100%.
  • Phase 2: Swap on each stack of Wracking Pain Icon Wracking Pain from the Prototype of Absolution and point it away from other players.
  • The debuff from Wracking Pain Icon Wracking Pain can be prevented with Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell.
  • Phase 3: All bosses are active. One tank will have Duty and one tank will have Absolution. Swap when both tanks have received a debuff from their respective bosses.
  • Phase 3: Wracking Pain Icon Wracking Pain also increases damage taken by the Necromancers and you can hit up to 2 with good aim.

For more information, please refer to our PrototypePantheon guide.


Lihuvim, Principal Architect

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Lihuvim, Principal Architect.

  1. Superstrain Icon Superstrain
  2. Unity Icon Unity

Recommended Covenant: Any



  • When you have Deconstructing Blast Icon Deconstructing Blast move toward motes without running over them to destroy them. If you run over them it will leave a permanent pool on the ground.
  • Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance negates the pushback from Cosmic Shift Icon Cosmic Shift.
  • [Heroic] When the boss casts Resonance Icon Resonance the two tanks should be 20y away from each other and swap after each hit.
  • [Heroic] Use Rune Tap Icon Rune Tap to mitigate the damage from Kinetic Resonance Icon Kinetic Resonance if you are on low HP.
  • [Heroic] Use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell in addition to Rune Tap Icon Rune Tap to mitigate the damage from Sundering Resonance Icon Sundering Resonance
  • Grip together Degeneration Automa when they are close to the raid. This will both cancel their current cast and be easier to kill.

For more information, please refer to our Lihuvim, Principal Architect guide.


Halondrus the Reclaimer

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Halondrus the Reclaimer.

  1. Superstrain Icon Superstrain
  2. Unity Icon Unity

Recommended Covenant: Any



  • Run into any Ephemeral Motes that are close to the boss to knock them away. If any Motes hit the boss you wipe.
  • Swap after each hit of Lightshatter Beam Icon Lightshatter Beam.
  • [Heroic] Keep an eye out for Seismic Tremors Icon Seismic Tremors with White Lines. These will require you to aim Lightshatter Beam Icon Lightshatter Beam at them to break the Fractal Shell Icon Fractal Shell on them.
  • [Heroic] If Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell is active you will take no damage from the Planetcracker Beam Icon Planetcracker Beam.
  • Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance will negate the knockback in the intermissions' Shatter Icon Shatters.

For more information, please refer to our Halondrus the Reclaimer guide.


Anduin Wrynn

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Anduin Wrynn.

  1. Superstrain Icon Superstrain
  2. Unity Icon Unity

Recommended Covenant: Necrolord

Recommended Talent Swaps: Change Bloodshot Icon Bloodshot for Gorefiend's Grasp Icon Gorefiend's Grasp.



  • When you are inside the Kingsmourne Hungers Icon Kingsmourne Hungers phase move the Anduin's Despair add on top of the Anduin's Doubt adds for more efficient DPS.
  • Grip Anduins Doubt adds together for more efficient cleave DPS.
  • Necrolord Death Knights should aim to go into the first group of Kingsmourne Hungers Icon Kingsmourne Hungers as you can use Abomination Limb Icon Abomination Limb here and it will be available again for the intermissions and the next Kingsmourne Hungers Icon Kingsmourne Hungers Phase if you use it on cooldown.
  • Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell can be used to negate the silence from Wicked Star Icon Wicked Star and the debuff from Rain of Despair Icon Rain of Despair.
  • Make use of your ranged kick Mind Freeze Icon Mind Freeze to interrupt the adds in Phase 2
  • Anti-Magic Zone Icon Anti-Magic Zone is very useful in Phase 3 to mitigate raid damage from Empowered Hopebreaker Icon Empowered Hopebreaker.

Lords of Dread

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Lords of Dread.

  1. Superstrain Icon Superstrain
  2. Unity Icon Unity

Recommended Covenant: Preferably Kyrian or Necrolord



  • Use your AoE abilities during the Unto Darkness Icon Unto Darkness phase as both bosses will take increased damage from AoE abilities such as Blood Boil Icon Blood Boil and Abomination Limb Icon Abomination Limb.
  • Both Leeching Claws Icon Leeching Claws and Anguishing Strike Icon Anguishing Strike cleave. Point them in different directions away from the raid and your co-tank.
  • Swap on every cast of Leeching Claws Icon Leeching Claws. If it hits a player with the debuff Mal'ganis will heal.
  • When the Inchoate Shadow reaches full Health it will lose their Incomplete Form Icon Incomplete Form buff. Grip it into the raid and kill it.
  • Move the bosses around the room after each cast of Slumber Cloud Icon Slumber Cloud as one will spawn on melee each time.
  • Avoid the slow moving green pools after a player has had Cloud of Carrion Icon Cloud of Carrion removed. If you are hit Cloud of Carrion Icon Cloud of Carrion will be triggered on you.

For more information, please refer to our Lords of Dread guide.



We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Rygelon.

  1. Superstrain Icon Superstrain
  2. Unity Icon Unity

Recommended Covenant: Kyrian



  • Any damage not mitigated from Corrupted Strikes Icon Corrupted Strikes will apply Corrupted Wound Icon Corrupted Wound on you. Swap on 2 stacks.
  • Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell will prevent Corrupted Wound Icon Corrupted Wound from applying on you.
  • Avoid standing in Collapsing Quasar Field Icon Collapsing Quasar Field as a Tank.
  • Move Rygelon toward an Unstable Matter Icon Unstable Matter when he is on ~90 Energy as the raid will need to kill it at this point to trigger Unstable Matter Field Icon Unstable Matter Field.
  • Move into an Unstable Matter Field Icon Unstable Matter Field on the ground to avoid dying from Massive Bang Icon Massive Bang. Only one person can be in each of these!.
  • Heroic: Move the boss and raid into an Unstable Core. Once it reaches 0 HP it will trigger Gravitational Collapse Icon Gravitational Collapse which needs to be soaked by a tank.
  • Heroic: To survive Gravitational Collapse Icon Gravitational Collapse you should use Vampiric Blood Icon Vampiric Blood, Rune Tap Icon Rune Tap, and either Lichborne Icon Lichborne (with the Hardened Bones Icon Hardened Bones Conduit) or Icebound Fortitude Icon Icebound Fortitude. Trinkets and Externals can also be used for an additional safety buffer.
  • You can spread Shackle the Unworthy Icon Shackle the Unworthy to Quasars for bonus runes in the upstairs phases.

For more information, please refer to our Rygelon guide.


The Jailer

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against The Jailer.

  1. Superstrain Icon Superstrain
  2. Unity Icon Unity

Recommended Covenant: Kyrian or Necrolord



  • Phase 1: Swap on each cast of Martyrdom Icon Martyrdom.
  • Phase 1: Martyrdom Icon Martyrdom is a three part combo. Part 1 is a large Physical hit and a Physical Damage Taken Debuff. Part 2 is a raid-wide Bleed. Part 3 is a soak that requires at least 5 players to be in it (if 5 players are not in it, you will wipe).
  • Phase 1: The raid can be inside the ring from Martyrdom Icon Martyrdom instantly as Parts 1 and 2 do not cleave.
  • Phase 1: Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance will negate the pull from Chains of Oppression Icon Chains of Oppression.
  • Phase 2: Run to a pillar with Shattering Blast Icon Shattering Blast to destroy it.
  • Phase 2: If three pillars in a row connect Phase 3 will begin.
  • Phase 2: Grip and slow players affected with Rune of Compulsion Icon Rune of Compulsion. These players will have an absorb shield which needs to be destroyed while they attempt to jump off the edge.
  • Phase 3: Soak Rune of Domination Icon Rune of Domination with the raid and heal off your debuff.
  • Phase 3: Move the boss away from Defile Icon Defile.
  • Phase 3: When the Jailer casts Desolation Icon Desolation stand in the beam to mitigate the damage taken by Azeroth.
  • Phase 3: Snap Chains of Anguish Icon Chains of Anguish when it is applied to you.
  • Mythic, Phase 4:Point the Meteor Cleave so it does not go into any open holes or off the edge.

For more information, please refer to our The Jailer guide.



  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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