Demon Hunter Class Changes in Patch 9.0.5
On this page, you will find a list of all Demon Hunter class changes coming in Patch 9.0.5.
Havoc Demon Hunter Changes
- Unbound Chaos (Level 30 Talent) damage increased to 500% (was 300%).
Demon Hunter Covenant Ability Changes
- Elysian Decree (Kyrian) damage reduced by 10% for Vengeance Demon Hunters.
- Fodder to the Flame (Necrolord) has been redesigned — Your damaging abilities have a chance to call forth a demon from the Theater of Pain for 25 seconds. Throw Glaive deals lethal damage to the demon, which explodes on death, dealing damage to nearby enemies and healing you for 30% of your maximum health. The explosion deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
- The Hunt (Night Fae) damage decreased by 10% for Vengeance Demon Hunters.
- Sinful Brand (Venthyr) damage decreased by 10% for Vengeance Demon Hunters.
Demon Hunter Conduit Changes
- Repeat Decree (Kyrian) base damage is now 15% (was 25%).
- Fel Defender now affects Fel Devastation for Vengeance Demon Hunters (was Fiery Brand).
- Demonic Parole will no longer engage creatures in combat when Imprison expires.
Demon Hunter Legendary Power Changes
In this section, we list all Demon Hunter Legendary Power changes that went live in Patch 9.0.5.
General Demon Hunter Legendary Powers
- Fel Bombardment's buff duration has been increased to 40 seconds (was 30 seconds) and the chance to trigger was increased by 5%.
- Darkglare Medallion's chance to trigger increased to 40% (was 20%) and now also refunds the Fury of the cast Eye Beam or Fel Devastation.
Havoc Demon Hunter Legendary Powers
- Burning Wound damage over time damage increased 100% and Immolation Aura damage increased by 65% (was 50%).
Vengeance Demon Hunter Legendary Powers
- The cast Eye Beam from Collective Anguish's summoned ally now always crits.
- Spirit of the Darkness Flame's Fiery Brand instant damage increased to 20% (was 15%).
Demon Hunter PvP Changes
- Vengeance: Corrected an issue that was causing Illidan's Grasp (PvP Talent) recast effect to not toss the target.
Demon Hunter Anima Power Changes
- Soarstone now heals for 6% per second (was 3%).
- Shifting Signet now reduces the Metamorphosis cooldown by 30% (was 15%). Stacks up to 3 times (was 4).
- Phantasmal Iris damage increased by 5% (was 1%).
- Seeker's Rage now increases the damage of your Demon Blades, Demon's Bite, or Shear by 2% per stack (was 20%) when destroying an Ashen Phylactery, and the effect is no longer consumed when casting Demon Blades, Demon's Bite, or Shear.
- Ragehoof now reduces the cooldown of Metamorphosis by 6 seconds when killing a Mawrat (was extends the duration).
- Furywing no longer deals damage to you if Fel Rush or Infernal Strike fail to deal damage.
- Sacrificial Soul-Ash now properly increases the damage of Elysian Decree (Kyrian Ability).
More Patch 9.0.5 Class Changes
You can find other Patch 9.0.5 class changes linked below.
- 08 Mar. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.0.5 release.
- 21 Feb. 2021: Guide added.
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