Blood Death Knight Tank Amirdrassil Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.7

Last updated on Jul 19, 2024 at 22:00 by Mandl and Panthea 38 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Blood Death Knight for each boss of the following raid: Amirdrassil. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.7.



Below, you can find class and spec-specific advice for every fight in Amirdrassil. If you are looking for a general overview of the Raid that is not spec-specific, check out our dedicated Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope guides.

On this page, you will find Blood Death Knight specific information to deal with each boss in the Amirdrassil raid. These are not complete encounter guides but rather provide specific tips for doing the bosses as a Blood Death Knight.

This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Blood Death Knight and what you can do to deal with each fight as best as possible.


Talent Cheatsheet

You can easily import the talent tree below into the game by clicking 'Copy Export String.'





For this, boss, I suggest you use the default build at the top of this page.



  • Taunt swap after each complete cast of Dreadfire Barrage Icon Dreadfire Barrage.
  • Use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell during Dreadfire Barrage Icon Dreadfire Barrage.
  • Pick up Tainted Lashers when they spawn and tank them on top of the boss to let DPS cleave them down.
  • HeroicHeroic: Position the boss to spawn Tainted Lashers in existing Controlled Burn Icon Controlled Burn areas to spawn them faster.
  • MythicMythic: Get threat on the Blazing Treants and interrupt Blazing Pollen Icon Blazing Pollen.

For more information, please refer to our Gnarlroot guide.


Igira the Cruel



For this, boss, I suggest you use the default build at the top of this page.



  • Always stand on your co-tank to split the damage from Vicious Swing Icon Vicious Swing.
  • Swap on 6-9 stacks of Drenched Blades Icon Drenched Blades or when the debuff drops.
  • Run on top of the assigned group of players during Umbral Destruction Icon Umbral Destruction to split the damage with them. Do not try and solo soak it, as the raid will die.
  • Stay with your co-tank when Igira leaps with Smashing Viscera Icon Smashing Viscera so that Igira does not accidentally hit a melee dps with Vicious Swing Icon Vicious Swing.
  • Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance will prevent the knockback from Marked for Torment Icon Marked for Torment (the start of the intermission).
  • HeroicHeroic: Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell can be used to soak weapons in the intermission and not get Flesh Mortification Icon Flesh Mortification.




For this, boss, I suggest you use the default build at the top of this page.



  • Swap when Cataclysm Jaws Icon Cataclysm Jaws is cast. Ensure you have 0 stacks of Molten Venom Icon Molten Venom.
  • Avoid Scorchtail Crash Icon Scorchtail Crash. This will spawn a shadow on the ground before it hits.
  • Always be in range of the boss so it does not trigger Combusting Rage Icon Combusting Rage. The melee hitbox for Volcoross is about half the platform.
  • Stand with your assigned group in Flood of the Firelands Icon Flood of the Firelands. This knocks you away from the centre of the circle, get knocked to a safe area.
  • After Flood of the Firelands Icon Flood of the Firelands Volcoross will cast Serpent's Fury Icon Serpent's Fury as the group is still together after being knocked back Anti-Magic Zone Icon Anti-Magic Zone will have great value.

For more information, please refer to our Volcoross guide.


Larodar, Keeper of the Flame



For this, boss, I suggest you use the default build at the top of this page.



  • Taunt swap after Furious Charge Icon Furious Charge.
  • If you are the target of Furious Charge Icon Furious Charge, run away from the raid. Ideally, this should be in already existing pools of fire. Use cooldowns here to survive.
  • Death Grip Icon Death Grip Fiery Treants when they spawn to let DPS kill them faster.
  • Intermission: Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance will negate the pull in effect from the boss.
  • Phase 2:Furious Charge Icon Furious Charge is replaced with Smoldering Backdraft Icon Smoldering Backdraft. This is a contal attack, so only be in front if you are the active tank. After this is cast, the tank hit will take 100% less healing but can leech health by standing on other players. This is your tank swap mechanic.

Council of Dreams



For this, boss, I suggest you use the default build at the top of this page.



  • Swap on one stack of Agonizing Claws Icon Agonizing Claws.
  • HeroicHeroic: Agonizing Claws Icon Agonizing Claws is a frontal attack. Do not stand in front unless you are tanking Urctos.
  • Soak Barreling Charge Icon Barreling Charge and point it towards the wall.
  • Keep Urctos near Aerwynn, and if they are casting Constricting Thicket Icon Constricting Thicket, hit them with Barreling Charge Icon Barreling Charge.
  • When Pip casts Song of the Dragon Icon Song of the Dragon stand in a Noxious Blossom Icon Noxious Blossom pool to remove it.

For more information, please refer to our Council of Dreams guide.


Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle



For this, boss, I suggest you use the default build at the top of this page.



  • Do not cross over the Verdant Matrix Icon Verdant Matrix lines more than you need to , as this applies a stacking DoT. Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell will prevent this DoT from being applied.
  • Nymues auto attack is a mix of Physical and Nature damage.
  • Taunt swap when Weaver's Burden Icon Weaver's Burden is cast.
  • HeroicHeroic: Weaver's Burden Icon Weaver's Burden will now create Barrier Blossom Icon Barrier Blossom where it detonates. Place them far away from the raid.
  • Avoid the slow moving Impending Loom Icon Impending Loom stun lines. If you are hit Icebound Fortitude Icon Icebound Fortitude will break the stun that is applied.
  • Stand on Surging Growth Icon Surging Growth pools to make them despawn faster and lower raid damage taken.
  • In the intermission, do not let the Cycle Warden cross over Verdant Matrix Icon Verdant Matrix as it will trigger large amounts of raid-wide damage.

For more information, please refer to our Nymue guide.





For this, boss, I suggest you use the default build at the top of this page.



  • Tank swap after Brand of Damnation Icon Brand of Damnation.
  • If Brand of Damnation Icon Brand of Damnation is on you split this damage with the raid.
  • HeroicHeroic: After you split the damage, run away from the raid to lower the raid damage from Searing Aftermath Icon Searing Aftermath.
  • Move away from other players when you are targeted by Overheated Icon Overheated.
  • During the intermission soak all of your Living Flame Icon Living Flame orbs and avoid the World in Flames Icon World in Flames patterns.

For more information, please refer to our Smolderon guide.


Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame



For this, boss, I suggest you use the default build at the top of this page.

On MythicMythic you may want to sacrifice Bloodworms Icon Bloodworms to get Gorefiend's Grasp Icon Gorefiend's Grasp.



  • Swap on 7-9 stacks of Searing Wrath Icon Searing Wrath or when your stacks expire.
  • Soak Alternate Blazing Mushroom Icon Blazing Mushrooms. Either soak the 1st and 3rd, or 2nd and 4th.
  • Mythic: A new mushroom type appears Poisonous Mushroom Icon Poisonous Mushroom and these spawn with the already existing Blazing Mushroom Icon Blazing Mushrooms. If you start in the Blazing Mushroom, you will soak Blazing > Poisonous > Blazing > Poisonous and vice versa.
  • Casting Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell when Mass Entanglement Icon Mass Entanglement begins will prevent the roots from being applied.
  • Move Tindral away from any fire patches and Fire Beam Icon Fire Beam.
  • Intermissions: Fly through green Dream Essence Icon Dream Essence orbs to give the raid a stacking damage and healing buff.
  • Move on top of Seed of Flame Icon Seed of Flames when Tindral is in their Tree form.

For more information, please refer to our Tindral guide.


Fyrakk the Blazing



For this, boss, I suggest you use the default build at the top of this page.

On MythicMythic you will need sacrifice Bloodworms Icon Bloodworms and Bonestorm Icon Bonestorm to get Gorefiend's Grasp Icon Gorefiend's Grasp and Tightening Grasp Icon Tightening Grasp.



Phase 1:

  • Each cast of Fyr'alath's Bite Icon Fyr'alath's Bite will apply Fyr'alath's Mark Icon Fyr'alath's Mark. Swap after 2 stacks of Fyr'alath's Mark Icon Fyr'alath's Mark.
  • Face Fyrakk away from the raid as he casts Fyr'alath's Bite Icon Fyr'alath's Bite as it will fire a frontal beam.
  • When Fyrakk uses a melee attack it will deal damage to all players with Fyr'alath's Mark Icon Fyr'alath's Mark, be prepared to be taking damage whilst you are not actively tanking the boss!
  • Fyrakk will leap to the tank if they are not in range with Predator Icon Predator. This deals Physical damage.
  • Keep Fyrakk away from the Roots of Amirdrassil Icon Roots of Amirdrassil.
  • Before Dream Rend Icon Dream Rend happens, have Fyrakk towards the side of the room and run to the other side.
  • You can negate the pulling effect from Dream Rend Icon Dream Rend with Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance.
  • Mythic: You can use Anti-Magic Shell Icon Anti-Magic Shell to stand in multiple Darkflame Cleave Icon Darkflame Cleave circles and not have the damage amplification effect apply.
  • Mythic: If you are at full HP Fyr'alath's Bite Icon Fyr'alath's Bite cannot kill you (assuming you used a Death Strike Icon Death Strike beforehand).
  • Mythic: Dream Rend Icon Dream Rend now fires Dark Embers Icon Dark Embers orbs at player locations. Stack as a raid and move as a raid.


  • Prevent the Flame Orbs Icon Flame Orbs from reaching Fyrakk by running into them.
  • Mythic: At the start of the Intermission you will be assigned Flamebound Icon Flamebound or Shadowbound Icon Shadowbound. This indicates what type of Orb you should soak. Do not soak the opposite type as you take 500% more damage from it!

Phase 2:

  • Each cast of Fyr'alath's Bite Icon Fyr'alath's Bite will apply Fyr'alath's Mark Icon Fyr'alath's Mark. Swap after 2 stacks of Fyr'alath's Mark Icon Fyr'alath's Mark.
  • Avoid hitting any Healing adds with Fyr'alath's Bite Icon Fyr'alath's Bite or Blaze Icon Blaze.
  • Keep Fyrakk near where you spawned into the boss room at the top of the point on the ground. This is just outside of the Shadowflame Devastation Icon Shadowflame Devastation area.
  • Stack the meteor circle with your co-tank to spawn the Burning Colossi together and increase raid DPS.
  • Shortly after Shadowflame Devastation Icon Shadowflame Devastation hostile adds will appear. All forms of CC work on these adds, including Death Grip Icon Death Grip and Blinding Sleet Icon Blinding Sleet. Grip them together for more efficient Raid DPS.
  • Mythic: A new healing add appears. The Darnassian Ancient, this has a lot of health and moves slowly. Ensure you do not hit it with any blazes or frontals!

Phase 3:

  • Swap after 2 stacks of Infernal Maw Icon Infernal Maw.
  • Stack as a raid before Apocalypse Roar Icon Apocalypse Roar is cast and use a Seed of Amirdrassil Icon Seed of Amirdrassil to avoid the lethal damage.
  • Mythic: Every Seed of Amirdrassil Icon Seed of Amirdrassil used will now spawn a Raging Flames Icon Raging Flames pool. Limiting the space available in the room as the fight goes on.
  • Mythic: After every Apocalypse Roar Icon Apocalypse Roar a Corrupted Seed Icon Corrupted Seed spawns. Whilst holding this seed you get stacks of Corruption Icon Corruption. If the seed is hit by any mechanic, it will explode. This includes Infernal Maw Icon Infernal Maw!


  • 24 Jul. 2024: Correcting talent hashes.
  • 19 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within pre-patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Updated for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 07 Nov. 2023: Page added.
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