Legendary Powers Guide
The following guide deals with Legendary Powers in Shadowlands.
Dragonflight Pre-Patch Update
Legendary Powers will override talents if you have both versions of the same spell / double-stacked powers. Legendary Powers are disabled outside Shadowlands content in the Dragonflight Pre-Patch.
What is New in Patch 9.2?
The following section covers everything new pertaining to Legendary Powers in Patch 9.2.
Double Legendaries in Patch 9.2
Players can equip two legendaries at the same time in Patch 9.2.
The new Unity power can be unlocked after reaching Revered with
The Enlightened faction in Zereth Mortis. You can find more
about the whole process in our dedicated guide.
How to Upgrade Legendaries to Rank 7 in Patch 9.2
Legendaryies can be upgraded to item level 291 in Eternity's End. To learn more about how the upgrade works, we published a guide that you will find on a separate page linked below.
How to Easily Buy Castle Nathria Legendary Power Recipes in Patch 9.2
A new vendor named Rendle can be found in Haven (Zereth Mortis), selling specific Legendary Power recipes from Castle Nathria. You can find him at 34, 64.
Legendary Power Memories can be purchased with up to 4 currencies and cost
1,500 Cosmic Flux, 600
Soul Cinders, 2,500
Cataloged Research,
or 25
Grateful Offerings each.
Patch 9.2 Legendary Power Changes
Many Legendary Powers have been updated in Patch 9.2. We cover all Legendary Power changes under class changes.
Welcome to our guide to Legendary Powers in Shadowlands. The following guide serves as a hub for all Legendary Powers in the new expansion.
If you would like to learn more about creating Legendary Armor, check out our Runecarving guide.
We divide Legendary powers into general, available to all classes and class-specific, available to select classes. We further divide class-specific powers into class-wide, available to all specializations within the same class, and specialization-specific, available to just one specialization.
General Legendary Powers
General Legendary Powers are shared between all classes. You can apply them to 3 armor slots.
You can find a list of all general Legendary Powers and their effects in our general guide.
Class-Specific Legendary Powers
Class-specific Legendary Powers are exclusive to a certain class and they can occupy just 2 armor slots.
Where To Collect Legendary Powers?
To craft Legendary Armor, you will need to retrieve specific memories that contain Legendary powers. These memories (or Legendary Power recipes) can be found all over Shadowlands and you can get them from questing, world bosses, dungeon bosses, Castle Nathria raid bosses, Torghast, Shadowlands factions at Honored reputation standing, the Great Vault (weekly chest), from PvP Vendors, and more.
Recipe unlocks are account-wide, including generic powers (e.g. Prydaz or Sephuz-like effects from Legion), so alts will automatically have access to them from the start.
If you bring up the in-game Adventure Journal (Shift+J), you will see a new Powers tab with all Legendary Powers available for your class and where to get it.
You can find more details about Legendary Power sources on the individual pages.
Legendary Powers Catch-Up System
Chronicle of Lost Memories is an item that makes you learn one
random uncollected Legendary Power for your class. You can purchase the
item from Renown quartermasters at your Covenant Sanctum for
35 Grateful Offerings that you get from doing activities related to
the Anima Conductor that you unlock at Renown level 3. You must also have 4
Anima streams permanently reinforced to purchase the item.
As of August 17, 2021, Chronicle of Lost Memories can also be
purchased from The Archivists' Codex quartermaster Archivist Roh-Suir
in Korthia for 2,000
Cataloged Research.
Legendary Power Restrictions
At Shadowlands launch, you can only have 1 piece of Legendary Armor equipped at any time. It is possible that this cap will increase throughout Shadowlands.
You can only apply 1 Legendary Power to a single piece of Legendary Armor.
- 27 Oct. 2022: Clarified Legendary Powers only work in Shadowlands content in the pre-expansion update.
- 20 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
- 24 Mar. 2022: Page reviewed and updated for Eternity's End.
- 17 Aug. 2021: New Legendary Power Token source added.
- 28 Jun. 2021: Updated for Chains of Domination.
- 09 Mar. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.0.5.
- 27 Nov. 2020: Updated with catch-up details.
- 12 Nov. 2020: Guide added.
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